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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e Volume 5

Penulis: Kinugasa Shougo

Ilustrator: Tomose Shunsaku

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Monolog Sudou Ken

Sejujurnya, saya bukan manusia yang tepat. Aku tidak butuh orang lain untuk memberitahuku itu. Saya memutuskan untuk menjadi kuat dan berdiri sendiri ketika ibu saya, yang bekerja di bisnis hiburan, meninggalkan saya. Kehadiran kecil dari punggung ayahku. Dia menghabiskan setiap hari hidup dengan muram sebagai petugas kebersihan. Saya merasa sakit melihat pemandangan itu. Menjadi idiot saya, saya menyerah pada studi saya dan memutuskan untuk memasuki dunia olahraga. Saya menyukai olahraga seperti tenis dan tenis meja pada awalnya tetapi mereka tidak pernah benar-benar mengklik saya. Saya bisa berlatih semua yang saya inginkan, tetapi saya tidak pernah bisa mencapai peringkat teratas dalam olahraga tersebut. Kemudian saya melakukan pertemuan pertama saya dengan bola basket.

Biasanya, saya tidak suka bermain dengan orang lain sebagai tim, tetapi secara ajaib, saya bisa membuatnya bekerja dalam kasus bola basket. Itulah mengapa keterampilan saya meningkat. Saya bahkan mendapat rekomendasi untuk sekolah menengah dengan salah satu tim bola basket terbaik di negara ini. Tapi saya terjerat dalam aktivitas kekerasan, dan permohonan saya ditolak. Dan saat itulah saya menyadarinya. Bahwa saya sampah lahir dari orang tua yang payah. Itulah mengapa saya memilih untuk masuk ke sekolah ini. Tempat di mana saya tidak perlu membayar uang untuk pendidikan, dan sekolah impian di mana bahkan masa depan saya bisa dijamin ---

Bab 1

Festival Olahraga Dimulai

Bagian 1

"Nama keluarga siswa dibagi dalam urutan hewan zodiak adalah kunci untuk mencari tahu 'target' kemudian".

Lokasi adalah meja terjauh di kafe yang ramai 'Palette'. Tutup liburan musim panas. Aku, bersama dengan Hirata dan Karuizawa, dan juga Horikita, dengan para anggota aneh itu, mengepung meja makan siang. Tujuannya adalah untuk meninjau ujian khusus kapal yang telah terjadi di tengah-tengah liburan musim panas. Kami memverifikasi jawaban untuk mencari 'target' yang terjadi di tim campuran dibagi ke dalam kelompok-kelompok dari 12 zodiak.

"Kelinci adalah yang ke-4 dalam zodiak. Ayanokouji-kun, Ichinose-san, Ibuki-san dan Karuizawa-san. Itu akan terus berlanjut dalam urutan itu".

"Aku mengerti. Kalau itu perintahnya maka aku yang ke-4. Karena itulah aku adalah 'target' lalu".

Seakan terkesan, Karuizawa mengangguk. Namun demikian, kedua gadis di sini, sekilas, seharusnya tampak tidak serasi tetapi melalui keberadaan Hirata, untuk beberapa alasan, ketidakcocokan antara mereka terhapus. Itu adalah misteri.

"Tapi kamu tahu, peraturan itu sangat sederhana. Hampir semua orang bisa memahaminya. Itu berarti kelompok Naga Horikita-san dan yang lainnya adalah yang ke-5 jadi Kushida-san akan menjadi 'target', kan?"

Setelah mendengar jawabannya, Karuizawa memasukkan jerami ke dalam pak dan menyeruput susu darinya.

"Itu benar. Tentu saja, jika Anda tahu jawabannya, itu sederhana. Namun, untuk sampai pada jawaban ini di tengah-tengah ujian bukanlah hal yang mudah. ​​Hanya dengan tiga 'target'

di kelas Anda sendiri, Anda tidak akan dapat menemukan bukti dari aturan yang menentukan 'target' ".

Termasuk diri sendiri, jika nama dari semua 3 'target' untuk kelas diketahui, dapat dikatakan bahwa seseorang akhirnya akan mulai melihat kemungkinan.

Dan selain itu, bahkan jika seseorang menyadari bahwa urutan nama keluarga yang sesuai dengan urutan zodiak adalah bagaimana 'target' ditentukan, masih tidak ada perubahan fakta bahwa saat pertama kali menjawab adalah berisiko terlepas. Karena, secara kebetulan, jika jawaban yang salah akan diberikan, seseorang akan mengalami kerusakan yang cukup besar.

Tentu saja, jika seseorang memenangkan taruhan, maka dimungkinkan untuk membalikkan semuanya dalam satu pukulan.

"Apa yang membuatku khawatir adalah Kelas C. Aku pikir selama ujian tengah, Ryuuen-kun menemukan aturannya".

Dugaan Hirata mungkin paling tepat. Jika itu tidak terjadi, dia tidak akan bisa melakukan semua itu.

"Tapi, bukankah itu aneh? Jika itu yang terjadi, mengapa dia melakukan kesalahan?".

"Saya juga merasa tidak nyaman tentang itu. Meskipun ada risiko besar yang terlibat, jika dia memahami peraturan itu, pada akhirnya itu tidak akan aneh bahkan jika dia telah melihat semua 'target'. Dengan kata lain, harus ada tidak ada kesalahan ".

Namun, dilihat dari situasinya, Kelas C memberikan jawaban yang salah. Horikita kemudian menyuarakan deduksi yang dia buat dari perspektif yang sedikit berbeda.

"Bahkan jika Kelas C sepertinya didominasi oleh Ryuuen-kun, bukankah itu tidak monolitik? Seharusnya ada lebih dari beberapa orang yang tidak puas dengan kediktatorannya".

"Tentu saja, itu benar. Hak untuk menjawab diberikan kepada semua siswa, sehingga siswa yang tidak mematuhi rencana Ryuuen-kun atau mereka yang gagal mengendalikan membuat kesalahan. Garis pemikiran itu tidak dapat dikesampingkan. Jika mereka memberi jawaban yang benar, mereka berdiri untuk mendapatkan sejumlah besar poin setelah semua ".

Dugaan Horikita dan Hirata mengikuti garis pemikiran yang bagus. Namun, itu juga fakta bahwa seseorang tidak bisa mengatakan itu dengan pasti. Adapun mengapa, jika ada pengkhianat, Ryuuen akan benar-benar membasmi individu itu.

Bahkan jika mereka menghapus surat dan mengatasi itu, jika itu dia, dia bahkan mungkin pergi sejauh untuk memeriksa poin pribadi mereka.

"Apa pendapatmu tentang ini, Ayanokouji-kun?".

Karena tindakan seperti itu dari Horikita, baik Hirata dan Karuizawa mengalihkan pandangan mereka ke arahku. Saya akhirnya tidak sadar tersedak dari pandangan yang terlalu terkonsentrasi pada saya.

"Saya tidak tahu, saya tidak tahu sama sekali".

Ketika saya mengatakan itu untuk menipu mereka, mungkin mereka kehilangan minat pada saya dalam satu pukulan tetapi tatapan mereka terpencar.

Tapi karena Karuizawa sendiri masih menatapku, aku membalas tatapannya dan setelah sedikit terlambat, dia mengalihkan pandangannya.

"Bagaimanapun, sekarang prioritas pertama kami adalah untuk membangun hubungan ini. Itu membuatku senang bahwa aku bisa berbicara seperti ini dengan Horikita-san dan Ayanokouji-kun".

Sampai sekarang, Horikita tidak ingin mengadakan diskusi yang Hirata inginkan. Namun, setelah berakhirnya ujian khusus untuk mereka berdua, itu mungkin berarti bahwa perubahan telah mulai muncul dalam pola pikir Horikita. Dari yang terpojok dirinya sendiri, dia mulai menyadari fakta bahwa dia tidak bisa bertarung sendirian.

"Tidak bisa dibantah, kan? Ujian zodiak adalah ujian yang spesial di mana Anda benar-benar tidak bisa mengatasinya sendirian. Jika ini dapat diprediksi akan sama di masa depan juga, tingkat koneksi tertentu akan menjadi perlu".

Itu tampaknya menjadi faktor terbesar di balik Horikita yang mengubah pikirannya. Namun, itu benar. Ada batas untuk berjuang sendirian dalam kesendirian. Mulai sekarang juga, seseorang dapat berharap banyak cobaan kecil dari masyarakat bahwa seseorang tidak dapat berjuang sendirian.

"Tapi meski begitu, kamu berhasil lolos dari cengkeraman Ryuuen-kun".

Tidak seperti tim Horikita, Karuizawa yang merupakan 'target' dari kelompok yang berbeda, dengan cemerlang berhasil mengatasi ujian tanpa identitasnya ditemukan. Manfaat tidak langsung yang dibawa ke Kelas D tidak berarti kecil.

"Yah, saya kira. Saya memiliki wajah poker yang sangat bagus. Benar, Yousuke-kun?".

Menempel lengan Hirata, Karuizawa tersenyum dengan mata terbalik. Hampir tidak bisa dipercaya bahwa hubungan antara keduanya pernah memburuk. Ini di luar minat saya apakah ini hanya tindakan atau tidak.

"Itu karena sebelum Ryuuen bisa menjawab, orang lain memberikan jawaban yang salah. Itu berkat itu".

Tapi sejak kapan dia mulai memanggil Hirata dengan nama depannya? ...... Yousuke. saya ingin

untuk memanggilnya itu juga untuk sedikit tapi itu tidak mungkin. Hirata dan Karuizawa, itu mungkin hubungan baru yang diciptakan dari situasi rumit di antara keduanya. Hirata membalas senyum Karuizawa, lalu berbalik ke arah Horikita.

"Aku punya proposal untuk dibuat, apakah itu baik-baik saja?".

Menanggapi proposal Hirata, Horikita tetap diam tanpa menjawab. Ini adalah ekspresi dari niatnya ingin dia berbicara.

"Pertama-tama, untuk membawa kelas bersama-sama sebagai satu yang saya ingin membawa Kushida-san ke dalam lipatan. Saya pikir dia akan dapat melengkapi empat dari kami di bagian kami

tidak bisa mengimbangi. Dimulai dengan Ike-kun dan Yamauchi-kun, ada beberapa orang yang mampu membawa mayoritas anak laki-laki bersama sebagai satu, Anda lihat ".

Memang, sangat mungkin bahwa yang memenuhi syarat untuk mengendalikan siswa semacam itu adalah Kushida. Namun, saya tidak tahu apakah Horikita akan mudah menyorotinya. Dari pendaftaran hingga sekarang, hubungan antara keduanya terus-menerus buruk.

"Tidak perlu. Aku tidak akan menyangkalnya dalam arti bahwa dia mampu mengendalikan mereka, tapi itu adalah sesuatu yang bisa kita lakukan sendiri. Untuk tujuan itu, aku telah mengulurkan tangan kepadamu dan Karuizawa-san. Jika keduanya Anda akan meminjamkan kekuatan Anda, maka masalah ini dapat dipukul. Ini mungkin cerita yang berbeda jika Anda membuktikan tidak kooperatif seperti seseorang tertentu sekalipun ".

Dia menatapku dengan pandangan sekilas. Sungguh orang yang kasar.

"Tentu saja, jika itu Ayanokouji-kun, dia mungkin tidak mengikuti petunjuk kami".

Mereka berdua, dengan pengecualian Hirata, mengangguk setuju.

"Ini kesalahpahaman besar jika kamu menganggapku sebagai yang tidak kooperatif. Untuk hal-hal yang panjang, aku hanya satu di antara kerumunan yang patuh dalam antrean. Sungguh, aku orang yang bisa kamu kendalikan seperti yang kamu katakan. Dengan kata lain , Saya orang dengan sedikit kehadiran ".

"Orang-orang yang mengaku sebagai orang dengan kehadiran kecil adalah orang-orang yang tidak demikian.

Itu adalah satu jawaban ".

"Jadi, apakah Anda seseorang dengan kehadiran kecil?".

"Aku? Tidak mungkin aku bisa menjadi seseorang dengan kehadiran kecil, kan? Apakah kamu keberatan tidak mengejekku?".

"..... s-yakin".

Pada titik ini, itu adalah aliran yang tidak bisa dianggap sebagai sesuatu selain sketsa komedi tetapi tidak terlihat sama sekali seperti Horikita sedang menceritakan lelucon. Sangat sulit untuk menilai apakah dia bermain bodoh tetapi tanpa keraguan, dia mungkin sedang serius.

Bagian 2

Sedangkan untuk kelas sore, telah menjadi wali kelas panjang 2 jam. Ketika instruktur untuk Kelas D, Chabashira-sensei, tiba, dia mulai menjelaskan dengan acuh tak acuh.

"Mulai hari ini kelas akan dilanjutkan kembali. Namun, pada semester 2, dari September hingga awal Oktober untuk jangka waktu satu bulan, sebagai antisipasi untuk festival olahraga, akan ada peningkatan kelas pendidikan jasmani. Ingatlah bahwa distribusi jadwal waktu baru. Dan juga, bersama dengan jadwal, materi mengenai festival olahraga juga akan didistribusikan. Para siswa dari depan akan membagikan hasil cetak ke belakang ".

Saat mereka mendengar kata festival olahraga, teriakan bangkit dari sebagian kelas. Tentu saja ada siswa yang mengantisipasi kedatangan acara tetapi ada juga banyak siswa yang merasa antipati terhadap suatu acara yang difokuskan terutama pada olahraga.

"Sekali lagi, HP sekolah akan menyajikan rincian yang sama dengan cetakan. Jika perlu, ingat untuk menggunakannya sebagai referensi".

"Sensei, apakah ini juga salah satu ujian khusus?".

Sebagai perwakilan kelas, setelah mengangkat tangannya, Hirata menanyakan pertanyaan itu.

'Jelas itulah masalahnya' adalah jawaban yang semua orang kira akan kembali


"Kalian bebas untuk menafsirkannya sesukamu. Bagaimanapun juga, tidak ada salah lagi fakta bahwa itu akan memiliki pengaruh besar pada masing-masing dan setiap kelas".

Mengatakan itu, Chabashira-sensei memilih jawaban yang samar-samar yang bukan merupakan afirmasi atau penolakan. Dari siswa yang tidak bersuara, jeritan lebih lanjut muncul. Jika ini adalah sekolah normal, itu akan mungkin bagi mereka untuk menahan atau melewatkan sepenuhnya seperti yang mereka inginkan, tetapi karena ini adalah peristiwa di mana nasib kelas beristirahat bahkan jika mereka kebetulan tidak tenang mereka hanya menghindari saya t.


Di sisi lain, sebagian siswa yang memiliki keyakinan dalam atletis mereka seperti Sudou bersemangat tinggi seolah mengatakan 'ini dia'. Dapat dikatakan bahwa bagi mereka, ini adalah ujian pertama di mana mereka dapat berkontribusi ke kelas selain secara intelektual.

"Ayanokouji-kun, ini ---".

Di tengah-tengah lingkungan yang menjadi gelisah, Horikita, yang telah membaca materi sedikit demi sedikit, memperhatikan sesuatu dan menunjuk pada cetakan.

Saya juga, membalik halaman dan memeriksa bagian itu. Dan ketika saya melakukannya, apa yang tertulis di sana secara tak terduga adalah sistem pemeriksaan. Hanya sesaat, tapi aku merasa seolah-olah Chabashira-sensei menatapku.

"Mungkin ada orang-orang yang telah melihatnya dan memperhatikan, tetapi festival olahraga ini telah mengadopsi metode membagi semua tahun sekolah menjadi dua kelompok terpisah dan membuat mereka bersaing satu sama lain. Kalian di Kelas D telah ditugaskan ke Tim Merah. "Dan Kelas A juga, akan berkompetisi di Tim Merah yang sama. Selama festival olahraga ini, itu berarti Kelas A akan menjadi sekutu Anda".

Kelas B dan Kelas C adalah bagian dari Tim Putih dan festival olahraga akan menjadi Tim Merah vs. Tim Putih.

"Woah, serius? Itu benar-benar akan menjadi sesuatu seperti itu !?".

Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Ike akan terkejut. Terlepas dari apakah itu ujian tertulis atau ujian khusus, ide dasarnya adalah bahwa itu adalah pertarungan antara kelas-kelas terpisah. Dia pasti menganggap sikap ini tidak akan pecah. Ngomong-ngomong, apa pertempuran tim yang lengkap? Ini akan menjadi bentuk kerjasama yang berbeda dari ujian khusus kapal sebelumnya. Di atas itu, itu akan menjadi pertempuran kooperatif yang melampaui tahun sekolah. Penghuni disebelahku berpura-pura tenang, tapi di dalam, dia pasti panik.

Kakaknya, Horikita Manabu, milik Kelas A di tahun ke-3. Bergantung pada situasinya, kita mungkin harus mengadakan pembicaraan dengannya.

"Akhirnya ini kesempatan bagimu untuk berhubungan dengannya, hah?".

"...... jangan bicara tentang itu di sini".

Hanya dengan sedikit menyentuh itu, dia menjadi marah. Rupanya, saya membuat slip verbal dan Horikita menatap saya. Pensil tajam berkilauan di ujung yang dia genggam di tangannya tidak menyenangkan jadi saya ingin dia menghentikannya.

"Pertama-tama, lihat hasil yang bisa datang dari festival olahraga. Saya tidak ingin menjelaskan berkali-kali jadi pastikan untuk mendengarkan dengan baik sekali ini".

Chabashira-sensei mengetuk printout sambil menjelaskan pos-pos pemeriksaan vital.

Meminjamkan telingaku padanya, aku secara bersamaan menjatuhkan pandanganku ke bawah ke hasil cetak.

Apa yang tertulis di sana adalah sebagai berikut.

(Aturan dan Pengelompokan Festival Olahraga)

Sistem kompetisi festival olahraga dibangun berdasarkan pembagian semua tahun sekolah antara Tim Merah dan Tim Putih.

Klasifikasi akan menjadi Kelas A dan Kelas D di Tim Merah. Tim Putih akan terdiri dari Kelas B dan Kelas C.

• Alokasi poin untuk semua peserta dalam kompetisi (Kontes Individu)

Tergantung pada hasil 1 tempat 15 poin, 2 tempat 12 poin, 3 tempat 10 poin, tempat keempat 8 poin akan dialokasikan.

1 poin masing-masing akan dikurangi untuk menempatkan lebih rendah dari tempat ke-5. Dalam kasus kompetisi tim, tim pemenang akan dialokasikan 500 poin.

• Alokasi poin untuk peserta kompetisi yang direkomendasikan

Tergantung pada hasil 1 tempat 50 poin, tempat 2 30 poin, tempat 3 15 poin, tempat ke-4 10 poin akan dialokasikan.

2 poin masing-masing akan dikurangi untuk menempatkan lebih rendah dari tempat ke-5 (Relai yang akan menjadi kontes final akan memberikan 3 kali poin)

• Dampak dari hasil Tim Merah vs Tim Putih

Dari totalitas semua tahun sekolah, tim yang kalah akan memiliki 100 poin yang sama-sama dikurangi dari poin kelas mereka di semua tahun sekolah.

• Dampak pemesanan terpisah dari tahun sekolah

Dari jumlah total kelas yang mengambil tempat pertama akan diberikan 50 poin kelas.

Dari jumlah total kelas yang mengambil tempat kedua tidak akan berubah ke poin kelas mereka.

Dari jumlah total kelas yang mengambil tempat ketiga akan memiliki 50 poin kelas dikurangi.

Dari jumlah total kelas yang mengambil tempat ke-4 akan memiliki 100 poin kelas dikurangi.

"Ini masalah sederhana, itu berarti perlu untuk bersaing dengan keluar tanpa menurunkan kewaspadaan Anda. Karena penalti yang ditimbulkan oleh tim yang kalah sama sekali bukan yang ringan".

Tentunya untuk memiliki 100 poin kelas dikurangi adalah masalah besar, tetapi ada beberapa poin lain yang saya khawatirkan juga.

"Umm, sensei. Berapa banyak poin yang diperoleh tim pemenang? Sepertinya tidak ada yang menyebutkan itu".

Menanggapi pertanyaan sederhana dari Hirata, Chabashira-sensei mengucapkan satu kata, kejam.

"Tidak ada. Hanya saja tidak akan ada minus pada poin mereka".

"Uge, apakah kamu serius? Itu tidak terdengar bagus sama sekali".

Pandemonium. Tidak dapat terbantu bahwa kelas akan menjadi gelisah. Sampai sekarang, sebagai ganti dari risiko besar, ada juga kompensasi tak terduga yang telah disiapkan. Dalam festival olahraga ini, itu hampir tidak bisa dilihat sama sekali.

"Ingat poin-poin khusus kelas juga telah dihitung dengan benar jadi ingatlah juga hal itu. Bahkan jika Kelas A melompat ke depan ke dalam tindakan dan Tim Merah yang Anda miliki akan menang, dalam kasus di mana jumlah total Kelas D terjadi menjadi peringkat terendah, Anda masih akan dikenakan penalti 100 poin ".

Dengan kata lain, bahkan jika kita menikmati diri kita dan tim kita kebetulan menang, daripada menghasilkan untung kita sebenarnya akan kalah. Apa yang dimaksud dengan pengaturan ini adalah 'bertarung dengan semua kekuatan dan tidak menyerah' dan itulah penekanannya di sini.

Tetapi bahkan jika kita mengatakan itu, bahkan jika Kelas D sendiri bertindak, itu masih tidak berguna. Bahkan jika dengan tahun-tahun sekolah yang terpisah kita mengambil tempat pertama dan menerima 50 poin jika kita kalah dari Tim Putih itu masih akan berarti kehilangan 100 poin. Di atas kehilangan, jika kita akhirnya menempatkan tempat ke-4 maka totalnya adalah penalti 200 poin. Pada premis bahwa Tim Merah akan menang, Kelas D juga harus berkontribusi besar. Melihatnya seperti ini, dapat dilihat bahwa itu jauh lebih ketat daripada ujian lainnya tapi setidaknya sesuatu seperti bonus khusus juga terlihat.

• Hadiah Kompetisi Individual (Dapat digunakan dalam ujian tengah semester berikutnya)

Untuk siswa yang menempati peringkat pertama dalam kompetisi individu, 5000 poin pribadi atau setara dengan 3 tanda dalam ujian tertulis akan diberikan (dalam hal tanda-tanda yang dipilih memberikan individu lain dengan mereka tidak akan diizinkan).

Untuk siswa yang menempati posisi ke-2 dalam kompetisi individu, 3000 poin pribadi atau setara dengan 2 tanda dalam ujian tertulis akan diberikan (dalam hal tanda-tanda yang dipilih memberikan individu lain dengan mereka tidak akan diizinkan).

Untuk siswa yang menempati peringkat ke-3 dalam kompetisi individu, 1000 poin pribadi atau setara dengan 1 tanda dalam ujian tertulis akan diberikan (dalam hal tanda-tanda yang dipilih memberikan individu lain dengan mereka tidak akan diizinkan).

Untuk siswa yang mendapat peringkat terendah dalam kompetisi individual, 1000 poin pribadi akan dikurangkan. (Dalam kasus bahwa poin dalam kepemilikan siswa lebih rendah dari 1000 mereka akan mengalami kehilangan 1 tanda dalam ujian tertulis sebagai gantinya).

• Seputar Foul Play

Ingatlah untuk mematuhi aturan dari setiap kompetisi di atas meneliti aturan. Pelanggar akan diperlakukan dengan cara yang sama seperti diskualifikasi.

Mereka yang bertindak dengan niat jahat dapat ditarik. Perampasan poin yang diperoleh oleh orang-orang itu sampai saat itu akan dipertimbangkan juga.

• Hadiah Siswa Berprestasi Terbaik

Untuk siswa yang menerima nilai tertinggi di semua kompetisi, 100.000 poin pribadi akan diberikan.

• Hadiah Siswa Berprestasi Terbaik Untuk Kelas Individu

Untuk 3 siswa setiap tahun sekolah yang telah menerima nilai tertinggi di semua kompetisi akan menerima 10.000 poin pribadi secara individual.

Meskipun tidak baik dibandingkan dengan ujian sebelumnya hingga sekarang, berbagai hak istimewa telah disiapkan dengan baik dari yang sulit hingga yang lebih mudah. Dan apa yang perlu diberi perhatian khusus adalah manfaat dan

kerugian dari hadiah untuk kompetisi individu. Informasi yang belum pernah kami dengar hingga sekarang telah ditambahkan pada mereka.

"S-Sensei! Hak istimewa ini kamu dapatkan ketika kamu datang di tempat pertama dan tempat kedua! Apa maksudmu kamu dapat menerima tanda untuk ujian tertulis dengan mereka !?".

Segera, Ike meminta penjelasan tentang rincian dari Chabashira-sensei di depan.

Mungkin itu aneh tapi Chabashira-sensei luar biasa tertawa kecil.

"Ini persis seperti yang Anda pikirkan, Ike. Dari hadiah yang Anda menangkan di festival olahraga, Anda dapat memperoleh nilai yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk melengkapi ujian tertulis Anda. Khususnya, Anda buruk dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika, bukan? Itu berarti tanda yang Anda peroleh dapat digunakan dengan cara apa pun yang Anda suka. Untuk setiap tandai Anda memperolehnya berarti itu akan sangat berguna untuk pengujian Anda berikutnya ".

Tidak ada yang bisa membantu jika mereka menjadi gelisah dari itu, tetapi bagi para siswa yang spesialisasinya hanya menjadi olahraga, jeritan kegembiraan juga meningkat. Jika mereka beraksi dalam festival olahraga dan memperoleh nilai, mereka dapat menggunakannya untuk menambah nilai mereka jika mereka mendapatkan nilai yang gagal nantinya. Dengan kata lain, itu berarti kemungkinan mereka menghindari pengusiran telah meningkat.

Melihatnya dari perspektif siswa yang melewati kelas yang gagal, itu benar-benar dapat digambarkan sebagai situasi yang mereka tunggu-tunggu.

Ini bukan berkah yang besar untuk siswa kehormatan seperti Hirata dan yang lain tapi untuk itu, bahkan jika tidak perlu mereka masih bisa mendapatkan poin pribadi. Pada akhirnya, tidak ada salah lagi fakta bahwa itu adalah hadiah yang harus disyukuri.

Bahkan meninggalkan 3 Idiots samping, ada lebih dari beberapa siswa yang merasa cemas berkenaan dengan kemampuan akademik mereka. Karena dalam hal ujian tertulis, hukuman pamungkas pengusiran menunggu, tampaknya mereka tidak mampu membiarkan penjagaan mereka sama sekali.

Namun, untuk cerita yang bagus jelas ada sisi lain dari itu.

   Setelah menyelesaikan semua kompetisi, dalam satu tahun sekolah jumlah total semua poin akan dilakukan dan 10 orang paling bawah akan dihukum

Karena hukuman akan berbeda berdasarkan setiap tahun sekolah, ingat untuk mengkonfirmasi dengan instruktur yang bertanggung jawab.

Isi yang merepotkan itu juga ditulis di bagian bawahnya.

"Sensei, hukuman macam apa ini?".

"Bagi Anda, hukuman 1 tahun akan dikenakan pengurangan skor pada ujian tertulis berikutnya. Skor 10 siswa paling bawah akan menerima pengurangan 10 tanda, jadi waspadalah terhadap itu. Adapun bagaimana pengurangan skor akan diterapkan, yang akan dijelaskan sebagai ujian tertulis berikutnya semakin dekat sehingga saya tidak akan mengambil pertanyaan tentang hal itu di sini. Sekali lagi, pengumuman 10 terbawah akan dilakukan sama dan akan diumumkan pada kesempatan penjelasan mengenai ujian tertulis ".

"Geeeeh!?!? Serius !?".

Dengan kata lain, jika Ike kebetulan berada di bagian bawah tahun sekolahnya, maka pada ujian tertulis berikutnya, itu berarti bahwa ia akan memiliki 10 poin lagi yang dikurangi darinya di atas batas kelas yang gagal. Itu mungkin berarti dia harus menghadapi ujian yang sangat sulit.

Setelah menerima penjelasan singkat tentang hal itu, selanjutnya akan memeriksa rincian kompetisi yang muncul di festival olahraga.

Dalam membagi peristiwa yang akan diadakan selama festival olahraga ke dalam kategori mereka dapat dibagi antara 'Universal Participation' dan 'Recommended Only Participation'. Partisipasi Universal adalah, secara harfiah, suatu peristiwa di mana semua siswa dari suatu kelas berpartisipasi.

Sprint 100 meter individual juga seperti itu, dan kompetisi kelompok seperti tarik tambang juga termasuk dalam kategori ini.

Di sisi lain, Partisipasi yang Dianjurkan hanya berarti kompetisi di mana hanya siswa yang dipilih dari kelas masing-masing yang berpartisipasi. Mereka mengatakan 'rekomendasi' tetapi selama kelas dapat mencapai kesepakatan, bahkan rekomendasi diri akan mencukupi. Tidak masalah bahkan jika seorang individu berpartisipasi dalam beberapa kontes Partisipasi Hanya yang Dianjurkan.

Intinya adalah, ini adalah peristiwa yang diputuskan melalui diskusi. Isi dari ini adalah perburuan, ras berkaki tiga jenis kelamin campuran dan relay 1200 meter.

Dapat diharapkan bahwa individu yang paling terkemuka dan berbakat akan berpartisipasi. Dalam festival olahraga ini, sejak naik dan turunnya poin akan ditentukan murni oleh hasil aturannya juga sangat sederhana.

Namun, sifat komposit dari poin untuk kompetisi tim dan kompetisi individu luar biasa merepotkan. Berhati-hati dengan musuh di sini, Kelas B dan Kelas C, jelas tetapi di samping itu, perlu juga mengawasi sekutu, Kelas A, juga.

Secara teori kami akan saling membantu satu sama lain tetapi untuk mencapai puncak dalam jumlah total setiap poin tahun sekolah, perlu untuk memastikan kelas sendiri dapat menempati tempat teratas di setiap kompetisi sebanyak mungkin. Pulau yang tidak berpenghuni dan kasus-kasus kapal keduanya, juga, dibentuk sehingga tidak mungkin untuk menyelesaikannya dengan mudah.

"Peristiwa yang akan diadakan selama festival olahraga dan detailnya semuanya persis seperti yang dijelaskan pada hasil cetak. Tidak akan ada perubahan sama sekali bagi mereka".

"Ugege, ini sangat sulit! Ini tidak seperti sekolah menengah!".

• Peristiwa Partisipasi Universal

Lari 100 meter

Lari gawang

Capture-the-flag (Hanya untuk Anak Laki-Laki)

Permainan Ball-toss (Hanya untuk Anak Perempuan)

Tarikan perang dibagi berdasarkan jenis kelamin

Rintangan rintangan

Balapan tiga kaki

Pertempuran kavaleri

200 meter lari

• Hanya Acara Partisipasi yang Disarankan


Tarikan perang Omnidirectional

Ras tiga jenis kelamin campuran

3 tahun sekolah campuran estafet 1200 meter

A grand lineup 13 kompetisi. Penomoran menunjukkan di mana urutan kompetisi akan diadakan. Rupanya ketidakpuasan ini disebabkan oleh banyaknya jumlah kegiatan Partisipasi Universal yang diadakan.

"Biasanya seharusnya hanya 3 atau 4 kejadian, yang dilakukan oleh satu orang! Lebih penting lagi, apakah mungkin untuk melakukannya dalam satu hari?".

"Saya bersyukur atas perhatian Anda, tetapi pihak sekolah juga secara alami telah mempertimbangkannya. Tidak akan ada pemandu sorak atau menari atau senam kelompok yang terkoordinasi di antara acara-acara. Paling-paling dalam festival olahraga Anda hanya akan bersaing di hal stamina dan atletis ".

Ketahanan para siswa yang tidak bertubuh juga terbukti tidak membuahkan hasil karena mereka hanya ditangani seperti itu.

"Dan juga yang paling penting adalah fakta bahwa ada sesuatu yang disebut tabel partisipasi di sini. Pada tabel partisipasi, rincian semua peristiwa dijelaskan. Anda akan menggunakan tabel partisipasi ini untuk memutuskan di antara Anda sendiri di mana urutan Anda akan berpartisipasi dan mencatatnya dan orang luar, itulah saya, yang akan mengirimkannya untuk Anda. Karena saya percaya tidak ada sekolah menengah yang mengadopsi sistem seperti ini, saya ingin Anda berhati-hati agar tidak membuat kesalahan ".

"Untuk memutuskan urutan apa kita sendiri, seberapa jauh kita bisa memutuskan ......?".

Sebuah pertanyaan dari Hirata yang jelas. Karena sudah jelas, respon dari Chabashira-sensei juga cepat.

"Semuanya. Semua kompetisi yang akan diselenggarakan pada hari festival olahraga, hingga siapa yang berjalan di mana kelompok, semuanya akan diputuskan oleh Anda banyak melalui diskusi. Setelah tenggat waktu untuk keputusan, tidak peduli apa alasannya, perubahan lebih lanjut tidak akan diizinkan. Itu adalah aturan penting dari festival olahraga. Jendela penyerahan akan berada antara 1 minggu sebelum festival olahraga dan jam 5 sore hari sebelum festival. Jika Anda akhirnya melebihi batas waktu pengiriman maka dalam hal ini, Anda akan dialokasikan secara acak jadi berhati-hati ".

Jadi itu berarti festival olahraga di mana kita harus memikirkan strategi sendiri, berpikir dan menang. Sudah jelas bahwa ketika datang ke festival olahraga, keberadaan tabel partisipasi mungkin juga disebut garis hidup kelas itu sendiri.

"Aku punya pertanyaan untuk diajukan, apakah itu baik-baik saja, Chabashira-sensei?".

Setelah diam-diam mendengarkan sampai sekarang, Horikita mengangkat tangannya.

"Tanyakan sebanyak yang Anda inginkan. Sekarang saatnya, setelah semua".

Melihat itu, Chabashira-sensei tertawa ringan. Baik Hirata maupun Horikita, sampai batas tertentu, memahami mekanisme di balik sekolah ini. Itu karena mereka mengerti bahwa mengajukan pertanyaan sampai kemampuan mereka di sini adalah demi masa depan. Terutama karena sekarang, sementara saat ini masih belum ada pengaruh pada poin, bahwa semua keraguan yang ada harus diselesaikan.

Itu karena ada kemungkinan bahwa pada hari festival olahraga itu sendiri, jika kita mengajukan pertanyaan tentang ini dan itu, dia mungkin tidak dapat menjawab lagi atau mungkin sudah terlambat.

"Ada fakta bahwa setelah meja partisipasi yang diputuskan telah diterima, tidak ada perubahan lebih lanjut akan diizinkan tetapi pada hari festival, jika ada ketidakhadiran apa yang harus kita lakukan? Jika itu terjadi menjadi kompetisi individu maka sesuai dengan deskripsi itu akan diperlakukan sebagai ketiadaan tetapi untuk kompetisi grup ....... khususnya, untuk pertempuran kavaleri dan balapan tiga kaki yang akan

sedang berlangsung dengan banyak orang, jika bahkan hanya satu orang yang hilang maka kompetisi itu sendiri tidak akan berfungsi. "

"Mengenai kontes Universal Participation, dalam kasus Anda gagal memenuhi jumlah minimal orang yang diperlukan dan lowongan muncul, Anda akan ditandai sebagai tidak layak untuk melanjutkan dan Anda akan didiskualifikasi. Dalam pertempuran kavaleri yang Anda sebutkan, itu berarti Anda tidak akan bisa membentuk kuda 1. Akibatnya, Anda harus berduel di bawah kondisi memiliki satu penunggang kuda

hilang. Perlombaan tiga kaki juga sama. Akan bijaksana bagi Anda untuk memilih siswa yang sehat dan kuat sebagai pasangan Anda ".

Nasib bersama. Sangat penting untuk memilih seorang siswa yang unggul dalam atletik, dan dalam nada yang sama, itu juga berharga untuk memastikan Anda bekerja sama dengan seorang kawan yang sehat dan tidak terluka.

"Namun, ada pengecualian di tempat sebagai tindakan pertolongan. Sehubungan dengan bintang utama festival olahraga, acara Partisipasi Hanya yang Disarankan, diizinkan untuk menggunakan pengganti. Namun, jika Anda memilih pengganti dengan bebas, maka tabel partisipasi itu sendiri akan menjadi tidak berarti dan dalam kasus yang paling ekstrim, Anda akan berakhir dengan menggunakan kebohongan untuk menyiapkan pengganti Anda sendiri. Sebagai hasilnya, kami telah menetapkan kondisi khusus. Sebagai gantinya untuk menyiapkan pengganti, telah diputuskan bahwa Anda akan membayar poin sebagai kompensasi ".

Jadi mereka bermaksud meminta kami membayar harga untuk mencegah tindakan curang.

"Menambah yang ingin saya tanyakan tetapi bahkan jika kesehatan Anda rusak atau Anda mengalami cedera berat, jika orang yang ditanyakan itu sendiri menginginkannya, mereka dapat dibiarkan berlanjut tanpa diganti? Atau apakah itu berarti harus melihat dokter?".

"Pada dasarnya kita menyerahkan hal itu kepada siswa untuk memutuskan sendiri. Karena manajemen diri akan menjadi sangat penting ketika Anda memasuki masyarakat. Pada hari konferensi penting, hanya karena Anda demam tidak berarti Anda dapat mengambil istirahat. Mungkin perlu untuk berjuang dan menjaga penampilan menjadi baik-baik saja ".

Pada dasarnya intinya adalah bahwa walaupun kita sakit, atas nama tanggung jawab sendiri kita tidak bisa berhenti berpartisipasi.

"Tapi meski begitu, jika kondisi Anda sampai pada titik Anda bahkan tidak bisa menjadi penonton, maka Anda tidak punya pilihan selain berhenti sekalipun".

"Aku mengerti. Lalu, untuk pengganti itu, berapa banyak poin yang diperlukan?".

"100.000 poin pribadi per kompetisi. Anda bebas melihatnya semahal atau semurah yang Anda inginkan".

"..... Aku mengerti. Terima kasih".

Ini bukan jumlah yang tidak bisa kita bayar tetapi juga tidak murah.

Namun, tergantung pada keadaannya, kita harus mempertimbangkan bahwa pengganti dapat menjadi perlu.

"Jika tidak ada pertanyaan lagi, maka saya akan mengakhiri pembicaraan ini".

Dia melihat sekeliling kelas. Sejumlah siswa tampak seolah-olah mereka merasa ragu dan melirik satu sama lain serta berbicara dengan nada lirih tetapi mereka tidak bergerak untuk meminta Chabashira-sensei.

"Periode berikutnya akan dipindahkan ke gimnasium pertama dan Anda akan bertemu dengan para siswa dari kelas yang berbeda dan tahun sekolah yang berbeda. Itu saja".

Memeriksa waktu, Chabashira-sensei menyebutkan bahwa masih ada waktu tersisa untuk kelas.

"Masih ada 20 menit waktu belajar yang tersisa, Anda bebas menggunakan sisa waktu itu sesuai keinginan. Anda bebas untuk mengobrol atau berdiskusi serius".

Karena dengan otoritas guru, izin telah diberikan, keheningan yang ditekan meledak sekaligus. Kelompok-kelompok individu terbentuk dan mereka mulai berbicara tentang festival olahraga sendiri. Berkumpul di bawah Horikita adalah Sudou serta Ike dan Yamauchi.

"Horikita. Mari kita bicara tentang bagaimana kita akan mengatasi festival olahraga".

"Aku setuju, aku setuju. Mari kita pikirkan cara untuk merebut tempat pertama ~".

Horikita, yang mengawasi orang-orang yang mengerumuninya seperti itu adalah urusan orang lain, menghela nafas dalam-dalam.

"Aku bertanya-tanya mengapa hanya orang-orang seperti ini yang datang kepadaku .......".

"Ini kenyataan yang menyedihkan, bukan?".

'Benar sekali', bahkan saat Horikita mengatakan bahwa sepertinya dia berniat memikirkannya dengan serius saat dia membuka buku catatannya.

"Baik. Pertama-tama, aku akan mendengar pendapatmu".

"Ok, ok!"

Orang yang dengan antusias mengangkat tangannya adalah Ike. Horikita mengarahkan ujung penanya ke arahnya dan mendesaknya untuk berbicara.

"Saya ingin bersenang-senang dan menang!".

"Saya tidak bisa mengakui itu sebagai opini. Apakah Anda keberatan memotong komentar tingkat rendah?".

Dia memotong pendeknya. Yah, itu tidak bisa dihindari bahkan jika harapan Ike terputus.

"Ada jalan bagi Kelas D untuk menang".

Orang yang dengan penuh percaya diri membuka mulutnya adalah Sudou.

"Aku tidak mengharapkan apa pun tetapi aku akan mendengarmu keluar".

"Saya tidak tahu tentang Universal Partisipasi tetapi Anda tahu, saya akan berpartisipasi dalam setiap kontes yang disarankan saja. Jika saya melakukan itu, kami akan menang".

Sudou, yang lebih percaya diri daripada siapa pun dalam hal atletik, bersikeras akan hal itu.

"Level dari ucapan itu sendiri berada pada level yang sama dengan Ike-kun tapi meski sederhana, itu adalah cara yang pasti. Bahkan di dalam kelas, kamu menonjol sebagai seseorang yang unggul dalam atletik. Bukan ide buruk bagimu untuk berpartisipasi dalam semua kontes yang disarankan saja. Bahkan jika individu yang sama berpartisipasi berkali-kali, tidak ada masalah sejauh menyangkut aturannya.

Saya juga setuju, tetapi tampaknya Ike dan Yamauchi tidak puas dengan itu karena mereka menyuarakan kritik mereka.

"Kami juga ingin peluang kami sendiri. Maksud saya, jika kami menempatkan dalam 3 tempat pertama maka kami bisa mendapatkan poin dengan cara itu".

"Apakah Anda mengatakan Anda akan melakukan itu bahkan jika itu menurunkan peluang pemenang kelas?".

"Tidak, maksud saya itu benar tapi ..... kami ingin banyak peluang atau bagaimana saya harus meletakkannya ......".

"Ketika datang untuk hanya disarankan kontes biasanya orang-orang atletis adalah orang-orang yang berpartisipasi. Tidak mungkin untuk Anda, Kanji".

"Kamu tidak tahu itu, kan? Ada juga hal yang kebetulan, kamu tahu. Itu harus adil".

"Mulai sekarang, diskusi tentang kelas tidak perlu kurasa .....".

Bahkan jika dia mampu membantah Ike di sini, mengantisipasi bahwa akan ada lebih banyak siswa di kelas yang berpikir sama dengan Ike, Horikita mengatakan itu. Namun, kali ini, sepertinya ucapan itu membuat Sudou bersemangat.

"Yang atletis akan berpartisipasi sebanyak yang mereka inginkan. Itu prioritas pertama, kan? Kau naif, Suzune".

Saya mengerti dengan baik apa yang ingin dikatakan Sudou. Horikita juga tidak menolaknya. Bahkan dari sudut pandang siswa kehormatan yang hanya bagus dalam pelajaran mereka, seorang siswa seperti Sudou mengambil tindakan dalam festival olahraga akan ideal.

Jika seorang siswa seperti Sudou yang berada dalam risiko konstan menerima kelas gagal berhasil mendapatkan bonus di sini tidak akan ada masalah. Namun, jika Anda bertanya apakah seluruh kelas akan mencapai konsensus maka itu tidak sesederhana masalah. Karena hak istimewa yang diperoleh dari memenangkan hadiah di sini akan lebih menarik bagi siswa dengan kemampuan akademis yang rendah. Bagi para siswa yang terus-menerus berisiko dikeluarkan, mereka akan menginginkan tangan yang begitu buruk akan melompat keluar dari tenggorokan mereka.

"Saya berniat mendukung keinginan Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam semua acara. Namun, itu tidak berarti bahwa saya tanpa ragu akan mendukung partisipasi Anda dalam semua kontes".

"Apa maksudmu?"

"Stamina bukanlah sumber daya yang tidak terbatas. Jika Anda ikut serta secara berturut-turut maka secara alami itu akan habis. Kemenangan beruntun adalah hal yang sulit".

"Tapi meski begitu itu masih lebih baik daripada meninggalkannya ke orang yang tidak tenang, kan? Bahkan jika aku lelah, aku masih bisa tampil lebih baik daripada orang-orang itu".

Melihat anak-anak itu, termasuk aku, dengan pandangan sekilas, Sudou tertawa dengan sinis. Ike dan yang lain tampak frustrasi tetapi mereka tidak bisa membantahnya.

"Bahkan jika kita melanjutkan diskusi ini di sini jawaban tidak akan datang. Mari putuskan di kelas berikutnya".

Horikita, setelah memutuskan bahwa kemajuan lebih lanjut tidak akan terjadi di sini, mengatakan bahwa dia dengan cepat mengakhiri diskusi.

Bagian 3

Selama periode kelas kedua kami, telah diputuskan bahwa siswa di seluruh sekolah akan mengadakan pertemuan. Lebih dari 400 orang, termasuk instruktur dan siswa, berkumpul di gimnasium. Seluruh siswa dari tahun ke-1 hingga tahun ke-3 dibagi antara Tim Merah dan Tim Putih. Horikita tampak gelisah saat dia melihat sekelilingnya. Dia mungkin mencari kakaknya, Horikita Manabu, yang melayani sebagai ketua OSIS sekolah ini. Namun, lokasinya tidak menguntungkan. Jika ini banyak orang hadir, bahkan jika dia tahu kelas mana dia berasal, akan sulit untuk menemukannya.

Dan selain itu, mungkin dia khawatir menyebabkan kesulitan kakaknya, tapi dia sepertinya menahan diri dengan tatapan yang dicadangkan dan karena itu, bidang penglihatannya tampak menyempit.

Jika dia sangat mencintai kakaknya, saya pikir akan lebih baik baginya untuk bersikap lebih berani. Tapi bagi Horikita itu mungkin tugas yang jauh lebih sulit dan mustahil baginya untuk melakukan apa pun.

Melihat kembali sekarang, dia tidak pernah pergi menemui kakaknya bahkan sekali pun. Semua kontak mereka telah diprakarsai olehnya. Ketika murid-murid yang berkumpul mulai menyebabkan keributan, beberapa siswa melangkah maju. Mata semua orang berpaling ke arah mereka.

"Saya Fujimaki dari Kelas A di tahun ke-3. Telah diputuskan bahwa saya akan mengambil alih Tim Merah untuk acara ini".

Apparently it doesn't seem like Horikita's brother is taking charge here. I had thought he would be taking charge of everything since he is the student council president but that doesn't seem to be the case.

But then if so, that makes me curious as to what exactly he does do.

"First of all, I'll be giving the 1st years an advice. This may be unnecessary to a portion of you, but I'd like you to keep in mind how critically important this sports

festival is. The experience you will gain from the sports festival will definitely be made use of on a different occasion as well. In future exams as well, there will be times when parts of it feel like games to you. However, each and every last one of them are battles on which you bet your survival in this school".

Dari para siswa senior kata-kata nasihat yang begitu meragukan namun dihargai datang.

"Karena kamu belum merasakannya, mungkin kamu mungkin tidak termotivasi sekarang. Tapi karena kita melakukannya, kita akan bertujuan untuk menang, berpegang kuat pada perasaan itu. Itu saja adalah sesuatu yang setiap orang harus tetap dalam pikiran".

Setelah mengatakan kata-kata tertimbang itu, Fujimaki melihat sekeliling di Tim Merah sekali sebelum melanjutkan.

"Satu-satunya peristiwa di mana semua tahun sekolah akan berpartisipasi adalah relai 1200 meter di akhir. Selain itu, semua acara lain akan memiliki tahun sekolah dibagi. Setelah ini, silakan berkumpul sesuai dengan tahun sekolah Anda dan diskusikan strategi Anda ke depan ".

Mengikuti kata-kata Fujimaki, Kelas A yang dipimpin oleh Katsuragi mulai berkumpul berbondong-bondong.

Kelas D tampaknya sedikit bergetar. Mereka merasa gugup terhadap pertemuan para elit tersebut. Pada semester 1 juga, nilai-nilai Kelas A sangat banyak dan tidak ada orang lain yang bisa mendekati mereka.

"Sepertinya kita akan membentuk front persatuan dengan cara yang aneh tapi mari kita bersama. Jika memungkinkan, aku berpikir kita bisa bergabung tanpa pertengkaran di antara rekan setim".

"Aku juga merasakan hal yang sama, Katsuragi-kun. Mari berteman".

Berdiri di jarak dekat satu sama lain, Katsuragi dan Hirata keduanya menyatakan niat mereka untuk bekerja sama.

Melihatnya dari perspektif Kelas A, tidak ada manfaat dalam bekerja sama dengan kelas terendah, Kelas D. Namun, kecuali kerja sama dibuat, rekan tim

akan berakhir dengan menarik kaki masing-masing. Daripada mempercayai satu sama lain seperti saudara kandung, akan lebih tepat untuk mengatakan perjanjian dibuat untuk mencegah perselisihan.

"Hei, ada apa dengan gadis itu ......?"

Di sampingku, Ike dengan lembut membisikkan itu. Tapi itu tidak seperti aku tidak mengerti keinginannya untuk membisikkan itu. Aku merasakan hal yang sama, dan bahkan Horikita mungkin juga begitu. Seorang siswa dari Kelas A merasa tidak pada tempatnya di sini.

Tapi tidak ada yang berbicara. Karena itu tidak terasa seperti waktu untuk melakukannya.

"Saya percaya setiap kelas memiliki strategi masing-masing tapi ---".

Terlepas dari apakah dia telah memperhatikan tatapan misterius dan perasaan dari Kelas D, Katsuragi dengan acuh tak acuh terus berbicara ketika bagian dalam gimnasium sekali lagi menjadi gaduh.

"Jadi maksudmu kamu tidak punya niat untuk bekerja sama?".

Dari sedikit jauh, suara seorang gadis bergema di gimnasium. Mata semua orang berpaling ke arahnya untuk melihat apa yang terjadi. Suara itu milik Ichinose Honami Kelas B kelas 1. Di luar tatapannya, seorang siswa kelas sedang bergerak meninggalkan gimnasium. Di antara mereka, seorang siswa yang berjalan dengan tangannya di sakunya, berbalik. Pemimpin Kelas C, Ryuuen Kakeru.

"Kau tahu aku akan meninggalkan niat baik, kan? Bahkan jika aku menawarkan untuk bekerja sama itu tidak seperti kalian akan percaya padaku. Akhirnya itu akan berakhir sebagai penyelidikan menyeluruh kan? Jika itu yang terjadi, itu hanya buang waktu ".

"Aku mengerti. Jadi kamu berpikir untuk menghemat waktu kita. Aku mengerti".

"Itu tepat sekali. Sebaiknya kamu bersyukur".

Laughing, Ryuuen began walking out with all the students of Class C in tow.

It was a scene that confirmed to us that there are no disruptions to the dictatorship of Class C.

"Hey, Ryuuen-kun. Are you confident you can win this time without cooperating?".

To the bitter end, it seems Ichinose is intent on cooperating with Ryuuen, as she tries pulling him back.

But Ryuuen did not stop walking.

"Kuku. I wonder".

Laughing slightly, the entire student body of Class C began leaving under his command. Class D did nothing but watch that from afar, but just a moment, Karuizawa's expression turned gloomy.

That could not be helped.

During the shipboard exam that took place before the summer vacation, she had fought with the girls from Class C, Manabe and her group. Due to that, her past of 'having been bullied' was revealed. But the only ones who know of that conflict are me and Yukimura. And since said Yukimura's knowledge of it does not extend to her past of having been bullied, it's not anything I'd need to pay special attention to.

For just a brief moment, Manabe turned towards Class D and looked at Karuizawa. But only for the briefest of moments. She immediately averted her eyes and as though nothing had happened, followed Ryuuen.

"They seem to be having problems of their own. To think they'd have to cooperate with Class C".

It's not like Class D could simply be taken charge of either, but it's still better than Class CI suppose.

It was also a scene that once again served as a reminder that Ryuuen held his entire class's right to decide in his hands. Looking at that, Katsuragi gives Horikita an advice.

"Since we're allies with you guys from Class D this time I'll give you a warning. Don't underestimate Ryuuen. He can laugh while sliding up to you and leap to attack without warning. You'll suffer severely if you let your guard down".

"I'm grateful for your warning, but from the way you said it I wonder if it comes from your personal experience".

"...I have warned you".

Not going into depth about it, Katsuragi returns to his initial position.

"I wonder if that means he's made a move this early".

A single student from our camp who was staring out at Class B and Class C, whispered that. It was from the girl who conspicuously stood out here that I was curious about earlier.

It was a girl sitting all alone with downcast eyes. In her hands she was gripping a slender cane. No matter who looks at her, the fact that she has trouble walking would have clearly been conveyed.

"She is Sakayanagi Arisu. Since she is disabled she'll be utilizing a chair, I'd like you to understand".

The one who offered an explanation was not the person in question herself, but rather, Katsuragi.

"So that is Sakayanagi.....".

It's the other leader of Class A who, according to rumors, split up Class A's forces between herself and Katsuragi.

Her body was slender to the point one could almost be convinced as to why she was absent during the journey to the uninhabited island, and since her legs were not in a good condition she's sitting in a specially prepared chair.

Even as the gazes of her surroundings ended up being focused on that figure of hers, she herself showed no signs of paying any heed to them.

Is her somewhat short hair dyed or not? It's silver. It's become a strong distinguishing feature of hers. Her skin is pale. It seems her name is Arisu, and truly, it almost feels like she came straight from Wonderland.

"She's real cute.....".

It couldn't be helped even if the boys of Class D caused an uproar like that. A cuteness different from Kushida's and Sakura's, a different kind of beauty. That ephemeral figure of hers invokes feelings of wanting to protect her.

But the boys could not muster up the usual air of joking around and do something like call out to her.

Perhaps it was the strength in her eyes that, no matter how faintly, gave off the feeling of a strong will in her. They may have felt that if they drew close to her, something bad would have happened. Having realized she was bathing in their attention, Sakayanagi gently smiled.

"As for me, it is unfortunate, but I will not be of much use to you. I will be losing every competition due to absence".

A faint, yet strong will.

She apologizes for the weakness of her body.

"I will end up inconveniencing my class and Class D both. For that, first of all please allow me to apologize".

"I don't think it's anything to apologize for. No one's going to be hounding you on that after all".

Starting with Hirata down to Sudou, nobody said a word of complaint regarding that to the girl. Nobody attacked her for something that just could not be helped.

"The school is also being harsh. From the start, if her body cannot handle it they should have overlooked it".

"That's right, don't mind it".

"I am most grateful for your kindness".

Contrary to her reputation, Sakayanagi appeared to be overwhelmingly polite and mature. She did not even slightly give off the impression of being the aggressive type as the rumors say. On the other hand, her opposition, Katsuragi, kept on quietly looking at Sakayanagi with a side glance. However, the reason the student known as Sakayanagi had a strong presence was neither because of her cane nor her chair.

From the perspective of Ike and the others who don't know anything, it must have only appeared as though Class A and Class D were sitting separate of each other. However, from my perspective, it was clear from a glance. The students of Class A were clearly sitting as though there was a demarcation line between Katsuragi and Sakayanagi.

It was evidence of the factional conflict within Class A. The Katsuragi faction, at first, appeared equal if not superior to the other faction, but now not even a glimpse of that could be seen.

It was because a few boys and girls, including Yahiko, stood by Katsuragi while almost every other student was in Sakayanagi's faction. It made me think she was deliberately causing this scenario so as to show off her own power.

Sakayanagi herself did not participate in either the uninhabited island exam or the shipboard exam. No such declaration was made but there is plenty of possibility that she received massive penalties for absence during the shipboard special exam.

In other words, she was created a situation where her allies continue to grow in number without her having had to produce any results herself. This isn't a matter of whether her appearance is cute or not. In all likelihood, unknown to us, Sakayanagi must have been accumulating accomplishments of her own and building trust in her. Besides, Katsuragi's own failures at the very least had an impact on it too.

It's not like I know the circumstances of other classes but basically, Katsuragi is someone who executes solid strategies. He doesn't seem like the type to continuously make simple mistakes but perhaps this girl is involved in his failures. Either way, Sakayanagi apologized for the shortcomings of her own body and showed no further signs of speaking afterwards.

Almost as though she were observing the actions and behaviors of Katsuragi and Hirata and the others. Maybe I'm overthinking it? It may just be that she's remaining silent after understanding that she won't be of any use during the sports festival. All I know right now is that even if I think about it, no answer would be forthcoming.

Katsuragi may or may not have noticed it, but he continues his conversation with Hirata to confirm each other's strategies.

"By the way, about our cooperative relationship, I'm thinking a relationship where we don't interfere with each other would be fine. You don't mind, do you?".

"In other words, you mean you won't share the details of the competitions you'll be participating in?".

"That's right. If we announce them clumsily it may lead to unnecessary problems. If information about that were to leak to Class C or Class B it would cause suspicion towards Class D and end up causing disruptions to our cooperation. Besides, having to analyze the capabilities of our ally Class D and taking all that into account would only be adding to the troubles. At best, we'll only be cooperating and fighting together. I've judged that this is optimal".

".....that may be so. I do understand that this is a school where it's difficult to

establish a relationship in good faith, Katsuragi-kun. Also, even though we're allies in the sense that we're a group, there's no change to the fact that we'll still be competing against each other after all".

Hirata then confirms with the rest of the class whether they have any objections towards this. There were no objections.

Neither class could suddenly trust each other and reveal all their cards to the other.

If that's going to be the case, keeping an appropriate distance would be the safest. It seems Horikita too, is convinced as she did not say anything.

"Then again, it is a fact that we will need to hold a meeting beforehand in the case of group competitions. Regarding that, in the future I'd like to do something similar, you don't mind do you?".

"No, I think that's fine. I'll have a discussion with everyone too".

"Then I'll leave that to you".

The conversation between those two was straight to the point and without any waste of time. It seems like it'd go smoothly.

"Ayanokouji-kun. What kind of methods do you think are there if we want to win in this special exam?".

On the other hand, Horikita was trying to point out guidelines for the sports festival on her own.

"This time is the sports festival. All the school is trying to see here are the presence or absence of athletic abilities.....don't you think so?".

"In theory of course that's correct. I'm interpreting it as a competition ordered according to ability. If there's a factor other than athleticism affecting the results then wouldn't that just be luck?".

"Luck, huh?".

It sounded like an unbefitting remark to me but certainly that may be an aspect of this.

"Unlike studies, the opponents we will be competing against are chosen randomly after all. As a factor, it plays a huge role".

As a matter of fact, there is an aspect of this sports festival where the results can be influenced by how lucky you get with your team. Normally, even Horikita who is capable of beating 80% of the opponents here, will end up losing if she happens to draw the remaining 20% composed of formidable opponents. And on the opposite extreme, someone unathletic who can only beat 10% of the opponents here, if they happen to be pitted against someone even more unathletic than them, may just yet win.

"But what I'm seeking isn't something uncertain like that. I want something certain. Using athleticism as a basis, a method that doesn't purely rely on luck. There were infinite possibilities during the uninhabited island and shipboard special exams.....I feel that way now. But this time too, surely---".

Either from the severe mistakes made so far, or from the failures made so far, but right now I could see Horikita becoming even more obsessed with victory.

"Hey, what do you think the big difference is this time compared to the exams on the uninhabited island and the ship?".

".....difference? I think it's the same kind of special exam".

"Indeed I won't deny it's similar. However, the school side absolutely won't acknowledge it as being the same".

"I don't understand what you're saying. Because there's the cooperative relationship this time with Class A? But even on the ship groups were formed with different classes and an inexplicable team battle happened too....".

"That's not it. In the first place, the basic premise is different".

Towards my reserved way of speaking, Horikita showed frustration and I told her what I had realized.

"In regards to this sports festival, the school side has never once said it was a 'special exam'. We 1st years have been onesidedly calling it such but including Chabashira-sensei too, the other teachers have all only referred to it as the sports festival. Fujimaki of the 3rd years too. Even the printouts we were handed, the words 'special exam' weren't written".

Horikita did not realize, or rather, it didn't strike home for her.

"Even so, what's the matter with that? The mechanism behind it as well as the increase and decrease in points are all pretty much identical to a special exam".

"Certainly. There's not much difference in their contents. But their true natures are different. For instance, on a regular written exam, leaving aside the buying and selling of points in secret, in principle the majority of it tests your skills. Similarly, this sports festival too, should basically be seen as looking for your physical abilities and sense. Just by executing a clumsy trick there would be no impact on it. No, it's been structured so that can't happen. I think the class that genuinely challenges this will be able to exhibit their true worth".

Of course, it doesn't mean that tricks are impossible or meaningless though.

But if the sports festival has started then changing the general situation would essentially be impossible. Like how there are things you can do before and after a written exam but in the middle of the exam the things you can do are limited.

"The essence of this sports festival is to properly make preparations before the actual event. And, to leave behind results during the actual event, that is all there is to it. Simple is best".

"What I want to say is that preparation before the event. I want Class D to definitively win".

"Wrong. What you're trying to do isn't preparation. You're trying to conquer it and looking for loopholes".

"The difference between those.....I don't understand it".

"Preparation is, for instance, who will be participating in the contests in which order, or which ones in the other classes are athletic or unathletic, figuring that out. Discerning which order they will be going in. And, to make sure information about us doesn't leak. That sort of thing. To try and conquer it and looking for loopholes is to force someone into being absent prior to the competition or forcing them to retire halfway through it, that sort of thing. In other words, you're just saying you want a strong hand to play, right?".

It's natural that Horikita, who has always tried to attack from the front up until now and has lost up until now, would think that way. It's natural to want to do something to ensure you won't be overtaken by your opponents in this sports festival.

But even so, if it's that easy to do something about it no one would be having a difficult time.

"At best, you're saying that it's necessary to fight openly and win?".

Regardless of which answer Horikita chooses from now, I have no intention of affirming or denying it. Mengapa? Because the strategy to win isn't singular but always consists of two sides.

Whether it's the uninhabited island or shipboard or this sports festival. It is possible to 'win upfront' or to 'win through a loophole' both. The point is, the important thing is to choose a fighting style that befits the person.

Right now, she's neither heads nor tails. She's at the point where she's about to become one of those.

If we say Katsuragi and Ichinose are heads, while Ryuuen and I are tails, I wonder which one will she choose. I do understand her feeling of wanting to resort to 'tails' after having used that all the way up until now. But still, it's precisely because using 'tails' is extremely difficult in this sports festival that I'm warning her.

"What you think of it is up to you. Horikita, what do you think is the advantage Class D holds right now?".

" seems like the quarrel between Class B and Class C will carry some

advantages for us, perhaps".

For a brief moment, I thought of ignoring it but I changed my mind.

Because Horikita Suzune has lived in solitude, her outlook is also overwhemingly narrow.

"You're trying to broaden your insight in order to win but isn't your outlook still narrow?".

"Are you talking about me having ignored Ryuuen-kun who refused cooperation with Class B? Since he rejected such a connection I think that's unmistakably something positive though".

"Do you really think that?".

".....after this Ryuuen-kun and Ichinose-san will reconcile and cooperate, that is

also a possibility. It's not like Ichinose-san particularly likes Ryuuen-kun either but if it's for the sake of victory, she may throw aside her own feelings and cooperate.

But, is it wrong to celebrate at this stage? Just judging it to be a positive is not such a bad thing, right?".

"That's what I mean by narrow outlook though".

"That's an annoying way to put it. Then, what do you see?".

"Up until now, what you have seen of Ryuuen? He won't stop thinking about winning. Even as he speaks casually, he'll always be taking action in order to build strategies to win. But why did he suddenly reject cooperation with Class B at this point? Do you think he truly abandoned cooperation without any thought?".

"Reason for rejection.....? Are you saying Class B and Class C are already

connected behind the scenes, perhaps?".

It's necessary to think that way too but the truly important thing is on another vector.

"What we should be thinking of right now is not about his relationship with Class B. It's the fact that there is a high chance he's already thought of a strategy to win. If not, there are no advantages in throwing away dialogue. The possibility that he lied here to have a discussion with Class B should have more yield".

"That---I think the possibility of that is low".

"If the possibility of an earthquake or a fire breaking out is low, are you saying there's no need to prepare just in case? It seems like you don't understand the essential importance of preparing for an emergency".


If such a thing does not come to pass, then there's nothing better than that but if you discard that from the very start then in the case that it does end up happening, our reaction would be delayed.

"At the very least, I think currently Ryuuen has more than one strategy to win".

"But.....if that's the case then it's abnormal. We've just learned about the sports

festival. To win or anything.....".

"That is why it's necessary to understand that abnormality. What does a frontal attack mean, what does a loophole mean, can we think about those? And also, are there any way we can take 'precautions' against it? Why don't we desperately try to squeeze one out? To rise up to Class A, such things are necessary right?".

If we think about whether or not he has a winning strategy in hand at this stage, we would naturally narrow it down.

Of course, that is something I've started to see after reading Ryuuen's strategies and thoughts from Sudou's violence incident up to the shipboard exam. Right now, Horikita cannot see it yet, huh?

"Well, it'll be fine if we try various things. Let's prepare so that at the very least we'll be able to avoid failure".

"Do you mind not onesidedly making the premise that we'll be failing?".

I'm slightly looking forward now to seeing just how far Horikita is capable of thinking.

Part 4

Even after class was done for the day, I remained behind alone in the classroom. From the window I could hear the voices of the students engaged in their club activities. Even though the sports festival was drawing close, each and every one of them were in high spirits and did not spare any effort in their daily training. Connecting the earphones to my phone, I opened up the file I received earlier and checked the situation.

"I see.....".

Now with this I've more or less grasped the situation.

If necessary, I had thought I would have needed to lay 2 or 3 traps from now on but it seems that will be unnecessary.

Satisfied with the superb course of events I decided to return to the dormitory.

"You've stayed behind unusually late, Ayanokouji".

On my way to the main entrance, I encountered Chabashira-sensei who was sprinkling water with a hose.

"That may be the case. Are you on duty?".

"Something like that. To be precise, the region around here has become something like my post, that's all".

Saying that, and looking like she was used to it, she continued sprinkling water.

"Unlike children, people in society are busy in various ways. In particular now that the sports festival is imminent. But still, what happened today? This is the first time I've seen you skulking around after school".

"Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?".

"Have you completed your preparations for the sports festival?".

"I feel like I've more or less grasped it during the recent homeroom though. Is that not the case?".

Hirata, Horikita and Sudou included, all their strategies and tactics have been heard by Chabashira-sensei as well.

"If it's you, I had thought you'd be thinking of some eccentric idea or strategy though?".

"No such thing at all".

"Nothing at all? I'm sure you understand but---".

Saying that, Chabashira-sensei tried to bring the topic over to me but upon meeting my eyes, she stopped. Even if we talk about such unnecessary things in a place like this, no one stands to gain anything.

"I haven't forgotten what you told me earlier, sensei. But as to what to do is something I'm free to decide on my own".

"Certainly that's the case. I should not be butting in unnecessarily. However, if you continue to go this leisurely, it's also a fact that this would no longer be the case. If I should lose my reason for protecting you, I will abandon you. Because an ordinary teacher standing up to such pressure isn't a simple task after all. It'll be troublesome if you don't produce results worth protecting".

I don't care about such selfish expectations. Feeling irritation at being encroached upon daily, I decided to leave this spot. If only this instructor hadn't brought forth an unnecessary topic like that, I could have gone by without getting tangled up in this troublesome situation. may be that this problem is only a matter of time, sooner or later.

"I'll be excusing myself".

"Sure, be careful on your way back".

While she worried over the few hundred meters of the way back, I returned to the dormitory.

Bab 2

The Strategy Planning of Class D

Part 1

Full-scale preparations have begun in anticipation of the sports festival that will be commencing in a month's time. The 2 hour long homeroom provided to us once a week has been declared a free period where we may utilize it as we wish, the manner in which we spend that time is left up to the judgment of the class. There are two things which we must decide on in preparation for the actual event.

How to decide the order of participation for the Universal Participation events? And also, who will be participating in which Recommended Only Participation events? It is clear that these two decisions will have a massive influence on the outcome. Here, above everyone else, the leader-like existence of this class, Hirata, took the initiative.

Chabashira-sensei, who moved towards the back of the classroom as though she were vacating the stage, did not say a single word. She likely intends to watch over the situation.

"In preparation for the sports festival we will begin to take action, but before we start our practice there are several things we need to decide on I believe. The important things are the order of participation for events and the Recommended Only Participation events. I think it's important to decide how to approach those".

"Even if you say decide, how are we going to do that?".

From Sudou's perspective, a rather uninteresting discussion is starting.

"Yeah. For instance, in the case of Universal Participation---".

Perhaps it's to make it easier to understand than an explanation here, Hirata gripped the chalk and began writing on the blackboard.

He appears to be a man who handles this sort of thing capably. 'Raising Hands' and 'Ability'. Those two were written down.

As he explains, Hirata adds a postscript.

"It's still a rough sketch but basically I think it boils down to these two. This is the 'Raising Hands' system where we'll listen to your desired order of participation. And this is the 'Ability' system where we'll ascertain your abilities to raise efficiency. It has to be one of these two, right? They have their own pros and cons. The 'Raising Hands' system's pros are, of course, that everyone would get their desired orders of participation and be able to have fun that way. The cons are that in the case that the desired orders overlap, not everyone can have it their way and the outcomes will become uneven".

If we adopt the system where we let everyone have it their way in regards to the order, inevitably that would be the result.

However, it can smoothly lower the emotional hurdles.

"Next is the 'Ability' system. This is extremely simple and it's the optimal arrangement to ensure that the ones with the highest abilities win. The pros are that it could raise the chances of winning beyond that of the 'Raising Hands' system but since it relies only on the strong individuals it could decrease the chances of winning for the others and it worries me that it'll end up ignoring what each one of you want. In theory, I think we can say the same for the Recommended Only Participation events as well. I've thought about it roughly but if you have any ideas other than these two please feel free to speak your opinion".

Hirata finishes his brief explanation. Even the students who could not understand the verbal explanation, from the details written on the blackboard, could slowly comprehend the pros and cons of each system.

The thoughts of the most of the students must have fallen under one of the plans Hirata had proposed. Especially since no other plans were forthcoming.

"No matter how you look at it, we should decide based on ability, right? You know yourself best, after all".

It seems Sudou has no intention of choosing anything other than that as he said those words.

"If I win then the chances of the class winning will also rise. That's a cause for celebration".

The way he put it was a mess, but it is true. Sudou putting his high physical ability to maximum use is an indispensable element in this sports festival.

" pisses me off but that may be so".

Towards Sudou's words which were by no means illogical, the girls whispered in approval.

Following that, from the boys too, words of support towards Sudou started to come.

"I'm not very good at sports. Leaving aside Universal Participation, if Sudou is willing to take over the Recommended Only Participation events then I don't mind consenting".

For students like Yukimura who specialize in academics, athletics is a field they're weak in.

"Then it's decided, right? I'll be participating in all Recommended Only Participation events".

Sudou who fiercely declared that and the students who supported him. It covered for students who were unathletic and prioritized the class's victory both.

"If everyone's fine with that strategy then as for the Recommended Only Participation events we could do it this way---".


It was just before the proposal was approved.

"I have a supplementary proposal to make".

The usually taciturn Horikita, said that and joined the conversation.

Many students, surprised by the unexpected speaker, focused their attention on her.

"If we have to choose between these two strategies we should go with the 'Ability' system like Sudou-kun said. I have no objections this far. But with just that, there is no guarantee that we can win against the other classes".

"Of course that's true".

"If so, then it's obvious that we should prioritize letting the most athletic ones participate in the Recommended Only Participation events of their choosing and similarly in the Universal Participation events we should have them form the best possible combinations for victory and compete as such. This will allow us to unlock their maximum potential. If I have to put it simply, the fast ones should team up with the slow ones".

Basically it means that for Hirata and Sudou who are both fast, to avoid a clash between them, adjustments would be needed. Of course, if it's to win that's also one option.

But simultaneously, it is also an option that cruelly cuts off the weak.

"Hold on a minute. That strategy also means our chances of winning will fall, right?".

The first one to object like that was the schoolgirl named Shinohara. In order to secure the higher rankings no matter what, it's necessary to force a collision

between the weaker and stronger individuals. Inevitably since the opposite of that is also established, the possibility of the weaker students winning becomes extremely low.

"I can't accept it. Just because you're unathletic, if you're forced to compete against someone stronger there's absolutely no winning. Privileges are given down to 3rd place so I don't want to throw aside that possibility though".

"It can't be helped. Because it's for the sake of the class".

"I know it's for the class.....but I don't want to lose my private points".

"If the class wins, there will be a proportionate compensation. Are you dissatisfied with that?".

"You can get a large amount of test scores if you win a prize, isn't giving up unfair?".

"I understand your desire to think that way. However, that is also strange. From the start, even without relying on the privilege of those scores, it would be just fine if you studied as usual. Besides, if the possibility remains even down to 3rd place then there'd be no problem even if you don't win the prize, right? In the first place, the contests aren't so simple that you can win a prize with your level of athleticism, right?".

Both of them were insistent and showed no signs of yielding. In particular, Horikita capitalized on her advantage and stubbornly attacked.

"Not everyone is as smart as Horikita-san. Don't lump everyone in the same boat".

"Study up daily then. I don't want you to bring up any excuses here".

'That's right, that's right', opinions like that supporting Horikita resounded through the class in no small quantity.

Horikita's opinion which focused on efficiency was favored by athletic students starting with Sudou, as well as students aiming for Class A and students who have trouble with sports. Shinohara, while still looking frustrated, seems to have lost her will to fight. In all likelihood, there are students like Shinohara who think they might still be able to slide up to 3rd place at least.

Being put together with strong students like Sudou, or being paired up with unathletic students in the cavalry battle and three-legged race, it's a fact that the victory stand would become distant.

"Let it be already, Shinohara. If we lost because of you, are you going to take responsibility for it? Huh?".


In this sports festival, the ones with high athletic ability dominate. Sudou, who is seen as being beneath everyone else as far as academics is concerned, is emitting a powerful glow here and holds authority. The ability prioritized plan that Horikita and Sudou proposed is a solid plan and is not one that is easily broken apart. Shinohara no longer has the ability to object. A conclusion is rapidly drawing close.

"Honestly how troublesome, to have to talk with dumb yourself don't

seem to hold any interest in this situation though. If you're carefree enough to be playing around with your phone then why don't you think of ways we can win?".

"It'll be fine if I leave it up to you and Hirata, right?".

I closed the screen on my phone and placed it inside my pocket. The discussion is over---it was just when I had thought that.

"Ahh---can I have a moment? I object. Like Shinohara said, what's up with getting the rest of the students in trouble? Are you saying that by doing that, you can bring the class together as one?".

The one who said that was Karuizawa. As though shielding Shinohara, she glares at Horikita.

"To bring together as one, means exactly that. Do you understand?".

"Not all. I don't understand. Hey, what do you think, Kushida-san?".

Karuizawa calls out to Kushida, who was being 'uncharacteristically' quiet and watching over the situation. Kushida seemed slightly surprised but immediately after appearing to think about it she makes her declaration.

"It's a difficult problem. I was thinking I understand the feelings of both sides. Like Horikita-san, I'd like to win as a class. Like Shinohara-san said, I also want to leave behind the possibility of everyone winning too, I guess".

Saying that, she continued to speak.

"If there is an alternative plan, then combining both their opinions would be the ideal form. A way that both the person who takes 1st place and the one who places bottom could be convinced of".

As she answered like that, I could hear a lot of consenting voices from within the class. That flow, perhaps she had already assumed a similar statement would be made in advance but Horikita immediately cut in.

"Of course I've thought of it. A way that both sides could accept. That is, for the students who feel like they have no need of the test scores to rank highly and use the private points they've gained from that to offset the points lost by the students who rank at the bottom. The entire class will share the rise and fall. If it's like this, there are no complaints right?".

A plan which, in exchange for lowering the possibility of victory, offsets the risk in case of defeat. If it's like this, a bit of acceptance would rise in the opposition. Of course, that still leaves the bottom 10 across all school years in trouble though.

"Oh, that'll do fine right? There'll be no loss no matter how much we cut corners this way".

Sudou said that and scornfully laughed as if to say 'what a pathetic bunch'.

"But that's only for points, right? The possibility of winning the prize goes down.

What does everyone think?".

Even in that situation, Karuizawa still voiced her disagreement. Then calls out to the girls belonging to the Karuizawa faction.

".....if Karuizawa-san objects, then I guess I also object".

One after another, the girls following Karuizawa's lead began to show their opposition.

"Are you all idiots? Objecting just because she objects? Completely illogical. This is an exam so it's obvious that we should build up a strategy based around winning efficiently. The other classes absolutely don't have any imbeciles like you".

"That's something Horikita-san doesn't understand, right? Currently I'm against it. There are also others who are against it so think about those people too. I won't accept it unless the competitions are decided impartially".

The influence of Karuizawa, who has united the girls, was strong and support for the plan that prioritized the class's victory that Horikita advocated ceased to exist.

"Calm down, both of you. If we cannot agree on our opinions then we have no choice but to take a majority vote".

It was inevitable it'd end up like this. To ameliorate the stalemate situation, Hirata cut in like that.

"I think we should impartially resolve this by taking a vote here".

"If Yousuke-kun says so, I agree---".

"...that's right. I also think it's not the time to be quarrelling with each other. In any case, I've protested. I hope you all will make the right judgement".

Horikita sat down in frustration and glared at me.

"Ayanokouji-kun, can you shut her up?".

"There's no way I can shut her up, right?".

"Recently, you've been in touch with Karuizawa-san right? Isn't that what's causing her to act spoiled?".

"No, Karuizawa is that type of person from the start right?".

Perhaps Horikita was convinced by that point but she quietly uttered 'certainly'.

However, she could not hide her irritation towards Karuizawa who could not provide a basis and the girls who changed their opinions based on their feelings.

"Now then, the thorough ability focused plan that Horikita-san wove and the plan that emphasizes the individual that includes Karuizawa-san's opinion. Which one is better, shall we decide it by a show of hands? If there are people who find it difficult to choose I'm thinking of accepting a non-vote as well".

Horikita's plan that gives preferential treatment to the capable ones. Karuizawa's plan that respects the individual and cares for the whole.

It appears the class's future and the impact on the exam will depend on which one of those the class leans towards. Of course it's not like I have any interest in that though.....

"Then first, those in favor of Horikita-san's plan".

"Yeah. I, of course, agree with Horikita's plan. The reason for it is simple, to win.

The more athletic people participate, the more we win. Isn't that just fine?".

Sudou took the initiative and raised his hand. And following him were students like Yukimura and Sakura, the students who had no confidence in their athleticism gave their approval. On the other hand, the students who cannot win against the talented but are still capable to an extent, or Karuizawa's group, did not raise their hands.

"16 votes. Thank you, you can lower your hands now".

Whether this number is large or small, is something that will be decided based on how many non-votes there are.

"Hold on, Ayanokouji-kun. Could it be, you agree with Karuizawa-san's plan?".

Horikita, who naturally realized that I did not raise my hand, hit me.

"Relax, it's my policy to be a non-voter".

".....if that's the case then wouldn't it have been fine to go along with my plan?".

"It's not like your plan is necessarily a just one, right?".

"I don't understand. Choosing the option that gives the class the best possibility of winning, ultimately results in the acquisition of large amounts of private points. The points won from winning matches here and there are insignificant. If you say that's wrong, then I'd like you to give me a clear reason why".

"I didn't say you were wrong. I'm just saying that's not the only answer".

The 'expendable pawns' sent to collide into and crush the formidable enemies will end the sports festival without having gained any points. Well, Horikita understands that much at least. It's just that she's taken that as a necessary sacrifice in order to rise up.

"It's just that the other students aren't all looking ahead like you are".

"Then, next up is the composite plan from Karuizawa-san. Win where we have to, and have fun where we can. People in favor of this plan please raise your hands".

Other than the Karuizawa group, while scattered hands began to rise. There were several votes. However, just by Karuizawa having raised her hand, one after another girls followed her example.


"...the result of the majority vote is.....16 votes for Horikita-san's plan and 13 votes

for Karuizawa-san's plan. Can I assume the rest are non-voters?".

The total count was completed without any objections. It can be said that the votes Karuizawa had gathered weren't due to the contents of her plan but rather because they were instructed to do so.

It's not that this is because confidence in Karuizawa is low but rather simply because Horikita's plan is realistic for a victory and efficient, is what everyone must have realized. Class D's strategy will be to act to win not as individuals, but as a class, is what has been decided.


Since it was approved by a majority vote, Karuizawa won't let any dissatisfaction leak here.

"This concludes it then, Karuizawa-san. Now then, Hirata-kun, I'll leave the rest up to you".

Changing her mind, Karuizawa too needs to choose this draft presently in order to win. Of course, I don't think a bad option's been chosen either. In the first place, the unathletic people won't be taking the initiative to say they'd like to participate in this and that now.

Inevitably, the role of the recommended will fall to athletic guys like Sudou and Hirata.

"Then, regarding the number of participants for the Recommended Only Participation events---".

"I'll be competing in all the contests. If there's anyone objecting to that then I'll have a direct confrontation with them".

Strongly declaring that, Sudou talked about the strategy that has not changed from the start. Moreover, he seems intent on forcing anyone who complains into surrender. It's an overly bullish declaration but its effect is preeminent as there were no discontent or grumbling from anyone. Since talented students will be assembled from now on, Sudou being the first candidate on the list is something of a confirmed matter.

"I'll also be participating in as many competitions as possible".

As expected, the one who recommended herself was Horikita. Karuizawa slightly hardened her expression. The girls around them whispered into each other's ears. I wonder if they're trash-talking.

Then, self-declarations and recommendations happened side by side and one after another the recommended participants were decided. But not all the competitions were filled up that easily and only about 1/3rd of the Universal Participation events were filled. As he declared, Sudou will be participating in all competitions and other than him, in most of the competitions, Horikita and Hirata and most definitely Kushida and Onodera and the other athletic students will be competing. And the rest are still blank.

"Oi, Kouenji. Aren't you going to be cooperating?".

Sudou said that while glaring at the man who has not said a word since the discussion began. It's because Sudou himself acknowledges that this man possesses a potential equal to his, if not greater.

If Kouenji participates seriously, at the very least in individual competitions the top spot is already promised to him.

"Earlier, you didn't raise your hand either".

"I am not interested. You people can do as you wish".

"Don't fuck around, you bastard".

"I am not fucking around. There's no reason why I'd be forced to by you. In the first place, even if you had the authority to force me I have no intention of listening to you".

In other words, it means no matter what happens Kouenji has no intention of changing himself.

"I don't think there's any need to decide everything here, Sudou-kun. Kouenji-kun too must have his own strengths and weaknesses, and unreasonably inviting him is not always the right thing to do".

Following up for Kouenji and urging Sudou to calm down was Hirata.

"At the very least, what's been decided from today's discussion is the class's strategy and the wills of those who wish to participate in the individual competitions. I think we can afford to decide the rest carefully".

And with that remark, the discussion has reached its end.

However, a portion of the students may have felt discontent towards this discussion.

Why Karuizawa continued to oppose Horikita's plan? In regards to her athletic ability, she's neither passes nor fails. For her, Horikita's plan which involved

sharing both joys and pain with each other, should not have been a bad thing by any means.

I'm not sure how many people felt that though.

Bagian 2

After school, having some free time I decided to send a mail I had written up addressed to a certain individual and right after, as I finished it up I made eye contact with Karuizawa.

No, eye contact isn't such a good thing.

It's just, I searched for an opening and snuck a glance towards her but coincidentally, she noticed my gaze. However, it obviously must have been that my intentions weren't conveyed to her, as Karuizawa left the classroom with two of her female friends in tow.

As I thought, unless I contact her directly there's no way she'd understand.

Taking my bag in hand, I moved to go back to my room, leaving the classroom a minute after Karuizawa.


Descending the stairs, as I headed towards the main entrance, I was stopped by Karuizawa who was alone for some reason.

"Didn't you go back?".

"I did think about going back, but I thought you wanted to say something to me so I waited. Was I wrong?".

I could not help but be surprised by her statement.


"Well, I also have something to tell you anyways. Do you mind hearing me out briefly?".

'Go ahead', I urged Karuizawa to talk.

"The mail you sent me. I'd like to hear about your true intentions".

Saying that, she opened her phone and showed me the mail. There, this was written.

"No matter what it may be, object to Horikita's opinion. Then right afterwards, ask Kushida for her opinion".

That was what I had instructed Karuizawa to do in the middle of class.

"As far as improvisation goes, you have a way of spinning a good story. In that situation, you did well objecting".

"Really. If I had to say, I agreed with Horikita-san's opinion. I don't quite understand calling out to Kushida-san either. So, what's the meaning behind that order?".

"There'll be no end to it if you worry over the meaning behind each and every one of my actions. And even if you wish for it, there's no guarantee that I'd answer. Do you understand what I mean by this?".

"You're telling me to just obey your orders without asking the reason behind them.

I get it".

"That is what I mean".

The obedient Karuizawa did not inquire any further.

"Then, other than that, tell me something. You didn't raise your hand but which one did you think was the right one?".

"I'd have to say both were right. Where to place the emphasis is up to the individual themselves after all".

"That's not an answer. Ultimately, you didn't answer what you're really thinking".

"Unfortunately, I have a policy of basically not thinking in terms of 'which' one".

".....what's with that? I don't understand. What do you want to do? Are you aiming

to throw the other classes into chaos? Or are you seriously thinking about raising up Class D to Class A?".

"At the very least, Horikita believes that".

'That's not what I mean', as though saying that Karuizawa sighed and glared at me.

"What I'm asking about isn't what Horikita-san thinks. I'd like you to tell me already what you're seeing and what you're aiming for".

"Let's see. If I had to say, I have no interest in rising up to Class A. It's just, I'm starting to feel like preparing this class to be able to rise to Class A isn't such a bad thing".

"What's that mean? I don't quite understand what the difference may be, just how condescending do you intend to be?"

It's better to keep Chabashira-sensei from coming to the front here.

"Even if I put it into words now, you won't believe me and I have no way to prove it. That's why I'll affix a protective line so that you'll believe me many times over. In this sports festival, a traitor will appear from within Class D. Then, that person will leak internal information from Class D, all of it, to the outside".

"Wait, huh? Are you seriously saying that!?".

"If that time comes, you'll believe me too. What I'm seeing, what I have seen, that is".

"What do you mean, tell me the details".

"Right now, I can't. But, when the time comes I will tell you everything. Right now go, we're standing out too much here".

"I was going to do it even if you didn't tell me to. If I'm seen together with someone gloomy like you, my value will decrease. any chance even if a traitor appears, it'll be fine right?".

"Yeah. I've already prepared for that occasion".

Saying that, I showed her my phone. Of course, Karuizawa might not know exactly what this is though. Either way, even as she made a dissatisfied face, Karuizawa descended down the stairs.

I saw her off and breathed a sigh. Class D's strategy has more or less solidified. As well as the strategy I've drawn up.

Now then, I wonder what kind of battle our ally Class A has envisioned?

Considering Katsuragi's personality, they'll probably be executing a solid plan

but.......Sakayanagi's existence, naturally for the White Team, and for Class D too a


For instance, let's say there was an escape device that could only save one person, and the ones in a predicament are a healthy individual and a disabled person. In that situation, what I mean is that the healthy individual has no obligation to hand the device over to the disabled person on account of their physical disability. Since the person is a cripple who cannot resist, it's fine to just steal the escape device from them even if physically hitting them is required. Born as an individual, you naturally have the right to live as an individual as well.

In an emergency scenario, the illegality of it will be thrown aside. There's nothing fair nor unfair about that. Just because Sakayanagi cannot engage in sports doesn't mean there's any need to go easy on her.

"But even so......".

Just by having a deep past, Karuizawa is better at reading people and emotions than I had imagined. More than anything, the fact that she managed to make her surroundings 'not' see her like that gives her high points.

Once again, having finished up this unexpected business, I felt satisfied and decided to return.

Part 3

Until the sports festival, other than deciding the participants of the contests, there are a mountain load of other things that need to be done. Preparations that need to be done to ensure the sports festival goes smoothly account for the majority of them. Marches as well as practicing from the moment of admission into the competitions to its end. The majority of physical education classes were declared as free periods and students were each given permission to tackle any sort of practice they desire.

"I've borrowed it".

For the physical education period the next day, Hirata submitted an application to the school and obtained the grip strength measuring instrument. Horikita's plan which was adopted, based on priority of athletic superiority, was a plan that would simply bring together those confident in their strength. It's simple but it'll function well enough as a yardstick.

In particular, there are more than a few competitions in which the boys will be competing that purely require strength.

"Let's do it in order. Let's measure the grip strength of our dominant arms shall we? If you tell me the results then I'll record them. I've borrowed two so we can measure more efficiently and save time".

Saying that, he distributed one each to Hondou and Yukimura who were beside him. It's probably him deciding to measure in both a clockwise and anticlockwise direction. But Sudou, who did not feel like it, instead forcibly grabbed the instrument and stole it away.

"Let's start from me, Hirata. Becauses by starting with me, it'll be possible to set high standards".

It wasn't a logic I understood well but I did understand that he wanted to boast about his own strength.

"Umm.....then let's have the other one start with Sotomura-kun besides Sudou-kun".

Having had the order be forcibly changed, the starting point had to once again be adjusted.

"Keep looking, Ayanokouji. This is the strength of the man who will be carrying this class".

Sudou confidently laughs and shows off his ability as the one who forcibly became
the first one up.

Filled with fighting spirit, Sudou's shoulder shook as he gripped the instrument in his right hand.

The digital numerical values rapidly rise. In an instant it rose above 50 and hit 60 and continued to climb up to 70. Then, the value digitally displayed in the end was 82.4 kg. The surroundings briefly went into an uproar. "You're way too freakishly strong!".

"Heh. It's because I've always been training. This is natural. Hey, you do it too, Kouenji".

Almost as though it were a provocation, he showed off the value to Kouenji while handing over the instrument.

"I am not interested. You may ignore me".
Polishing his fingernails, Kouenji then blew on his fingertips.

"Are you scared of losing to me? Well, after seeing a value like this it's understandable".

He made such a cheap provocation, but it appears Kouenji has no intention of responding to him as he did not turn to look at him. "Tch...hey, Ayanokouji".

Since I was beside Sudou, I was forcibly handed the grip strength measuring instrument.

"No, I can do it later".

"Huh? You too? Don't fuck around. Do it in order".

I'd rather not be told that by Sudou who forcibly stole the turn for himself but certainly if we're going in this order then next up would be me. However, to think the second person to be measured would be me.....I know Sudou's 82.4 kg is a

considerably high value but I wonder what the average would be for a 1st year high school student?

I've gripped hundreds of thousands of such measuring instruments in the past, but I've never before heard what the average is for those of my generation. Because nothing except my personal records were kept.

"Hey, Sudou. About how much would be the average for a high school student?".
"Huh? I don't know. Shouldn't it be around 60?".
"60, huh....?".

I gripped the grip strenght measuring instrument I received such that the monitor was visible to me. Your grip strength isn't something that's simply proportional to the thickness of your arm.

Of course it's not like they are unrelated but what's important is the brachioradialis muscle located in the forearm and the bundle of muscles known as the flexor carpi radialis muscle. The mechanism is that as the muscles of the forearm contract, it pulls on the tendons and causes the fingers to bend. As such, one can improve their grip strength by training this particular bundle of muscles. In other words, as long as you possess a certain amount of muscle mass, then depending on how you train it's possible to exceed 100 kg.

Naturally, to achieve this, nothing but long periods of training involving gripping are necessary.

Slowly adding force to the lever, I gripped it. Then, once I had passed 44 I began to fine tune it. Once I had passed 55 I performed further minute adjustments and once it had reached slightly over 60 I stopped adding to it.

".....I can't, I can't move it any further".

Saying that, I released my grip on the measuring instrument and handed it over to Ike beside me. Then, I headed over to report to Hirata. "I got 60.6".

I uninterestedly reported it like that.
"'re pretty strong, Ayanokouji-kun".

As though impressed, Hirata turned towards me and gave me a smile.
"Ehh? No, that's about average right? Was it such a remarkable value?".
"I think the average is lower than that though? I'd say about 45 or around 50?".

"Hirata---. I got 42.6. Give me a little bonus and make it 50".

Ike comes over to report. It was a request for a not-so-little bonus. Even as he smiles bitterly, Hirata writes down 42.6 on the notebook.

Sotomura got 41, and Miyamoto who came afterwards got 48 and certainly, there were a lot of results under 50.

"I 60 was high....".

Apparently I was wrong for having asked someone like Sudou about the national average. There's no possible way he would know all that. I had thought to avoid participating in the contests by firmly staying in the middle but it was a huge miscalculation. At this rate it may become necessary for me to participate in some Recommended Only Participation events.

As a result, leaving aside Kouenji, I ended up as 2nd place in the class. I've made a blunder.

Next up, 3rd place is Hirata with 57.9.

As I thought, an omnipotent man like him could produce unwavering results even here.

On the other hand, Sudou who intends on carrying the entire class in the sports festival, did not hide his disappointment at the results of his classmates.

"How unreliable, my class that is.....except for me everyone else is like trash.
Currently it might as well be over after Ayanokouji".

Even if it's a fact, that he's able to say that with the people in question right beside him is one of the amazing things about Sudou.

After the boys all finished measuring, this time they handed over the measuring instrument to the girls. I suppose it's obvious since there are mixed competitions where strength will be required of them just as it is of the boys.

Currently, Hirata was filling in the total measured results into the Recommended Only Participation events frame and putting them together on the notebook. "Tug of war and omnidirectional tug of war can simply be in the order of grip strength then. Sudou-kun, Ayanokouji-kun, Miyake-kun and me".

"Hey, I'm curious about something but I've never heard about that omnidirectional tug of war. I've never heard of it you know".

"I haven't heard of it either so I researched it. Exactly as it sounds like, it seems like a contest where you pull a rope in all four directions. From 4 classes, their chosen 4 each with 16 in total pulling on the rope all at once, it appears to be that sort of contest".

Unlike the normal tug of war where it can be left up to strength, it seems like tactics will be important here.

Hirata writes out the participants for the omnidirectional tug of war.
"Hey, Hirata, aren't we getting any chances?".

"It's not like that. For instance, in scavenger hunt, rather than athleticism I think luck is what's being tested".

"Luck, huh? Then how will we decide it?".
"Simple is best. How about we go with rock-paper-scissors?".

I had thought it was unlike the serious Hirata, but surprisingly it may be a reasonable proposal.

In an individual's life, luck is unexpectedly a huge factor. It's uncertain, but through fluctuations in luck it's possible for an individual's life to make a 180 degree change. There are people who, while talented, remains employees of a firm

while there are also those who, while incompetent, manage to climb up to the position of president.

That is indeed proof that the element of luck is involved as well.

Of course, generally factors other than that are the cause most of the time though. The scavenger hunt of the sports festival, if we're only going to be deciding the participants for that then rock-paper-scissors should be sufficient.

Dividing them up into groups of several people, we narrowed down the ones who will be competing. Of course, I have no intention of participating. Praying only for a loss, I took on the first round and that in itself is a victory. Then, praying with even greater fervor to lose I took on the second round (as a matter of fact the final round). However, I brilliantly ended up winning.

Three boys and two girls. The participation of the five who win in rock-paper-scissors was decided.

"Ayanokouji-kun, Yukimura-kun, Sotomura-kun, Mori-san and Maezono-san. The five of you, then".

Then adding Sudou too, the six of us will be participating in the scavenger hunt.
"Kopou! II have been chosen for the scavenger hunt! Kopou!".

The Professor despairs with a bubbling vigor.
"Why did I choose rock? Kopou".
"Well we're in agreement there...".

At times like this, I wonder whether it could be called fortune or misfortune. Nya
absolutely misfortune.....
"I'm jealous---".
Ike expresses his envy of the winners.

It's interesting that depending on the person, the viewpoint of luck also changes.

No, really...

I'd like to say I'll hand over my position but that one sentence alone could spark a discussion so I chose not to. I could also see dissatisfaction from students like the Professor who did not want to participate.

Then, even as various expectations turned complicated, the frame of the contests
were all properly filled out.

Hirata turned over the notebook after having finished deciding on the participation of each individual student in all contests.

Seeing that the class has regained its calm, Hirata sighs in relief. However, this is only a provisional matter, and depending on future practice and information gained from the other classes, there will likely be portions that will undergo huge changes. "The information we've just decided on is of extreme importance and is something we don't want the other classes to know about so for your own turn and partner I'd like you to write it down. To make sure no photographic records are left behind". Hirata who takes everything into account. That forethought is appropriate. If a phone were to be used to simply record the list on the notebook then there's no telling where it'll be spread around.

The notebook is passed around from person to person. Horikita said this towards me as I was watching over the situation of the class.

"What's wrong, Ayanokouji-kun? You have a rather meek look on your face". "Several unwilling participations have been decided on after all. I'd feel melancholy".

"I can't be helped. In this class, there's an overwhelming gap between students who are athletic and those who are unathletic". "Certainly that's true".

The ratio of participation in the Recommended Only Participation events that was fought over is now decided. As expected, the one with an overwhelming amount of participations is Sudou. He'd be in all the contests to the point you'd worry about his stamina. As for girls, starting with Horikita, a lot of students will be participating in 3 events. On the other hand, misfortune accumulated for me and I'll have to participate in 2 events. Of course, it's still not like it's the final decision but merely a provisional placeholder and if, prior to the actual event, a suitable individual were to appear I'd probably be able to switch with them. At such a time I intend on manfully handing it over. No, by all means I'd like to hand it over.


bagian 3

Everyone's Thoughts

Part 1

Starting from the next homeroom, in preparation for the event, it has been decided that we'll be practicing independently. During our free period, each and every student changed into their gym uniforms, that is to say, their jerseys, and headed out towards the school grounds.

"Uwa, hey look at that".

Ike, with a blatantly uncomfortable look on his face, stares at the school building. And there, from the classrooms, there were students peeking out at us. And not just one but several students could be seen.

"That there's Class B, right? They're conducting reconnaissance right away---".

To figure out the physical abilities of the other classes prior to the sports festival is something that would be on anyone's checklist.

"Class A beside them is also looking at us".

Regardless of whether we're enemies or allies, to grasp our capabilities is not a bad thing for them. If we do this somewhere as conspicuous as the school grounds, being watched is also natural.

However, even if we hold back here so as to not have our abilities be discerned, ultimately it will only mean that the opportunities for us to practice for the actual event will decrease.

"It's started right off the bat".

Horikita, who finished changing, also seems to have immediately realized the curious stares. But what worries me is Class C. Even though there were signs of people being inside their classroom, not a single person looked towards us.

It's almost as if they're saying who from Class D participates in what contest is of no concern to them.

"Are you worried about Ryuuen-kun?".

"Well, a bit".

"I really doubt that he didn't think about conducting reconnaissance on us but he's the one who rejected cooperation with Class B after all. He doesn't have any intention of seriously building up a strategy".

Right after she said that, almost as though saying 'I understand', looked at me and continued.

"Is what I would have thought if I hadn't been warned by you. Surely the other students must be thinking that way".

Horikita further looked towards the students of Class D who were endeavoring to practice.

"The thing you mentioned earlier, about Ryuuen-kun already having thought of a strategy to win. So this means that has now been realized, right? After all, it means reconnaissance is no longer necessary for him, doesn't it?".

The optimistic expression Horikita had in the gymnasium can already no longer be seen. On the contrary, I could see her being pronouncedly bewildered.

"Anyone would want information on the other classes. Whose physical abilities are high or who's going to be participating in which contests, they'd be dying to know those. But he's not showing any sign of that".

That's right, that in itself is proof that Ryuuen already has a strategy he's keeping to himself.

"The important point here is to not be satisfied after only knowing that 'Ryuuen has thought of a strategy'".

"...what do you mean?".

"Normally, when a person comes up with a strategy or a secret measure, they would do their utmost to ensure their enemies don't wise up to it. However, that man isn't even trying to hide that and is boldly not conducting any reconnaissance".

"He's acting boldly, almost like he's showing off".

Then, if you think about what that would mean, you would be able to simultaneously see his thought patterns as well.

I wonder how much of that Horikita can see right now.

"You, that insight or observation of yours, I can't help but ask where you picked it up. But you've forbidden that so I dare not ask though".

What a disagreeable and Horikita-like way of putting it. Of course, no matter how she prods me I won't be saying anything though.

"Suzune, do you have a moment?".

Sudou, who came late, called out to Horikita, who was deep in thought. Horikita, who cut off her own thoughts, said to Sudou in a slightly irritated manner. It appears there's something else she's bothered by.

"I've been warning you repeatedly but would you mind not calling me by my first name?".

"What's that mean? Do you have a problem with being called like that?".

"A huge one, yes. I don't want a person I'm not close with to call me by my first name".

She took decisive action like that without paying heed to Sudou's feelings.

"If you insist on continuing to call me like this even after I've directly told you I'm uncomfortable with it, I'll be taking action".

Truly a terrifying expression. If possible, I'd rather not hear the details of what she has to say.

He must truly want to call her by her first name but he'd lose everything if she comes to hate him. However, I don't know what Sudou thought of it, as he said this.

"Then, in this sports festival, if I can produce the best results out of Class

that time, please give me permission to officially call you by your first name".

Ohh? For Sudou, that's a rather modest wish he's put into words.

It's just even so, I don't know whether or not Horikita will honestly acknowledge it.

"You working hard is a desirable thing but why do I have to respond to that?".

It seems Horikita hadn't thought that she had curried goodwill with Sudou. In response to that, I wonder how Sudou will answer her.

"....not too long after enrollment, you saved me, right? That's why I want to be

proper, first I want to be friends with you. This is a step towards that".

"I don't understand. It's not something you'd go out of your way to declare and put into action. But alright. If you produce the best results, then at that time, I will permit you to call me by my first name. However, don't be satisfied with just the class. Show me the best results across the entire school year".

Saying that, Horikita struck Sudou with the highest hurdle. But, in a sense, it may be good material to act as a booster for Sudou. There was no sign of fear on him.

"Alright. It's a promise, if I become the 1st across the school year then I'll be calling you by your first name".

"However, until you produce results you can't. Also, if you cannot take 1st place amongst the school year then you are forever forbidden from calling me by my first name. You'll do well to prepare yourself for that".


Although he had an overwhelmingly difficult task pressed upon him, Sudou vigorously nodded and answered.

It's just, well, the possibility of it is by no means low. As far as I've seen from students of the other classes, Sudou's potential is unmistakably top class. I can see he'll have no problem with the individual contests.

The only one who could stand against him, Kouenji, seems to have no motivation so there should be no problem there. All that's left is to see just how many records he can break in contests that require cooperation.

Bagian 2

After a brief check inside the room, genuine practice for the purpose of determining aptitude began. Hirata's policy was also in effect with compulsory participations not being demanded of the students but with the goal of bringing the class together as one the participation rate was about 90% and ended with only those like Kouenji and the Professor declining.

"Hau, auu, fuu....".

Right now, a girl came in at last place and looking as though she were about to collapse, she placed her hands on both her knees.

"Good work out there, Sakura. You were eagerly running out there".

"A-Ayanokouji-kun. Huu".

Sakura, who's always been unathletic, did not proactively participate in things like this. However, recently she's been serious in taking the initiative and is working hard to become a member of the class.

It's just regrettably, since she's not very athletic, results don't follow her.

"Ora! Let's go!".

On the other hand, as for the usually unserious Sudou, his existence right now would be noticed by just about anyone. After having mouthed off in class, he could not afford to let it end with disappointing results.

However, that was a needless concern. Bathing in attention, perhaps he's utilizing more power than usual but Sudou scored without permitting anyone to catch up to him. There are probably no students in our class that could stand up to him as an equal.

"As expected of Sudou-kun. Whatever you do, you end up in 1st place among the class. That's amazing".

Kushida expressed her respect towards Sudou, who ran the 100 meter dash, while she jumps up and down.

"Heh, well I guess. But even so, I don't know what'll happen if he runs though".

The one Sudou glared and looked back at was Kouenji, who did not show any interest in the class.

"Speaking of which, I've never seen Kouenji run seriously before".

Before, when he faced Sudou as an opponent during swimming lessons, when he swam seriously just that once, he transcended Sudou's time. From that, I was able to confirm that Kouenji has high potential.

But Kouenji is the type of man who won't make a move at all unless he himself decides he'll be doing it. In regards to this sports festival, since his policy is to basically let us think and act freely on our own, Kouenji truly won't do anything at all.

"Yeah, but it's really amazing. In this sports festival, Sudou-kun's the leader".

"Leader? Me....?".

As he was once again told that, Sudou seemed slightly dumbfounded as he pointed at himself.

"I agree with that too. The sports festival is truly the place for the athletic students, after all. I believe Sudou-kun is more than qualified for that. If you're fine with it, can you accept it too for everyone's sake?".

As if agreeing with Kushida, Hirata said that while recording. The sports festival demands a strong leader. Hirata also has those qualities in abundance but perhaps he's judged that Sudou who excels at it would fit the bill better.

"But even so, I'm not cut out to be a leader.....".

Sudou, who pretty much acts alone or with a small few, seemed slightly bewildered. Then he looked at Horikita who was near him and asked her for her opinion.

"You're not the type of person who can theoretically explain things to someone. For a leader, Hirata-kun would be the superior choice. However, by looking at your sprint earlier as well as your other records I can understand. You're the type of person to shine while bathing in the attention of many. To tug the class along, it's probable that brute force will be necessary. I have no intention of objecting to you being named the leader".

She did not affirm it, but neither did she reject it. In other words, it means she's acknowledged Sudou.

It seems Horikita is not just vaguely participating in this practice but had been properly ascertaining talent.

"....I get it. I'll guide Class D to victory in this sports festival then".

Perhaps it could be called the weakness of having fallen in love but Sudou took on such an attitude so as to live up to Horikita's expectations.

"Don't get clumsily overconfident. You'll get it later if you do".

She warned Sudou to listen to her and after that Horikita left to continue the practice.

While blushing, Sudou looked at her back and clenched his fist.

Part 3

Sudou, who had started acting in his capacity as leader, had the students assemble on the next day and began coaching them. It appears Sudou's job on his first day as leader is to teach them to get the hang of tug of war. I watched from a slight distance.

"You're pointlessly straining too much. There's no strength at all behind your tug.

At this rate you won't win what can be won".

Saying that, perhaps he intends on giving a practical demonstration, Sudou gripped in his hands a short rope. Facing him were two people, Ike and Yamauchi. It appears he intends on taking them on alone.

The two of them must surely have expected to win but when the match began, Sudou pulled on the rope with overwhelming strength. Not too long after, the two of them fell before Sudou and sat down on the ground.

"See? You're not putting any strength into it".

"I don't get it.....hey Sudou. Is there a trick or something behind this?".

"Power is also vital but in cases like this it's not just your arm but rather you use your hips, you know, hips".

Even as he spoke roughly, Sudou was giving each and every student complete and thorough instructions.

"Hey, Sudou-kun. Can you have a look here later? The horseman isn't going too well".

"Wait a minute. I'll be right there".

There were more than a few students who aren't especially good at sports and so there were quite a lot of voices calling out to ask for Sudou's opinion. Surprisingly enough, I honestly didn't expect that even the girls would ask him for his opinion.

"He surprisingly appears to be doing it seriously".

"It's the first time his surroundings have relied on him after all. The role of leader may yet surprisingly befit him, don't you think?".

In theory, having people rely on you would make just about anyone feel good. It's especially true for students like Sudou who have lived in solitude.

"As for me, if it weren't for 'that', I wouldn't mind praising him though......".

'That'? As I was about to ask her about that, an angry voice rang out.

"I'm telling you that's not it!".

Kicking the dirt on the ground, he blew up a dust cloud towards Ike and the others.

"Dowa! Peh, peh! Please stop!".

Seeing that, Horikita sighed. Certainly, him being quick to get physical is a problem. A leader must have proper awareness that the people they interact with are fundamentally different from them. On the other hand, the leader who always employs kind teaching methods is Hirata. Underneath the girl waiting for Sudou's instructions, he was checking their positions in order to ensure a comfortable posture and to establish a foundation in preparation for the cavalry battle.

"Yeah, I think this is fine. But don't you feel a bit cramped?".

"That's shoulders hurt a bit, I guess".

"Let's try changing positions a bit, shall we? I think just by moving a few centimeters it'll be different".

"Ohh---you're right, it feels rather comfortable now. Thank you, Hirata-kun".

"Please help out here a bit too, Hirata".

Yet another cavalry group asked for help and Hirata responded with a smile.

"How about you teach the girls too?".

Horikita too, within her class, is top class as far as athleticism goes. She has quite a lot of potential as a leader.

"I have no intention of teaching them. In the first place, I doubt there's anyone who wants to be taught by me".

Boldly saying something that she shouldn't be proud of, she begins warming up on her own.

"I have my hands full with making sure I can produce results. Can you afford to be laid-back? If you're confident you can win no matter who you fight against, then that's fine though".

"I have no such confidence".

"Sounds about right. Your results are always mediocre after all. You're neither fast nor are you slow, inconspicuous results".

"You knew?".

"For the record, I intend on ascertaining the abilities of my classmates".

It appears even in physical education classes, she's been closely observing me.

"I'll ask you this once any chance would you happen to be holding back

like you did with your test scores?".

"Do you think I'd do something that pointless?".

"I'd say it's 50/50. So, what about it?".

"I apologize for partly betraying your expectations but my usual results are my ability".

"In other words, you're neither good nor bad. Meaning I shouldn't expect good results from you, then?".

"That's how it is".

"Then you'd better endeavor to practice right away".

"It wouldn't be a problem if I could improve by practicing in this short period of time. Unlike studies, last-minute cramming is impossible for this".

One's physical ability will only improve through daily accumulation of experience.

"I think it'll be a different story if you focus on contests that can be supplemented with technique though? The way you grip the rope or the way you form the horseman. Just by learning those you should be able to add to our manpower".


I had tried to slack off but she's done a good job besieging me. It can't be helped then, I think I'll practice for the Recommended Only Participation events I ended up becoming a participant in.


Having been urged to do so, I was about to move when Horikita once again called out to me.


"What's going to decide victory or defeat in the sports festival is the physical ability of each class. That is correct, is it not?".

"It is a sports festival. You do realize that physical ability is the key here, don't you?".

"That's right.....but that way of thinking is limited to times when I fight alone. If I

focus on my own results, then I'm confident I can leave behind a good outcome.

But recently I no longer quite understand. That just by elevating one's own abilities, perhaps you might not be able to reach Class A".

It was an uncharacteristically timid remark. It's likely proof that all her mistakes in the exams leading up to now are causing her to respond like this to this extent.

"Then let me ask this. What needs to be done in order to produce results in this sports festival? To climb up to Class A?".

As I replied with a question, Horikita closed her mouth right away. She only sends me a gaze that seems to be telling me she's asking me that precisely because she doesn't know.

"Isn't it that you'll win if you enjoyed it? This is the long-awaited sports festival, you know. Forgetting that this is an exam and amusing ourselves is also an option".

I said that as though avoiding the topic.

"You promised me you'd cooperate, right? That you'd help me climb up to Class A".

"I'm doing it now, aren't I?".

I spread out my hands lightly as if to show my body.

"I will participate in the sports festival. That is cooperation".

"...are you serious?".

"You said so yourself, right? That what will decide victory or defeat in the sports festival is physical ability. That is correct".

"But.....what I wanted to say is about elements other than that".

In other words, something other than physical ability capable of influencing the outcome.

"If so, on the day of the sports festival, shall we give the guys from Class C and Class B stomach aches and have them be absent? If we do that then we'll be completely victorious. It'll be our victory by an overwhelmingly wide margin".

"Don't joke around".

"The answer you're hoping for from me is something like that right? This sports festival is a task that should be challenged up front. Clumsy tricks will backfire, each and every person should elevate their abilities and triumph in the contests".

What the school side is looking for also undoubtedly leans strongly towards that aspect.

"It's just if I have to strongly add onto your way of thinking then even if your physical ability is high, it would mean it's still impossible".

" other words? Is something else necessary?".

"It would seem you'll understand the answer soon".

I turned my gaze towards the person walking towards us.

"Horikita-san, for the three-legged race practice, the next one up is you, Horikita-san".

"I understand".

Having been called, Horikita heads over. Apparently the one who will be pairing up with Horikita is Onodera. Onodera is a girl who belongs to the swimming club but according to rumors, she's also quite a sprinter.

For the sports festival, the important things are: your individual ability and cooperation with your classmate.

I wonder if Horikita will be able to make it go well. Horikita and Onodera mutually tie the string and the girls start in their battle formation. If we're only

talking about coordination then the Horikita/Onodera pair would be number one. However, the result is something yet unknown. It was by no means slow but neither can the result be called fast, they came in at 3rd place.

By the way, the slowest ones were the unathletic Sakura/Inogashira pair.

Decisively slow.

The Horikita/Onodera pair who shouldered the expectations of the class, in response to their dissatisfactory results, challenged it again and again but their time did not improve.

"They're rather slow, those two".

From the high levels of attention they were receiving, Sudou unexpectedly uttered that from an outsider's perspective.

"That's true".

Having returned after their sprint, the two of them immediately untied the string and faced each other.

"Hey, Horikita-san, would you mind keeping pace with me a bit more?".

Onodera, slightly annoyed, said that.

"Indeed our rhythms are mismatched. But it's not my fault. Rather it's because you're slow".


"Isn't it natural to keep pace with the rhythm of the faster one? To bother slowing down just to compromise would be strange after all".

The development I had feared will soon be at hand it seems. It's no easy matter to keep pace with Horikita, who's running at her maximum pace selfishly.

"Then shall we have a go at it too, Ayanokouji-kun?".


I have no time to either help out or laugh at the quarreling Horikita. Three-legged racing is a first for me too.

"For now let's try running and then fix our shortcomings, shall we?".

Nodding and following Hirata's instructions I tied our legs together.

It was far tighter than I had imagined or rather, it felt like I was deprived of my freedom. Besides, even though we're both males, if we're this close to each other it's slightly embarrassing. More so if it's Hirata, who garners attention from the girls.

"Then, let's go. Let's try using our tied feet for the first step".

I nodded and waited for Hirata's foot to move and then stepped forth to match it.

And with the same rhythm, this time, I moved my free foot on the outside.

"...feels terribly uncomfortable".

"Right? But as you run you'll get used to it, I guess. I'm going to start running a bit then".

Hirata said that as he picked up the pace and I too, started running to match him.

Well, I say run but it was only at the speed of a trot though.

"Yep, that's it, you're doing great".

It was probably a speed almost anyone can keep up with but being praised like that made it easier. And then as I got used to it, I realized it was something surprisingly simple to do.

To properly understand your partner's pace. Then if your partner, too, grasps your pace, the next step will come smoothly.

"As expected of Hirata-kun! So fast!".

Shrill cheers came flying from the girls. We ran a small lap and then returned, untying the string.

"It's extremely easy to do if Ayanokouji-kun's my partner. Let's practice countless times then work hard at the actual event, shall we?".

Yes, he sure is invigorating. Furthermore, even after finishing practice, without resting, he headed over to advise the other students. This is probably the daily life of Hirata, a man capable of doing this.

Part 4

Mid September. Two weeks closer to the sports festival. Horikita, Sudou and the others were putting effort into their daily training in preparation for the actual event. Sudou, who utterly fails at studies, was steadily, laboriously and repeatedly practicing when it came to sports. Having trained his spirit habitually as part of the basketball club, he proved to be tenacious. There were students among them who held back but Sudou, without being prideful about it, devoted himself to his ability and thoroughly did what he could do.

This is probably the bare minimum requirement demanded by the sports festival. Especially for contests like the cavalry battle and tug of war, it's a direct showdown with your opponents. The outcome can be greatly influenced with just a strategy or a formation alone. Of course, it's not like Hirata had forgotten about our cooperative relationship with Class A either.

He periodically holds meetings with Katsuragi, discussing how to best fight in the actual event. For Class D that's been in hot water many times until now, this is a situation that's far too good. Seeing that fact as part of the bigger picture, I could also see the remaining two issues similarly.

One is the existence known as Horikita Suzune, who will become an indispensable existence to this class in the future. Ever since the first day, Horikita has changed her partner many times over and challenged the three-legged race but each and every time she ends up quarreling with her partners and ending their partnership.

Eventually in the end, she decided to challenge the actual event with the girl who she had gotten the best time with but even that time is still a worrisome one.

But now she's no longer practicing and instead silently spent her time alone.

"Do you have a moment?".

"What's the matter?".

Perhaps it's the fault of the stress she accumulated from the three-legged race but she's slightly thornier than usual.

"I think it'll do you good if you remember to compromise a bit".

I've been keeping an eye on her recent practice but I couldn't see any signs of improvement at all. It was clearly obvious that Horikita's overwhelming personality was getting in her way.

".....I've been told that by many people".

Maybe a great many came to mind as she said that while holding her forehead.

"I'm simply not allowing any compromise for the sake of getting the best time. Is that not a good thing? A three-legged race is different from running normally. Even a person who's slow to a certain extent should be able to keep up theoretically".

"In other words, you mean to say you have no intention of yielding?".

"Yes. I have no intention of matching with slow people".

"But as a result, it has become that no one is willing to practice with you anymore, right?".

During practice for the three-legged race, Horikita was left out of the class circle.

She can hardly hope to improve her time if she approaches the actual event in this state.

"I don't understand. Even if I were to yield, it'll have to be after my partner puts in effort. I cannot match up with someone who's abandoned effort from the start".

Well, I do understand what Horikita wants to say. Indeed the girls she partnered up with all suggested dissolving their partnership as soon as their times didn't end up matching.

However, that is only because there is a fundamental reason behind it.

"Step up a bit".

".....what do you mean?".

"Please partner up with me once for a three-legged race".

"Why with you?".

"There's also the mixed gender three-legged race. Isn't it fine to check our compatibility as partners?".

"Do you intend on matching me with your speed? It's a hindrance".

"According to your theory, one's slowness has nothing to do with it, right?".

"....very well. I'll tie it".

As though saying 'don't touch me', Horikita crouches down and ties the string between her own leg and mine.

Since our surroundings were engrossed in practice mood, even if we run a three-legged race we won't attract attention. Sudou, who seems like he'd be the one to get angry, also happens to be busy in the middle of a simulated match with another group too.

"Well then, let's go---".

For the first one or two steps, I sensed and matched Horikita as I stepped forth. However, as we picked up speed, rather than go at Horikita's pace, I started going at my own pace.


In response to the panicking Horikita, I mercilessly sped up my pace. Horikita earnestly tries to come to grips with it but as her base stamina and physical strength is far below that of a boy's, she could not keep the initiative.

"According to you, keeping pace with your partner isn't all too difficult right?".

"That's.....I know that.....!".

She's stubborn after all. Horikita, without yielding, desperately tried to keep up. If so, I'll shift up a gear. I understand now after I've tried it, but as far as the three-legged race is concerned, just being fast alone won't cut it. The important thing is the tempo that both runners feel is best and from there the search for the best pace begins.

If you only demand speed here then inevitably it'll end up as a backassward run.


Eventually, no longer able to keep up with my pace, Horikita almost collapses.

I grabbed her shoulders and stopped her fall, then I came to a stop too. Horikita took a slightly sharp breath.

"Before you consider things like fast or slow, it ended up like this because you're not looking at your partner".

I crouched down and without saying anything, I untied the string around Horikita's leg.

"The important thing is to look at your partner, to let them take the lead, is it not?".

It's precisely because she's athletic that she must discern her partner's ability and control herself.

"All that's left now is for you to think about it yourself".


I don't know whether Horikita will realize this and mature but I've shown her one possibility. The rest is up to her. And the other issue is the existence of Kushida Kikyo.

Perhaps I should call her a power lurking out of sight, as she's hidden behind the existence of Hirata and Karuizawa yet as far as closeness with a lot of classmates go, she far surpasses even those two. Even now, surrounded by boys and girls, she's happily working on practicing.

In addition to that phenomenal communication skill of hers, she also possesses high academic and athletic abilities as well as a blessed figure. Truly, she can be said to be a faultless student.

In a sense, she's a student whose assignment to Class D in the first place is a mystery. However, I know a little of the darkness of sorts she possesses. That is to say, not too long after enrollment, I saw her ranting on an isolated rooftop and her face when she threatened me. And I don't know of the reason but it is a fact that Kushida hates Horikita considerably.

But it's clear that Horikita and Kushida are both issues vital in the improvement of Class D. And also, in order to resolve these issues, there's probably no other way for them to confront one another.


Chapter 4

How their relationship came to be

Part 1

In the midst of the other classes moving onto reconnaissance, there were small movements in Class D too. So-and-so are good at what or who is athletic or not. That sort of information is present everywhere. The majority have already begun to realize this but there is very little meaning to direct reconnaissance. Just by ascertaining the degree of someone else's athleticism to one's heart's content, ultimately the key to victory lies in the combination of partners for the contests. Information alone is not worth much.

Unless you know the contents of their participation table, which is the essence of it all, it won't lead to victory over the other classes. However, vice versa if we can acquire information on their participation table, it would be a great help towards defeating them. And if we can acquire both the 'participation table' and 'information', then our chances will rise drastically.

But as a rule of thumb, the participation table is not shared with the other classes. And since it would be equivalent to strangling themselves should it leak, thorough control of the information is likely.

The one exception.....would be Class D that's carrying a bomb internally though.

One week before the sports festival. I made my move as soon as classes were over.

I called out to Horikita, who was packing up her things beside me.

"Please accompany me for a bit after this".

"If I said no?".

"Of course you're free to say that but I won't be taking responsibility then if Class D faces a predicament".

I got straight to the point, and by suddenly saying something that sounds like a threat, Horikita was a loss for words for a moment.

"...this is something I can't quite ignore. Fine, what do you want?".

"You'll understand if you come along".

Saying that, I passed in front of Horikita, who had been demanding an answer. I then called out to one other target.

"Kushida, do you have a moment?".

I headed over in front of Kushida, who was chatting away with the girls in the class and called out to her like that.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Ayanokouji-kun?".

Kushida also turned to look for a moment at Horikita, who was keeping quiet even as she gave off an aura of dislike.

"Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?".

On Saturday, which should be a day off for Kushida, I tried inviting her out for something.

"I don't have anything planned so far. I guess only as far as thinking I'd clean my room".

"If you're fine with it, can I borrow some of your time for the morning only?".

I cut in with that. If Kushida shows any sign of discontent with it, I had every intention of withdrawing immediately.

"Sure thing".

However, as if to dispel such anxieties, Kushida accepted with a smile.

"But how unusual, for Ayanokouji-kun to invite me out".

"That may be so. By the way, Horikita will also be coming along".


I reined in Horikita with my hand as she voiced her complaints.

"Sure, I don't mind that at all.....but what do you mean by the morning only?"

"Including Kushida, who's familiar with information on the other classes, I want to once again conduct reconnaissance on the enemy is what I thought. I was invited to do so by Horikita but there are many things I don't know".

I honestly informed Kushida of what I was thinking. However, the part about Horikita alone was an improvisation.

As long as I intend to ask her to accompany me, it won't succeed unless I tell her the truth and Kushida also needs to understand her role.

After finishing with the conversation, as though she were convinced, Kushida repeatedly nods.

"I might be the most suitable one for that. Yeah, roger. What time would be good? The earlier it is, the better, right?".

"That's right. If possible, something like around 10 o'clock? Is that fine?".

"Completely fine. Then tomorrow we'll meet up in the dorm's lobby?".

"Yeah, thank you".

It appears Kushida had promised to go back with her friends as she left while waving her hand towards the girls waiting in the corridor. As I moved to do the same and go back, Horikita grabs hold of my back.

"What are you on about? I never heard about this".

"Of course, because I never told you about it. But reconnaissance isn't such a bad thing, right?".

"I don't understand the reasoning behind inviting me. If it's reconnaissance, then you and Kushida-san should have been more than enough?".

"...are you seriously saying that?".

"What? I wouldn't say something like that as a joke".

Apparently, I can't afford to send Horikita back just yet.

"We're standing out too much here. Let's talk on our way back".

I stepped out into the corridor with a vigor as though leaving Horikita behind.

Horikita, in pursuit, lined up beside me.

"During the shipboard exam, you haven't forgotten the outcome of your team, have you?".

"Of course not, the identity of the 'target' in Class D was unanimously seen through.

A humiliating result".

"That's right. It became a result that normally could not have been. There is definitely a reason for that".

"I too understand that. But I don't know why, and no matter how much I think about it I cannot find an answer. I can guess at least that Ryuuen-kun was involved in it though...".

I understand well that she's ended up colliding with a difficult question that seems like a dead end. In all likelihood, inside Horikita numerous questions are forming then fading then forming again before fading repeatedly.

"It's not like I have any certainty either but I have already reached a single, complete hypothesis regarding that".

As I said that, Horikita looked at me as though she were genuinely shocked.

"Are you saying you've figured out Ryuuen-kun's strategy?".

"Yeah, but to be precise it's not just Ryuuen. There is one other person greatly involved in the outcome of that exam".

We reached the main entrance and retrieved our shoes from the shoe rack. Then we went outdoors and resumed our conversation.

"If we think about it normally there's no way the identity of the 'target' can be found out. You, and Hirata too, never revealed to anyone the fact that Kushida is the 'target', right?".


"But what about Kushida herself? If she intentionally revealed herself?".

Horikita probably could not comprehend what I was saying for a moment there. Normally this isn't something that anyone would even think of so it's natural. There isn't a single imbecile who would reveal the fact that they are the 'target' themselves.

"Impossible, right? Something like that...there are no benefits in it for Kushida-san".

"You can't say with certainty that there are no benefits, right? For instance, how about something like making a backroom deal to reveal that she's the 'target' in exchange for private points from another class. Something like that".

"Even if that's's an act that disadvantages Class D. In the first place, if

someone turns traitor then it's all over, it's a gamble far too dangerous".

"That depends on the timing, right? There are many ways to build trust".

"Are you saying she'd betray her allies to gain points temporarily?".

"That may be so and that may not be so. The reason is something only Kushida knows".

That is why in order to ascertain the truth of it, I invited Kushida.

"So you brought me and Kushida-san ascertain the truth?".

Having come this far, finally Horikita too has reason to think Kushida has turned traitor.

"It's because you and Kushida seem to share something extraordinary like fate after all. If there's something worth more than private points to turn traitor over, it would no longer be strange".

As I looked at her to check, Horikita awkwardly averted her eyes.

"There's nothing like fate between me and Kushida-san".

"If so, can you say with 100% certainty that she won't betray the class over you?".

"That is---".

"If there's something you're thinking about, we should confirm it. No, if we don't confirm it it'll be over you know? You can imagine it too, right? No matter what kind of exam it may be, as soon as a traitor appears from within your allies then the class no longer has any chance of winning".

The previous exam, and the exam before the previous one as well, and in this sports festival too, I understand well how simple it is for the class to collapse from just a single traitor alone.

In no time at all, we had returned in front of the dormitory and we got onto the elevator standing by on the 1st floor.

"You're free to choose whether you'll come tomorrow or not but if you intend on leading the class, think carefully about it".

I got off on the 4th floor where my room is and with that, I bid farewell to Horikita.

Bagian 2

Saturday morning.

I was, along with the 3 Idiots gathered in my room, having fun talking about something stupid. Of course, for the most part I only listened to the conversation with the occasional interjection here and there. Since the basketball club was unable to make use of the gymnasium, today Sudou happened to be enjoying his day off. Basically leaving me aside, the three of them were living it up.

They had each brought a cup they had bought in advance and pouring hot water into them, they waited for 3 minutes.

"Ayanokouji, what flavor is yours?".

"Spicy tom yum goong. I don't know much about it so I tried buying it".

"It looks delicious. Please swap with my salty ramen".

He extends a cup with the illustration of a salted squid on it truly making it seem mismatched.

" thank you".

Why would he even go out of his way to buy such an undelicious looking ramen?

"Hey Ken. Do you have any plans of telling Horikita?".

"Huh? What is it all of a sudden?".

"No, it's just I feel curious about it. Right, Haruki?".


After looking at me awkwardly, Yamauchi formed a fake smile. Over the summer vacation, after honorably confessing to Sakura determinedly, he had brilliantly suffered an honorable defeat after all.....

"It depends on the outcome of the sports festival. If I get official recognition maybe I'll do it then".

"Ohh---it's about that declaration of calling her by her first name right?".

Sudou, who is obstinately determined to take 1st place across the school year, as if to show off his motivation, showed off his well-developed biceps.

"Honestly, there's no one who's better at sports than me after all, amongst the 1st years".

"The only opposition, Kouenji, probably won't be doing it seriously either".

For Sudou, Kouenji's lack of motivation is both rejoiceful and unfortunate.

"Well, as for me, if I can participate seriously to a certain degree I've got no complaints".

Speaking of which, I decided to cut in and ask Ike and the others something I had been curious about.

"There's a student named Sakayanagi in Class A, right? The one whose legs are crippled. Do you remember her?".

"That beautiful girl, right? Of course I'd remember her".

Rubbing the bottom of his nose, Ike answered with that.

"Have you not heard the rumors about that girl?".

"Rumors? You mean with men? How should I put it, that girl doesn't have much of a presence. Like she won't be the topic of a conversation at all".

Having heard that, and as though agreeing, Yamauchi answered as if adding onto Ike's answer.

"From a few I've heard that she's the class's leader but she's quite mature isn't she?".

Since the two of them seemed to be of the same opinion, and it appears as though there won't be any valuable information on Sakayanagi to be gained here. As I was talking, the sound of a mail received came from my phone.

Then as I checked its contents, I could feel suspicious gazes from Ike and Yamauchi.

"You've.....been receiving quite a lot of mails recently haven't you?".

"Ehh? No, I wonder. Isn't it usual?".

I answered that way, but since they have been increasing as a matter of fact, the suspicious eyes only became more pronounced.

"It can't be that you've found yourself a girlfriend or something like that, right?".

"That's absolutely not the case so relax. There's no way I could find a girlfriend before you guys. Right?".

"Well, that is true I guess.....".

Just by putting it in a way that would slightly stir them up, the two of them returned to a milder attitude.

"I don't care about Ayanokouji not being popular. More importantly, let's talk about me and Suzune's future".

"Speaking of which, Ken, you're partnering up with Horikita for the mixed gender three-legged race right?".

"Yeah, along with giving her victory as a present I'm going to getting more intimate---".

Sudou had been trying to cultivate such an uninteresting discussion but my phone rang yet again.

But this time it's not a mail but an alarm.

"Sorry but I've got something planned from now".

"What do you mean by that? Things were just getting good. Well fine, I'll have Kanji and Haruki listen up well".


No, more importantly I'd like you to leave my room though.....but rather than hear

out that request, I had to leave the three of them behind in my room as I left.

Part 3

Before 10 o'clock on the promised morning with Kushida. The person in question had already arrived in the lobby.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun".

"G-Good morning, Kushida".

Summer is already over so it'll only be for a while longer that I'll be able to see Kushida in her summer clothes. I met up with Kushida while feeling flustered about her plain clothes.

"Sorry about suddenly making a weird request like that yesterday".

"No such thing. I didn't have anything planned for today either. Besides, I'm happy because it feels a little nostalgic".


"You know, during the exam in the 1st semester, Ayanokouji-kun went and asked a senior student for the past exam questions right? Somehow I felt this is similar to that".


"Yep, yep".

I didn't think it was anything special but since Kushida happily nodded I decided to leave it be. Honestly I feel more comfortable taking along Karuizawa or Sakura for a walk but one should go to specialists for the best results.

I've ascertained that requesting this of Kushida is best considering she's the right person for the job. And, more importantly, is Horikita. It's almost 10 o'clock yet she hasn't shown up.

Could it be that she's running away from having to meet Kushida? Just as I had begun thinking that, she arrived.

"...I've kept you waiting".

"Good morning, Horikita-san".

Kushida welcomes Horikita with an unfaltering smile.

On the other hand, Horikita seems somewhat sullen. She's desperately trying to hide that though but from my point of view it couldn't have been more obvious.

Kushida too, probably realized it. But what makes Kushida so amazing is that in spite of it, she is able to keep her usual attitude, without a bit of change. The three of us left the dormitory and headed in the direction of the school grounds.

The grounds past 10 o'clock was already packed full of students.

"Woah, they're going at it".

From the boys, the sound of a ball being kicked resounded with a 'bon'. The ball followed a curve towards the goal post. It was a beautiful orbit yet perhaps it was easy to read precisely because of that as the keeper, with sharp reflexes, repelled the ball with a punch. Hirata's figure could also be seen in the midst of the match. Perhaps it's because the team consists of a mixture of 1st years up to 3rd years, but there were also students who I did not know.

"Scouting out clubs to grasp information on the students of other classes.

Somehow it makes me feel like I'm a spy. It's thrilling".

"It's nothing that splendid though. The information we can acquire here is limited".

"But Horikita-san doesn't think so. Right?".

"There's nothing better than acquiring it. There's no telling may be the key".

"That may be so---. But it was kind of you, Ayanokouji-kun. To cooperate for Horikita-san's sake".

"It can't be helped since she'd be annoying afterwards if I don't".

"You've got guts saying that with me right in front of you".

Ignoring that one frightening word from said person in question, I focused my attention on the grounds.

Since it has come down to a corner kick, the folks in the soccer club, while calmly walking, were vying for their positions. It won't be long before the match resumes and an intense development occurs. And we too could almost physically feel the resumption of the match drawing near.

As Kushida smiles, I had an uncomfortable feeling about the state of the three of us.

Surprisingly enough, the one who initiated it was Kushida.

"The one who decided to invite me out here today was Ayanokouji-kun, right?".

"Why do you think so?".

"I mean, I can't imagine Horikita-san would invite me".

Still smiling, and after briefly looking at Horikita, Kushida turned back to me.

"You think Horikita wouldn't invite you, why is that?".

"Ahaha, that's terrible of you Ayanokouji-kun. You know things aren't going too well between me and Horikita-san right?".

Since I am already in the know regarding that, Kushida said so without attempting to cover it up. Horikita too, was listening quietly without denying it.

"Honestly I still can't believe that, or rather, I'm still half in doubt".

The ball kicked from the corner flies towards a teammate waiting near the goal post. The one who skillfully matched it was Hirata. However, since aiming the shot right now proved to be too exacting, he instead passed the ball to his teammate.

That person was a familiar Class B student. The ball that was kicked with perfect timing brilliantly flew into the goal in one stroke.

"So Shibata's from the soccer club".

"Yeah. Hirata-kun praises him often, that he's better than him. It seems they're close".

As expected, the well-informed Kushida appears to have heard of such things too. Once the match started up again, the ball again went to Shibata as he runs around the enemy team with agile movements.

"His speed is also considerable".

He's equal to, if it's just speed alone then he seems to be faster. Saya t

doesn't seem like Hirata was just being humble.

"Ohh, they're going at it. They're lively today as well, this is amazing!".

The figure of a tall man wearing the club's uniform walked past the spectators, namely us. I had assumed he practiced some form of sports, so it was soccer after all.

"Good morning, Nagumo-senpai".

Perhaps she was acquainted with him, but from beside me, Kushida called out to him. On the other hand, towards the name Nagumo, Horikita gave an almost imperceptible response.

It's because he's a candidate for the next student council president and someone whose abilities equal that of Horikita's brother after all.

"Hmm? If I recall, you're Kikyo-chan right? You're on a date with a boy on your day off. Not too shabby".

"Ahaha, it's not like that though...I got curious and came here to watch".

"Take it easy. My club doesn't know how to hold back so I think you're right on the mark if you've come to measure their skills".

Nagumo winked, then headed down to the ground field for a meetup.

Apparently he's seen through our intent.

The mood of the soccer club changed dramatically, starting with Hirata, when Nagumo joined them.

"Hey, is our school ok with letting someone hold positions in both the student council and a club?".

"It doesn't seem to be expressly forbidden but he appears to have left the club now. But even though he's quit, he's still the best so he shows up to practice from time to time and coaches them".

"Can you go like that, Nagumo?".

"Yep. I overslept but then after running a few laps my body's getting all warmed up".

As a student swapped with Nagumo and the match resumed, in an instant, both the ball and the players all gathered around Nagumo. He's probably just that reliable as a teammate and just that dangerous as an enemy.

He seems to be on the team opposing Hirata and Shibata's. As the situation changed, Nagumo's play shone.


Hirata challenged Nagumo to steal the ball away. His movements should have been just as sharp as before but almost as though dandling a baby, he ended up being splendidly passed by.

Right afterwards, Shibata also charged at Nagumo but Nagumo interwove several feints together and dazzled him before passing him too.

I believe both of them to be considerably talented but Nagumo was a level above them.

Passing one more person, he let loose a powerful shot from mid-distance. The ball which flew in a terrifying curve exceeded the keeper's prediction and quickly enough, he scored a goal.

"So the title of succeeding student council president isn't just for show".

"'s just athleticism though".

It appears Horikita has no intention of honestly acknowledging Nagumo since she couldn't see the full picture regarding him. Even as I exchanged words with her, I snuck a glance at Kushida who was watching the match to peek at her expression.

She was smiling as usual and not a single trace of her true nature could be seen.

"Even if you stare at me with those eyes, it'll only embarrass me".

As though seeing through my thoughts, Kushida met my gaze and laughed.

"I promise not to ask any further so can you please tell me this one thing?".

In the presence of the parties concerned, I had dared to step into an area that should have been inviolable.

"What's the cause of your strained relationship with Horikita?".

And I added one more thing.

"This is an unfair way of putting it. To ask you to tell me by promising not to ask any further".

It was psychological manipulation but Kushida, on top of understanding that, understood my question too.

"That's really all, ok?".

"Yeah, I promise".

As long as she despises the other party, it's natural to blame them instead. However---

"It's me".

Even as she turned her eyes back towards the soccer match, Kushida lightly answered like that. It was an answer that betrayed my expectations. Even as she admits she's the one at fault she still despises Horikita. That is a contradiction.

I'd say I'm relatively good at reading people but as I thought, I can't quite read Kushida. Besides, I've also started to no longer quite understand Horikita either. Horikita had deduced from the start that she was hated by Kushida yet she did not speak to me on this. That has not changed even now. However, judging from Kushida's way of putting it, Horikita may know the cause of Kushida's hatred towards her.

But even if I ask Horikita, she wouldn't breathe a word about Kushida. Why is that?

The fact that neither of them are willing to talk about the details would unmistakably have to mean they don't want the other to know basically.

"I quit. I'm starting to feel like just thinking about it is a waste of time".

"Ahaha, that's right. Right now our priority is to conduct reconnaissance and gather information right?".

"I suppose.....".

"Ahh, by the way, the one who possesses the ball now is Sonoda-kun from Class C.

He's quite fast".

As expected, the students in the soccer club are all agile. The only ones in our class who could compete would be Hirata and Sudou and in a pure contest they'd still be at a disadvantage.

"But Horikita-san is also properly keeping our class in mind....that makes me


"I intend to do what's necessary to rise up to Class A, so it can't be helped".

"I have to work harder so I can contribute to everyone else too".

I couldn't sense even a bit of modesty.

As I watched the practice go on for a while, the players who had finished with their match started their break. As if to do the same thing, Nagumo calls Hirata over and talks to him.

Then perhaps he realized that we had been watching the match, Hirata approached us.

"Good morning, both of you. How unusual for you to be in a place like this".

Seeing us talk from a distance, Shibata also came running over and an unusual 5-person group was formed.

"Good morning, Kikyo-chan. And also---Ayanokouji and Horikita-chan, was it? Are you on a date surrounded by two beautiful girls?".

"No, that's not it".

I was acquainted with Shibata but I had not expected him to remember my name properly. That made my slightly happy and I desperately suppressed my face that was about to burst into a grin.

"What's up today? This is an unusual combination".

While feeling appreciative towards Hirata, who did not suspect anything strange, I decided to boldly speak the truth.

"It's reconnaissance. We've come to mark the students from the other classes that we ought to keep an eye on".

"Ohh. So that means right away Shibata man's been perfectly marked?".

Shibata swiftly stepped forward to show off his speed. That cheerfulness of his that made no effort to conceal his abilities. I wonder if that's because he's part of Class B under Ichinose's leadership or because it's simply his nature.

"Shibata-kun is as fast as the rumors say. Both Ayanokouji-kun and I were shocked".

Praised by a beautiful girl, Shibata happily rubbed the bottom of his nose with his index finger.

"Shibata-kun's someone we need to pay special caution to. In Class B, he's the fastest. As for me, I'd rather not run in the same group as him".

"Even if you say such things, I won't let my guard down, Yousuke. Because you're fast too. How about Ayanokouji?".

"Since I'm part of the go-home club please take the hint".

That's right too, as though saying that, Shibata crossed his arms together and laughed.

Having observed the soccer club's practice in general, we left that spot. And we decided to go around and watch the other clubs conduct their activities. But even so at the very most this is only the official story.

What I really want to know, what I really ought to know, that's different. I've set the table. As for what the two of them will think of on top of it is something I've decided to leave to them.

"Kushida-san. I have no interest in you".

"Woah, that's a harsh word all of a sudden.....".

"But right now there is something I must ask you. I wonder if you could answer me?".

"Today seems to be interrogation day along with Ayanokouji-kun. What is it?".

"During the shipboard exam over the summer vacation. Did you tell Ryuuen-kun or Katsuragi-kun about you being the 'target'?".

I had expected to her to ask straightforwardly to a certain degree but she really got straight to the point.

Towards Kushida, who was still surprised and puzzled, Horikita continued on like this.

"It's fine if you don't answer. Because it's meaningless to dig up the past. That's why I'll just ask one thing. Is it fine if I trust you as a comrade from the same class from now on?".

"Of course. I want to aim for Class A along with everyone from Class D. I want you to include me as one of your comrades, it's exactly what I've been saying from the start".

That feeling has not changed one bit, is what Kushida said.

"I don't know why you said something like that to me but I want you to trust me".

Kushida smiles at Horikita even as she made her appeal with a serious expression.

"Then, I'll be heading back. I'll leave the remaining reconnaissance to the two of you".

"Huh? Hey, what are you talking about, Ayanokouji-kun?".

"The one who thought of this strategy in the first place was Horikita. It'll be enough if you have Kushida's connections right?".

Saying that, I moved to leave this place.

Various kinds of practice piled up day after day and at last, there was only one week left to go until the sports festival. Today we must submit our participation table and decide on the participants of each event. As Hirata stood on the platform, Kushida faces the blackboard and holding the chalk she puts all the preparations into order.

"Then from now, I'd like to decide on the final pairings for all events and contests".

He spoke based on the notes containing the daily records of the class, the best pairings as discussed by the class and the order incorporating the winning strategy. Then everyone memorized their own roles in the contests and the order.

There wasn't a single student who objected to this outcome that was based on their feats up until now. They all proceeded without bickering.

"---for the 1200 meter relay at the end, the anchor will be Sudou-kun then".

"Sounds reasonable".

I could respect that as a combination that took into account the individual's skill as well as respecting their wishes. In the last prominent event, the relay, it's the fast students like Horikita that comprise the lineup.

In all likelihood, a more ideal combination could not be thought up by the other students. However, the dweller in the seat next to mine was for some reason continuing to stare at the blackboard with an unconvinced expression.

Right after the discussion ended smoothly, Horikita stood up from her seat. As I wondered where exactly she was headed off to, it turned out to be in front of Sudou's seat.

I became curious and eavesdropped.

"What's the matter?".

"There's something I want to talk about. Can you come with me?".


Sudou, having been called out like that, hurriedly stands up.

"Also Hirata-kun, may I have some of your time as well?".

Horikita, who started walking off right afterwards, for some reason also called out to Hirata and called him towards the rear of the classroom. Sudou, who must have been surprised for a moment there, quickly became disappointed.

"I have one thing to discuss regarding the participation table we decided on earlier.

It's about the 1200 meter relay that will take place at the end of the sports festival.

I'd like you to hand over the anchor position to me".

Sudou showed momentary confusion in response to that unexpected assertion.

"No, but...The anchor is usually handled by the fastest one right? Or are you uneasy with having me as the anchor?".

Between boys and girls, there is a fundamental difference in regards to physical abilities. Horikita is indeed fast amongst the girls but if she were to be mixed with the boys group, then she wouldn't be able to beat even Hirata.

It's natural that Sudou, who's equal to or faster than Hirata, should be the anchor. Sudou had also obviously thought he would be doing it and probably couldn't accept it right away.

"No, that's not it. From practice, I understand well your abilities".

"Then it's fine if it's me right? If it's the 5th runner then.....".

"It's not like I don't have a reason. You're good with the starting dash too, Sudou-kun. In that case, I thought having you be the 1st runner and cast aside our opponents would be a viable strategy.

By having you take the vanguard we can keep the lead and carry the match advantageously. If it's an individual race, by creating a starting handicap it's possible to protect your lane but when it comes to a relay that won't fly. Starting from the 2nd runner it'll be on a first-come-first-served basis and it's permitted to take a course of your choosing right? And in the case that we get overtaken, it's specified in the rules that starting from the 2nd runner onwards, we are permitted to use the outer lanes to overtake them".

In other words, Horikita would like to set Sudou as the 1st runner for an outrun strategy.


But it doesn't seem Sudou's been convinced. In regards to this I'm of the same opinion too. Certainly if one can pull off the starting dash well then starting from the 2nd runner onwards, their sprint would become easier. I understand this. However, just because he'll be taking the vanguard doesn't mean him being able to shake off the opponents is guaranteed. On the contrary, by using up Sudou here, the situation where the opponents close the gap bit by bit later would also pressure the subsequent runners.

On the other hand, by keeping Sudou as the anchor, there's the possibility that he'll be able to bring out more power than usual in the final leg. If there are targets in front of him to chase after, that just means he'll have that much more fighting spirit in him.

"The anchor is usually left to the guy who's fastest in the team right?".

"This is a meritocratic school. It's no good to decide based on assumptions and preconceptions. The other classes should also be thinking of various strategies".

I can understand where both of them are coming from but in this case, I felt Horikita is being slightly overbearing. There are many mental problems but basically there's not much difference when it comes to orders.

Being clumsy in the starting dash and not being able to properly pass on the baton, such things won't have much influence on anything other than the technical side.

However, be it Horikita or Sudou, I get the impression they'll be able to perform well in that regard.

If so, then it means there's another reason why Horikita wishes to be the anchor. If it's Ike or Yamauchi, it could simply be that they want to stand out, but that's hard to imagine here. Then in that case---

"I will definitely produce better results than in practice".

Ultimately, Horikita brought forth a gut feeling without any basis and made her request.

"I can't agree. It's not like you, Horikita".

This proposal was a mysterious one, to the extent it made Sudou cut in like that.

"Umm...can I say something?".

Perhaps she got curious about the discussion, Kushida reservedly joined in.

"Ahh, sorry. I overheard a bit. And that's why I thought maybe there's some other reason why Horikita-san wants to be the anchor".

"That is---".

"If that's the case then would you mind telling us? I don't think neither I nor Sudou-kun are rejecting it meaninglessly. But if we're going to be changing the order decided on by everyone in the class then I'd like to hear a proper reason".

"I agree with Hirata. Please give us a proper reason".

Horikita made a complicated face. But perhaps she thought the only way to obtain the anchor position was to speak the truth, she began to speak of her reason.

"Because I think my the anchor......".

"Your brother, that's.....the student council president.....".

"Yes. He's my brother".

It's the student council president whose existence everyone is aware of but not everyone made the connection from the surname Horikita.

It's by no means an uncommon surname, and even as we vaguely imagined it to be so the reason why we did not pursue it was because Horikita herself did not say anything and also because in outer appearance alone they were not that alike.

All three of them showed surprised expressions at that fact.

"You want to become the anchor alongside your brother, is that it?".

Kushida heard her reason but just by that alone, it doesn't seem like she understood. However, Horikita did not speak any further of her personal affairs. I decided to extend a bit of a helping hand to her.

"A lot of things happened and they're currently estranged. She probably wants an opportunity to reconcile with him".

It was easy to understand, and I must praise myself for being able to add a line like that which was neither the truth nor a lie.

For a moment, Horikita glared at the eavesdropping me but immediately turned back towards Sudou and the others.

"I was wondering what's the matter all of a sudden but that's how it is for

me, I still want to be the anchor even now but if that's the case then I don't mind handing it over to you".

"I think it's also fine. If Sudou-kun's satisfied, I'm sure everyone in the class will be fine with it too, won't they?".

"That's right. Got it, then I'll submit it after swapping Horikita-san and Sudou-kun.

Will that be fine?".

"Thank you......".

Certainly if not for an opportunity like this, it wouldn't be possible for Horikita and her brother to come into close contact like this.

Even if she lacks the courage to make contact with him herself, if it's a contest, then they'll be forcibly brought close together anyways. However, this decision of Horikita's won't necessarily be rewarded. Just by approaching that stubborn brother, I couldn't imagine something would happen after all.

Bab 5

Raising the Curtains

Part 1

At last this day is finally here. The dawn of the sports festival which is shaping up to be a long day. Wearing jerseys, the entire student body marched in as one just as rehearsed.

But even if it's called a march, most of the students were just walking normally.
They only showed enough seriousness to not disrupt discipline.
"I'll show off my good side to Kikyo-chan!".

Ike, who was walking behind me, excitedly voiced his expectations. I wonder how he's intending on showing off when he's one of those people who are not especially good at sports. I could see that it was almost unmistakably a fruitless effort without any secret strategy behind it.

In the opening ceremony, 3rd year Class A's Fujimaki was the one who gave the opening declaration. By the way, on the outskirts of the school grounds, there weren't many but I could see the figures of spectators scattered here and there. They are probably adults who work on-campus. In regards to them, it doesn't seem like the school has set any restrictions. Occasionally, I could see smiles and hands waving.

On the other hand, the teachers were watching over the students with nary a smile on their faces while adults who appear to be medical staff could also be seen.

Furthermore, a cottage that could fit roughly 20 people was built and installed inside was a cooler, a water dispenser and the such. Just like the uninhabited island, the preparations were flawless. By the way, the competing Red Team and White Team were provided with tents installed on opposite sides of the track as though sandwiching it between them.

As such, it has been made so that there could be no possible contact other than during the contests.

"But even so they're very thoroughly prepared. Ultimately, even cameras meant to help with judgement calls have been set up".

For the 100 meter dash that'll be coming up first, a camera was pointed towards a point that appears to be the goal.

"So that means misjudgements and ambiguous results will definitely be avoided".

It appears even if it's by an hairbreadth, they intend on deciding victory and defeat like it's a horserace. That is precisely why contests that are difficult to score like cheerleading and the such are not included in this sports festival.

Bagian 2

"The 100 meter dash, which group were you in again?".

"The seventh group".

I answered while looking at the simplistic programme table (the paper on which the order and time of the contests are written).

"It'll be for the better if a formidable opponent does not show up. For the sake of the class, I'll slightly be cheering you on".

"I'll try my best to not place bottom".

After voicing my unambitious goal, we 1st year boys headed out to the grounds for the contest.

Contests such as the 100 meter dash are all held in order starting from the 1st years. Starting from the 1st year boys and ending with the 3rd year girls is the entirety of the event. Then with the break sandwiched in between, it'll switch over and start again with the 1st year girls and end with the 3rd year boys. The contest was about to begin using the printouts each class had submitted beforehand as a basis to decide the pairings.

Since the actual day of the event began, it became clear who would be running in which order from the other classes.

From each class, the selected two making up a total of eight people lined up as one. My turn, as I had told Horikita earlier, was seventh. In total, the 1st year boys formed up into 10 groups.

It was now Sudou's turn, as he would be running in the first group. All the students of Class D watched while holding our breath. The outcome of the sports festival will depend greatly on Sudou. First of all this first event, we'll use Sudou's debut in the race to crush the opponents. The plan is to get everyone pumped up with that same vigor. If Sudou finishes with disappointing results here, there is the possibility that it will have lasting effects.

"From what I can see it doesn't seem like there's anyone worth their salt here.

There are many fatties and garish guys here. It's guaranteed Sudou'll place 1st".

I couldn't see any notable students in our school year from the other classes. Like Ike said, it's probably guaranteed already.

"On the contrary, depending on how you look at it, it could also be seen as a loss".

Ideally speaking, for someone with physical abilities like Sudou's, it would have been better if someone fast had been competing.

"But this alone is something that can't be helped, it's up to luck after all".

There was something about the figure of Sudou, in a crouching stance at the starting line, that inspires absolute confidence. Even if he happened to tumble mid-race he could still turn it all around, he gave off the feeling of having such a composure to his surroundings.

Then, as the signal rang out, Sudou rose up perfectly simultaneously and shot forth. Sudou, who had passed a person from the very start, outraced all the other boys as though shaking them off and left them in the dust.

He reached the goal with an overwhelming gap with no one being able to keep up with him. There's nothing more to say about that. As the entire student body watched, as the first runner in the first contest, Sudou seized 1st place as expected.

At the same time, the Professor who had been selected too, properly managed to

secure last place as expected but......

Not even giving us time to bask in the afterglow, the signal for the next group to start came. The signals came at 20 second intervals. Approximately 4 minutes would be required for all the 1st year boys to finish running. Since this will be repeated by boys and girls for all the school years, the 100 meter dash would be completed in about 30 minutes according to calculations.

"As expected of Sudou-kun I guess".

Hirata, who's paired up with me, praised him as though he were impressed.

"Yeah. It feels like the other classes have been taken aback too".

He didn't simply take 1st place but also unmistakably left a strong impact. We, the seventh group up, like Sudou and the Professor, also have our roles properly cut out for us.

Hirata, who belongs to the soccer club and is a fast runner, will have a high rank. And as for me, I'd take a rank that's higher even if it's just by one, in other words, it can't be helped even if I lose. Then also there's the matter of standing out and remaining inconspicuous. There are several students from other classes we should be keeping an eye on but amongst the ones I know, those who give off a strong presence like Ryuuen and Katsuragi and the athletic ones like Kanzaki and Shibata, I wonder what group they're in.

The third group shuffled up to the starting point.

"Ohh,, I mean Katsuragi is on the first course".

Ike points at his head. The skinhead bathing in the rays of the sun glowed blindingly. Beside Katsuragi, a man I'm familiar with was staring at the goal point with a calm expression.

He's Kanzaki of Class B. So Katsuragi and Kanzaki will be competing against each other, huh?

Meanwhile, the man who's first on the list of those to watch out for, Kouenji of

Class D, is also part of the third group but.....

There's no sign of Kouenji on the fifth course he had been assigned to. However, the school did not bother searching for the missing Kouenji and instead treating it as absence, they ended up starting the match right away.

The third group was a free-for-all but it appears as far as speed goes, Kanzaki surpassed them all.

Katsuragi too was by no means slow but it was simply beyond him, and without much fuss, the race ended. Kanzaki took 1st place and Katsuragi took 3rd place. As the race steadily progressed, Hirata realized something.

"Ayanokouji-kun, look there".

What Hirata had noticed was in the direction of the cottage. As I strained my eyes to look, inside it I could see Kouenji who was arranging his hair. He's already finished running, surely that's not the case. But even so, he's way too quick to withdraw.

"He's not participating, it seems".

Up until the opening ceremony he had been honestly obedient or so it seemed but ultimately, it appears he won't be participating in the contests.

Kouenji will probably make the excuse that his feet hurt or that he's not feeling well to wriggle his way out of it.

Since the thought that he would place bottom if he skipped out on all the contests did not even enter his mind, the liability he'd be lies heavy on the class as well as the Red Team.

Class A too, despite having a legitimate reason, also similarly has someone who will be skipping out on all events in the form of Sakayanagi. Assuming Class C and Class B has no absentees then the Red Team will simply have to fill in the hole left by those two people. Quite a handicap.

The contest progresses smoothly.

One after another the groups get finished up and in no time, our turn as the seventh group came. I entered the fourth course and beside me, Hirata entered the fifth course.

Other than us, the other members included Class A's Yahiko but the rest are boys I'm not familiar with. The first ever sports festival of my life. I started off with a starting dash that was neither fast nor slow. Hirata, who ran beside me, slowly but surely passed me by and joined up with the top runners. On the other hand, in front of me were the backs of four people, hence I took 5th place.

Perhaps it's because there wasn't that overwhelming of a gap between speeds, we all ran in a crowded state. Then, without changing up the order, I finished in 5th place. As for Hirata, by a narrow margin, he shone in 1st place.

"Fuu. Good job".

Hirata, who had reached the goal before anyone else, lightly sighed and gave me such words of appreciation.

"Sorry, for being a burden".

"No such thing. It was a good match, everyone was fast too".

Hirata did not blame me, even after my disappointing results, and greeted me with a smile. I hurriedly got off the track and returned to the tent. Because the next group up will be starting one after another and I'll only be getting in the way.

The 1st year boys, after having finished with their 100 meter dash, returned to their seats and focused on the girls' race as though devouring them.

There's also the outcome of the matches, but they probably just wanted to see the running figures of the girls and couldn't help it.

"Where's Sudou?".

I couldn't see Sudou, who should have returned to his seat.

"I don't know. Toilet probably, right? More importantly, let's see those swaying breasts, you know, the breasts".

Ike was upbeat, but I immediately had a bad feeling about Sudou's absence. He seems like the type to cheer Horikita on here, but that I cannot see him is strange.

" can't be".

I looked towards the cottage.

As though my premonition had been realized, I saw Sudou drawing closer to Kouenji.

"This isn't looking good. I'd better stop them".


Hirata, who noticed that too almost simultaneously, panicked too and headed towards the cottage. It appears things have already heated up there and Sudou, gripping his fist tight, confronted Kouenji.

"You bastard, being absent and all, don't fuck around with me!".

As I opened the door, I could hear Sudou's intimidating voice from inside.

Sudou had closed the distance to the point where even now, it seemed as though he was about to take a swing, but it almost seems as though Kouenji has not even noticed his existence yet.

He's looking bold as he admired his reflection in the glass of the window. But that attitude of his only ended up adding fuel to the fire and stoking Sudou's anger.

"Looks like you won't understand unless I beat you up, Kouenji".

"That's no good, Sudou-kun. If the teachers found out---".

Hirata, of course, stops him but he's not the kind of man to be deterred by something like this.

"Shut up. This problem is our class's internal affair, right? Doesn't matter even if I beat him up. It's only if this guy doesn't go crying to the teachers about it though".

"As usual, you are an unsavory man. I came here because I wanted to quietly spend time alone though. As you can see, today I'm feeling ill. I declined so I wouldn't be a bother".

"Don't lie to me! Leaving aside practice, you're skipping out even on the actual event!".

It's understandable to want to shout out like that. No matter how you look at it, Kouenji's the picture of health itself.

"No, Sudou-kun!".

Before Hirata, who was at a distance, could panickedly draw near, Sudou could no longer stand it and raised his fist. He probably intended on punching Kouenji once to open his eyes. However, the man who was beyond expectations and normal standards, Kouenji, caught the powerful punch in the palm of his hand.

'Pan'. And a dry sound like that reverberated within the cottage. Kouenji starts talking without looking at Sudou's face.

"Stop it. Someone like you cannot beat me".

It didn't seem as though Sudou had been holding back on a fellow classmate. It was a fist swung with all his might.

And it had been blocked all too easily. Sudou probably felt Kouenji's high potential anew. But rather than be frightened by it, Sudou appears to have gotten serious.

"Then bring it on. I'll break that pride of yours".

"Good grief. Both you and her, it sounds like you both want to tell me I'm unreliable".

"Her? Who're you talking about?".

"That Cool Girl that you're so passionate about. She's been emphasizing it quite a bit until today, to make sure I participate seriously in the sports festival".

"Horikita, you mean.....?".

Apparently, Horikita had foreseen the possibility of Kouenji being a no-show from the start. Well, I suppose it's natural to have misgivings about him seeing how he retired straight away back on the uninhabited island.

Even so, I didn't know she had been working on Kouenji behind my back.

"In any case, leave. I am not feeling well".

"You bastard---!".

To prevent it from happening again, Hirata got in between Sudou and Kouenji and tried to arbitrate.

"I think it's better to calm down a bit. Kouenji-kun's attitude is also a problem but since he's saying he's not feeling well, he should have the right to rest. Besides, no matter who it may be against, violence is bad".

"That's definitely a lie. He said the same thing back on the uninhabited island, didn't he?".

"A baseless accusation. It's just that my bad health doesn't show up well in my attitude".

"You planning on skipping the rest of the contests? Huh?".

"Of course, I will participate if I make a recovery. If I make a recovery, that is".

Sudou could no longer hold in his anger but it's also a fact that he cannot afford to be hung up on Kouenji forever.

"The next contest is going to be starting soon, Sudou-kun. If you're absent as our leader, it'll affect our morale too".

Hirata switched over to a different approach to convince Sudou.

".....I get it. I just have to go back right? Go back".

As if accompanying him, Hirata left the cottage together with Sudou. I also followed soon afterwards. Grumpily returning to Class D's tent, Sudou sat down on a pipe chair.

"Shit! Next time I'll seriously send that bastard flying! Shit!".

His anger, rather than abate, only welled up and scattered out". A wise man keeps away from danger, and people back away from Sudou one after another. Sudou unleashed his wrath on anyone approaching him by snapping at them.

But Ike, who was engrossed in the girls' race, did not notice Sudou's anger and cheerfully approached him. When I realized it, it seems the girls' 100 meter dash has also reached its climax, as the last group had just entered the course.

"What have you been doing, Ken? You just came back? Your favorite girl's match is about to start".

He slapped Sudou on his back. In that instant, his hand was grabbed and he himself was caught in a forceful headlock.

"Gyaa! What the hell!".

"Stress relief".

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! I give up, I give up!".

I have nothing to say about this except that it's misfortunate and pitiful. Anyways, after having attacked Ike in anger and as Horikita's race approached, it seems Sudou's regained a bit of calm.

Horikita enters the course as the last round of the 1st year girls was at hand.

"At least there's healing in watching Suzune I guess.....".

If he can be healed by watching that, then by all means I'll have him heal up.

As I watched Sudou in turn, Sakura breathlessly came back to my side.

"Haa, haa......p-painful.....".

She must have been running at her best as she's repeatedly breathing in and out seemingly in extreme pain.

"W-Were you watching me, Ayanokouji-kun?".

She looked up at me with sparkling eyes from behind her glasses. Unfortunately, Sakura's contest had ended while I had been chasing Sudou into the cottage and so I don't know how it went. But if I tell her I hadn't been watching then Sakura will probably become severely depressed.

"You did well".

I said so briefly yet I put my feelings into those words. One thing certain from the facts I understand right now is that Sakura gave it her all in the race.

"T-Thank you! This is the first time I wasn't in last place".

She said so with a smile. Sakura had decisively been the slowest one in both classes and in practice but apparently it seems like she's beaten someone. Furthermore, judging from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like her opponent simply fell or something either.

"Be careful not to push yourself. If you get in over your head, you might fall and hurt yourself".


Smiling again while breathing heavily, Sakura looked out at the next girls race from beside me. I also focused on the other girls who would be running against Horikita.

On the third course was Ibuki Mio, a student from Class C.

For Horikita to be in the same group as Ibuki, who views her as a rival. What a strange coincidence. Horikita did not even look at her but it seems a spark's already been lit in Ibuki.

Even from afar, I could see her resolve to not lose against Horikita no matter what.

"I wonder if Ibuki-chan's good at sports?".

"Hell if I know. There's no mistaking though that Horikita's going to be the winner".

There's no way the other boys could have known but Ibuki is highly athletic. I only have the bare minimum knowledge but I cannot say with certainty who's going to win between them.

At the same time as the starting signal, seven girls shot forth. Between the two I had been paying attention to, the one who had the better start was Ibuki. There had been a slight delay in Horikita's reaction and she lagged behind.

But she immediately accelerates, and with a beautiful form she catches up to Ibuki. On the other hand, Ibuki had succeeded in gaining a headstart but perhaps she got curious about Horikita, who ran beside her, as she became distracted looking back. Due to that, their distance lessened and perfectly seizing the middle position and without being shaken off or leaving, she kept that position and continued.

Then, nearing endgame, I could see Ibuki's expression stiffening. As they lined up side-by-side, almost indistinctly Horikita took the lead. It was by a narrow margin, but giving off a feeling of self-confidence, Horikita ended up taking 1st place.

"Is this bad.....?".

That whispered premonition of Sudou's turned out to have hit the mark. It was truly bit by bit, but the distance between Horikita, who had the lead, and Ibuki, slowly decreased.

In response to Horikita, who tried to shake her off, Ibuki drew ever closer.

The one who cut through the goal tape first was Horikita.

After the big match that no one would've considered strange even if it required a video to make the call, the audience went into a slight uproar.

Beside Horikita, who was catching her breath, Ibuki kicked the ground in frustration. But I feel like if she hadn't been so worried about Horikita, then then ranking may have been different.

A slight gap in her awareness was the cause of victory.

"But even so, it was a match the two of them dominated".

Sudou, who was watching Horikita after she had finished running, also felt the same way. Leaving aside her evenly matched race against Ibuki, the other 4 girls excluding Class D honestly were of a pretty low level.

After the completion of the 100 meter dash for the 1st years, we report our results to each other.

The ones who boasted high athletic abilities like Sudou or Horikita as well as Hirata, managed to secure 1st place. However, on the other hand, I could see that the main body of the class that were expected to win had ranked badly and had an unsatisfying start.

"Keep it together, you lot. Especially you, the only pride of yours is your speed right?".

"E-Even if you say that, that Shibata guy's really good".

"It can't be helped. Because Shibata-kun's faster than me".

As a matter of fact, during club practice, there were several instances in which he seemed faster than even Hirata after all.

Despite our good start, from now on the calculations will become more and more complicated. There are no notebooks nor phones here. Even if we verbally convey the results of the contests to a certain extent, it'll be difficult to grasp all of it. We don't know the circumstances of the other classes in detail either.

I approached Horikita, who had returned, and called out to her.

"That was close".

"...that's right. I was surprised. Ibuki-san was faster than I had expected".

Perhaps she noticed Ibuki approaching, Horikita breathed a sigh of relief.

"I understand you've been reaching out to Kouenji".

"Who told you......? It seems to have been meaningless from the start though".

For just a brief moment, Horikita looked at Kouenji, who's elegantly spending time inside the cottage.

"I had misgivings about him skipping out but ultimately it ended up that way".

"In a certain sense, more than anyone else, he's the one most disinterested in Class A".

As long as he isn't expelled, he will enjoy the rest of his time here. As long as he's decided on that, there's no moving him to action.

But it seems a feeling of being unconvinced had started to sprout inside of Horikita.

"If I were like Kushida-san, a person well liked by the class, I wonder if I could've moved him into action?".

"I wonder. I don't think he's the type to comply with Kushida or Hirata's persuasion though".

Then again, the two of them wouldn't try to forcibly persuade Kouenji in the first place. As for why, even if it's only self-proclaimed, they wouldn't call someone who claims to be sick a liar.

"To think you'd say something like 'if I were like Kushida'".

"I never hated her or anything in the first place".

After a natural conversation like that, Horikita realized she had made a verbal slip and sealed her lips tight.

"Pretend you didn't hear that just now".

Saying that, she ended the conversation. Then she turned to look at the 3rd year contests that will be starting soon.

For her, Class D is something to worry about but in the same vein, the existence of her brother is also probably a similar worry. Of course, it's not like her brother, who's the student council president, is affected in any way by his sister's feelings.

Horikita's brother, who started as part of the second group, naturally took 1st place.

"He's as fast as I imagined him to be".

"It's because nii-san is perfect. No matter what he does, he's always number one".

Rather than a boast, it sounded more like it was a matter of fact. As all the school years finished with their 100 meter dashes, the total count began.

Before the next contest begins, the first points for the Red Team and the White Team will be announced.

Red Team: 2011 points. White Team: 1891 points.

The contests have just begun but the Red Team was slightly dominant. Part 3

The second contest up is a hurdle. It's basically an event that's the same as the 100 meter dash in the sense that it rests purely on one's speed. But then again, that's not all there is to it. It's because it'll be a severe mistake if we don't overcome it with certainty yet without rushing it. In regards to this contest, there are two rules attached.

'Knock down the hurdle'. 'Touch the hurdle'. These two time penalties are added onto it as well.

It's 0.5 seconds if the hurdle is knocked down. It's 0.3 seconds if the hurdle is touched. That time will be added for us.

Due to this, just quickly skipping over everything isn't enough to win. One must leap over them with certainty.

But since it also means you obviously won't be able to win if you take too long either, the important thing here is just how much you've grasped the hang of it during the practice period. There are 10 hurdles in total placed at intervals of 10 meters. In the case that you're able to knock them all down then that means a total of 5 seconds would be added to your time. It's pretty much a despairing order.

In this event, it's been decided that Sudou will be participating as part of the last group.

"If you guys are dead last then I'll slap you".

The unathletic students trembled at the intense pressure coming from Sudou, who was watching them with arms crossed.

"What kind of tyranny is this!?".

"Ehh, is Sotomura-kun present? In case of absence, he'll be disqualified".

I could hear those words coming from the referee at the starting line.

"II have a stomach ache.....would it be fine if I were to be absent?".

The Professor, who could only barely overcome the hurdles back during practice, tried to escape as though frightened.

"Huh? It's fine if you knock down all the hurdles so show some backbone and stay your course".

"Kopu!? III have it!".

At a distance where their faces were almost touching, he glared at the Professor who then went onto the course. There's a great difference between coming in dead last and being disqualified. Since in the case of disqualification you won't even be able to acquire a point, participation is essential.

"Damn, he's useless. He does whatever he wants as a habit that's why he's fat".

But as expected, the Professor could not overcome the hurdles and ultimately, he ended up knocking them over by hand and came in at last place.

"Even so, that Shibata guy's pretty good".

In ascertaining the abilities of the other classes, Sudou said that as though advising caution. It's still only the second event but even in the hurdle race he still took 1st place without difficulty.

Right now, he'd be Sudou's rival. Furthermore, like Ichinose, he appears to possess leadership qualities that let him rally his surroundings.

"If we meet directly face-to-face, I'll win".

If this keeps up, then Sudou's goal of being 1st across the entire school year will only grow ever distant. Especially since there's no telling what the outcome will be for the team competitions.

It's cause for anxiety.

"Next up is the fourth group, please prepare yourselves".

Having been called out by the referee, I entered the same course from before. On the second course I could see the figure of Kanzaki.

"We're up against each other right away it seems".

".....go easy on me".

"I've heard that you're quite fast from Ichinose".

I don't know where Ichinose got that idea from.....but looking back I can think of

one instance. I suppose she saw me running back when Sakura got caught up in that incident. It's not like I was running at my top speed but from my form and such, it's very likely that she guessed my physical ability as well. Besides that, back when I entertained myself by playing with Ichinose at the pool she had been

observing me. It can't be helped that she'd mark me during all the exams and incidents up until now.

"That's misinformation. Didn't you see my rank in the 100 meter dash earlier? It's 5th place, you know".

"That is indeed the result, but it didn't seem to me like you were taking it seriously".

"There's no advantage in holding back one's ability at this sports festival, right? You'd only lose out that way".

"The probability of it is low but it's not like doing so is completely meaningless from a strategic point of view".

It looks like Ichinose and Class B have conducted reconnaissance, observed and then made their guess. For an existence like mine, even if I took first place it's not only my rank but the process leading up to it that they'd take into account.

"Besides, even amongst the same school year, you're a pretty calm man. That type of person is scary after all".

"Well, please think of it as you wish".

We were still in the middle of our conversation but since a boy from Class C got between us, our conversation was cut short. Except for Kanzaki, it doesn't seem like there are any prominent faces in the fourth group.

It'll be an error if my rank rises by even a bit.

At the same time as the starting signal, I started running at about the same pace as before.

As expected, Kanzaki overtook a person but since there's only that one student running in front of me, I ultimately ended up with a good result of 3rd place.

There are combinations to consider too but for better or for worse, it seems like I can maintain this inconspicuous position.

"...haa, good grief.....I can't keep up".

As I returned to our camp after having finished with the race, Yukimura was whispering to himself with a downcast expression. From the looks of it, after having finished with the second contest, he wasn't able to get good results.

"Was it bad?".

"Ayanokouji, huh?.......I want to curse this combination. Seventh group and 7th place....".

So this is what they call a booby prize. He's been driven into considerably bitter circumstances.

"It depends on your mindset. If it's Yukimura, even if you fall to the lower ranks, there won't be any trouble for you on the tests right?".

"I won't get a failing grade. But there's still no change to the fact that my scores will plummet. Besides, this result will be a liability for the class and the team too....".

It seems the man aiming for Class A more than anyone else, also bears responsibility more than anyone else too. It's probably because he disparages students of low academic ability like Sudou and the others with a strong tone usually that he doesn't want to show any weakness now.

It'll be uncouth for me to say anything more and so I slightly took my distance from him.

I focused on the girls' competition. The opening is with Horikita and Sakura, two people I know well. Horikita, who was expecting to win, felt no pressure as she stood at the starting line.

On the other hand, although it sounds bad when I put it into words, Sakura, whose expectation is zero, appeared nervous.

"Horikita-san, it seems like this pairing isn't too good".

"Is that so?".

Hirata, who knew the other classes well, said so after seeing the pairing. The contest will begin soon after.

"In Class C, the ones said to be the fastest are Yajima-san and Kinoshita-san from the track and field club and they're here".

"I see...".

Horikita, in the first 100 meter dash, had been able to dominate the fierce battle against Ibuki but her trials continue on.

"Certainly, it looks like winning's going to be tough".

Horikita snapped forth and sprinted and leaped but the two of Class C went ahead of her.

Then, left without any chances, Horikita finished the contest in 3rd place as a result.

Hirata received that result and turned to face me. It's not an eye contact made in response to Horikita's defeat. It's because he felt a strange sense of unease with the pairings in this race.

Part 4

The next contest up is 'capture-the-flag'. It's a simple yet rough and slightly dangerous team competition.

"We're definitely winning, you guys. Since that idiot Kouenji isn't here, we've got to be that much more fired up!" Sudou shouts.

He encourages all the boys from both Class D and Class A assembled in front of him.

On the other hand, the ones that Sudou's group will be facing are the boys of Class B led by Kanzaki and Shibata as well as the boys of Class C led by Ryuuen. In particular, there are students in Class C that, while unknown, appear to be strong.

There's Sakazaki and Komiya, who were both involved in the quarrel with Sudou a while back, and there's also the brawny half-Japanese half-black student named Yamada. I've seen him around occasionally at school but I wonder how strong he is. Whether there are plenty of or not enough students in each class, right now there's nothing to do but fight after taking our current forces into account.

The rules of the match dictate that the group that makes two captures wins. During their discussion earlier, Katsuragi and Hirata have decided that their classes will be alternating between offense and defense.

They must have determined that splitting up into offense and defense here is a highly risky move. This way it's easier to understand as well as to cooperate. Class D will go on the offense first while Class A have the role of protecting the flag. If this formation allows us to successfully get a headstart then the plan is to not change roles.

"Well, don't worry about it. Even if I'm alone, I'll beat down our enemies".

"Not the people, we're after the flag though.....?".

I said that to him as I've gotten slightly worried after all.

"I can't guarantee that. I'm pissed off because of Kouenji. Grr".

Perhaps he intends on attacking them as he was frank with his hostility. Sudou gave the middle finger to our opponents.

"I'd better keep my distance.....".

Scared of getting involved, Ike and the others slowly backed away from Sudou.

That's wise of them.

The attacking team (mainly Sudou) waited impatiently at the front for the whistle that signalled the start of the match. On the other hand, the defending team consisting of Katsuragi and the others are repeatedly checking their formation and building solid defenses.

Naturally, blatant acts of violence like punching and kicking are prohibited but a certain degree of entanglement would probably be overlooked by the school.

A lot of grabbing and pushing is anticipated.

"Uuu---somehow I'm starting to get nervous. Capture-the-flag is a first for me.....".

"Haven't you played it before at your middle school's sports festival?".

"I wasn't told that it'd be a dangerous competition. Have you played it before, Ayanokouji?".

"No....this is a first for me too".

"What the hell? So it's a first for you too".

In the middle of this stale conversation, the signal that marks the match's start rang.

And Sudou charged in ahead of everyone else.

The more proactive members followed after him.

"This is bad, let's go Ayanokouji! I'd rather not get killed by Sudou for lazing off after!".

Ike, Yamauchi and I, the ones not suited for conflict, followed slowly behind the more proactive group. Much like us, the BC coalition has also divided its classes up cleanly between offense and defense.

It may be an obvious thing to do given that cooperation between them is more difficult than it is for the DA coalition. In the first round, it seems like it's going to be Class B defending the flag on their side.

The folks from Class B wait up ahead.

By the way, it's forbidden for an attacking team to interact with another attacking team.

At the very most, the rule is that the attacking team must necessarily attack the defending team.

"Anyone who wants to die, bring it on!".

Saying something outrageously dangerous like that, Sudou tore into the opponent's defending team. Then, with a height and power that makes it hard to believe he's a 1st year high school student, he tears away at the students around the flag one by one.

"Stop---! Stop Sudou---!".

A portion of the defending team surrounds Sudou, accompanied by those screams from Class B.

"Hey you guys, follow quickly! I'll clear the way for you!".

Sudou shouts out to the advancing group following from behind him without looking back. However, things aren't that simple. The situation gradually became chaotic, almost like a battlefield, and clouds of dust rose up.

I relied on the Class B students to overcome that situation without being useful nor a hindrance.

"Shit, just how many's going to charge at me!".

Three or four male students pushed back at Sudou with their bodies and even his strength was surpassed.

On the other hand, the advancing group too, on the brink of being able to break through, was suddenly cut off. The problem with Class D is that despite having the penetrative offensive power of Sudou, there is almost no one else with that kind of strength. In contrast, Class B had many students who possessed above average strength. Especially the unaggressive ones like me and the Professor, without contributing to the offense, inevitably end up becoming a liability to it instead.

"This is bad, Ken! It's Class A! That half, Yamada or what's his name, is going on

Sebuah   rampage!".


As he turned back towards that voice, the Red Team's flag that Class A had been protecting was now slightly slanted. Since Class C is full of violent people like, students who are almost like fighters, it was an easy task for them to penetrate through our defenses.

If we have a scuffle against each other, it's clear who has the advantage and who's at a disadvantage.

Besides, if Ryuuen had ordered them to attack us, it would probably become a desperate struggle. We need to do something but Sudou, who's the vital one, is also being obstructed by four of five people and can't do a thing. We were completely locked down. Of course, it's already rather impressive that we're facing off against that many people though. Sudou desperately tries to make a move towards the flag, but cruelly enough, the whistle rang.

Ultimately the White Team easily ended up completing one capture.

"Ahh, shit! What the hell are you guys doing!? Put your backs into it!".

Glaring at the cruelly toppled flag, Sudou turns his wrath towards the Class D that could not mount an offense.

"Even if you say that....those guys are pretty strong you know? Oww....I've got a


"It's just a flesh wound, right? Bear with it, you've been snapping at them and kneeing them, you're useless!".

I understand the feeling but both of those are a step away from being foul play and disqualification.

"It can't be helped that they won one round. Next time let's protect it properly ourselves".

Gently patting Sudou's shoulder and once he had calmed down, Hirata sets the fallen flag back up.

"Tch...we're definitely going to protect it, you guys get it!?".

"W-We get it---. We'll do what we can---".

"Not just what you can, we're definitely protecting it. No matter if it's for an hour or two hours!".

If there's something else Class D is lacking in, it would have to be unity and motivation. Those two. This includes me too, but aside from a few students, the rest don't have any kind of ambition.

In regards to that, Class B from earlier who were on the defense had both high unity and motivation and as such, were formidable enemies.

"Ayanokouji, don't let that flag fall even if you die! Because you're still 2nd in the class after all!".

For the record, since I'm next up in strength after Sudou, I'll have to protect the flag alongside him.

I can't carelessly slack off now that I'm being watched by Sudou, who himself was stoutly defending the flag.

"Don't mess with me, I won't let them have an easy consecutive win. I'm going to beat that bastard Ryuuen down".

Speaking of which, during the first round earlier, Ryuuen who had been part of the attacking team, only played the role of an observer. It's because they were already dominating without even needing him to join in. Sudou probably couldn't stand that fact.

"Come out, C. Come out, C".

Sudou continuously whispers that but honestly, it'll prove difficult if the power centric Class C were to assemble and come after us. I think it'll be easier on us if it's Class B attacking us.

As both sides complete their preparations, the start of the second round is at hand. Now then---

"They're here, they're here. They've come!".

Apparently things didn't go the way I had hoped and it ended up going Sudou's way. Building up to an attack, strong students from Class C glared at us. Then the leader who brought that class together as one, Ryuuen, also laughed boldly from the rear.

Almost like he's a tactician commanding the battlefield and along with the signal to start the match, he gave them the order to charge.

It was most likely a simple instruction.

Beneath the words 'topple it' were the soldiers frightened by his tyranny into taking offensive action. Students with huge bodies similar to Sudou's, looking like they're the sports club type, came charging in.

They attacked us like an advancing wall without rushing it.

Screams rose up from the Class D students all over the place. The defending students making up the outer wall are slowly diminishing in numbers.

"Stand up! Grab their legs and pull them down!".

Sudou's unreasonable words of encouragement were drowned out by the angry bellows of our opponents.

Class C repeatedly used elbow strikes that almost wandered into foul play territory and in no time, they broke through to the inner wall. Katsuragi and the others from Class A have also advanced to the point that they could almost touch the flag but I wonder if they'll make it in time.


I could hear a voice of agony from Sudou, who was supporting the flag just in front of me. The half named Yamada had made his way up close to Sudou. His physique far surpasses Sudou's.

The flag we were protecting is now slightly slanted.

"Who the hell punched me in my stomach!?".

Apparently, during the chaos, someone had attacked Sudou directly. Furthermore, it wasn't just once or twice as voices of pain and anger become mixed. But for Sudou, who has to hold the flag with both his hands, he was left unable to do anything about it. All he could do was to turtle up and bear with it.

"It hurts, I said it hurts you bastard!".

Just by fighting with his voice alone, Class C showed no signs of ceasing their actions. Sudou kneels down in pain. But even so, I'd like to praise that fighting spirit of his that still tried to protect the flag.

Someone then stepped barefoot onto Sudou's back. Then, as though asserting his dominance, he crushed Sudou's back underfoot with all his strength.


Even in the midst of all this jostling during the match, it was a fiendish blow that capitalized on his blind spot. It goes without saying that the one responsible for it was Ryuuen.

"You. Bastard! Guh!".

He was once again stepped on without any hesitation to the point I had thought his spine had been broken.

As Sudou collapsed from that blow, now having lost its support, the flag collapsed after kicking up a cloud of sand.

In the blink of an eye, the outcome was decided.

While collapsed on the ground, Sudou glared up at the man who had stepped on him, Ryuuen.

"Hah, hah. You bastard...that was foul play!".

"Hmm? So you were there? I didn't notice".

Saying that without a trace of fear, he pulled the flag up. Sudou tried to chase after him but it seems his back is still hurting quite a bit as he wasn't able to stand back up.

The DA coalition suffered a great defeat.

"Is your back ok?".

"Kuh...somehow....shit, shit!".

Greater than his pain was the anger at having been the victim of an unreasonable foul play attack that he could not hold back.

"That pompous bastard, if I run into him again I'll punch his lights out.....!".

"You'll end up causing another uproar. Do you want to go through that again?".

By that, I mean the incident where Sudou got into a fight with Class C and almost got disposed of. Furthermore, if it's Sudou who initiates it then this time he will receive punishment for it.

"So it's fine when he does it and it's not when I do!? Look at the marks on my back!".

"I get what you're trying to say but it'll just be seen as an action that naturally happened over the course of the match".

Ryuuen and Sudou, they're both trying to do the same thing but there is an overwhelming difference in their technique.

This time, it was an action that took place while students were all mixed up during the contest and clouds of sand were being kicked up everywhere. Either way, he picked a good time and method to attack.

"Ahh this is pissing me off! To think I was planning on winning every contest!".

From the irritation he felt towards Ryuuen, he turned towards the disappointing Class D and Class A and blatantly voiced his displeasure.

Since Class A also heard it, a few of them returned the glare.

Some of them tried to retort but Katsuragi reined them in and things didn't come to that.

"Sorry for being useless.....".

"Me too. It's also because we couldn't protect it properly. Let's try hard next time".

Only Katsuragi and Hirata calmly accepted the outcome and for now we decided to disband and return to our own camps.

Part 5

The 1st year boys, with no time to rest, prepared for the next contest: tug-of-war. Meanwhile, the ball-toss game for the 1st year girls was also steadily ongoing. The exhausting team competitions continued. I didn't pay much attention to it at first but this is quite an arduous order of doing things.

"Just now, how big of a gap do you think formed.....?".

"I don't know. It's just begun, there's no use in thinking about it".

"That's true but.....a loss is a loss, they're a step ahead of us right?".

Perhaps he couldn't stand the fact that he lost since Sudou was fidgeting while he watched the girls' match.

"It'll be good if the girls can win at least.....".

It's unclear since looking at it from a distance, the outcome of the ball-toss game is difficult to discern. I think it's just that contested since it seems to be quite a close match.

Soon after, as the match ended, the teacher in charge counted up the points one after another while throwing the balls.

"54 in total, the Red Team wins".

Thanks to the girls, the disappointing results of the boys' capture-the-flag match was cancelled out.

The relief we felt at that announcement was transient, as the referee called out to us and began explaining tug-of-war to us.

"Alright, let's go.....!".

"Is your back alright, Ken?".

"My body's tougher than others after all. Besides, there's nothing I can do even if it hurts anyways".

Even as we were worried about him, Sudou stood up with vigor. The rules for tug-of-war are extremely simple and about the same as capture-the-flag.

"If we can make a comeback in tug-of-war, then we can overturn the team competitions. Besides, if it's tug-of-war then there'll be no contact during the match so the other side will also be forced to compete using their strength alone. It shouldn't turn into an absurd fight".

Hirata, who always fretted over Sudou and his surroundings, called out to him like that. Sudou nodded in response.

"I guess so.....that's why we can't lose".

It's purely strength vs. strength. Wits vs. wits. Now then, which side will prove superior? As the four classes gathered in the middle of the ground split up into two, they were divided between the left and the right camps. As Katsuragi came over to Hirata, he quietly whispered to him.

"Just like we discussed, we'll use our strategy to beat them in a single stroke. Got it?".

"Yeah. I understand. Everyone get in position".

Under the leadership of those two, the DA coalition has been thinking up a strategy like it did during capture-the-flag. As Hirata gave the instruction, Class D simultaneously scattered and took up our positions.

The strategy itself is extremely simple and consists of just 'lining up based on our heights'. By doing so it allows us to uniformly and orderly apply our strength properly to the rope.

Of course this will be noted by the opposing team as well but even if the BC coalition attempts to imitate us, they wouldn't be able to line up in order of height in such a short time.

However, a problem emerged for the DA coalition before any of that. Contrary to Class D, who were attempting to line up as such, almost half of the boys in Class A made no move at all.

"Hey, Katsuragi-kun. I'd rather you not arrogantly take charge forever---".

Such a voice could be heard and without even having to look.

".....what do you mean, Hashimoto".

The student named Hashimoto took a step forward. He's a tall, aloof man with his long hair swept behind the back of his head. He had a meek expression on his face but his eyes were those of someone mocking his opponent.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. Isn't it your fault that Class A is currently stalling? Can you say with certainty that this strategy will allow us to win?".

A student has appeared to directly oppose the leader, Katsuragi.

From Katsuragi's heightened state of alert, I doubt this student named Hashimoto is acting alone. But---the timing is strange. While our allies focused on Katsuragi and Hashimoto, I looked back towards our camp and searched for Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi, who had been there observing us from the start as a visitor, had a small smile of enjoyment on her face. Even from a distance, she should be able to see that the boys were quarrelling.

But the fact that she's still smiling despite that could only mean one thing.

It's that the one who created this situation is not Hashimoto, it's Sakayanagi. I had wondered what kind of trap she would be setting but to think it wasn't for the other classes, but rather, for Class A.

I wonder if it means she's only intending on crushing Katsuragi, her opposition.

But this is far too inefficient. This is eerie in a different sense from Ryuuen.

"So what's it going to be, Katsuragi-kun? Can we really win with this strategy?".

Despite the betrayal of his comrades, without being thrown into disarray from it, Katsuragi answered that.

"We're agitating even the students from Class D. We should proceed with the contest calmly".

"That's not an answer---".

Katsuragi tried to calm them down but about half of the students following Hashimoto's lead did not obey.

"Katsuragi-san's telling you lot to do it, so hurry it up! Don't give us this shameful act!".

In the midst of that, Yahiko from the Katsuragi faction raised his voice towards the Sakayanagi faction and forcibly handed the rope to one of the boys.

"I have no intention of refuting the doubts you feel towards my leadership. But if we lose here due to our meaningless squabbling, before things like cooperation and skill come up, the blame will fall on Sakayanagi, you don't mind that then?".

"You don't see anything, do you, Katsuragi-kun?".

Hashimoto sniggers. As the teacher acting the role of the referee approached us, as though to warn us for our lateness, Hashimoto gripped the rope as though he had arrived at the designated position.

"Then, shall we? It'd peeve me if we make them think we're lacking in unity as you said".

For now, Class A's civil war seems to have simmered down and so we also get into position.

"They're a savage bunch, those Class A guys".

"I'm really worried. They may be just a bunch of nerds".

Even to Sudou, who had just been watching, the abnormality of Class A's conflict had been highlighted. Either way, our two classes intermingled and lined up in order of our heights.

Then finally, Sudou, who had absolute confidence in his strength, was placed furthest back.

On the other hand, since the BC coalition are not cooperating, they ended up dividing their forces up cleanly on basis of their class. Class B is taking charge of the rope up front but compared to the DA coalition that's lined up in order of height in descending order from the front, they've adopted the complete opposite strategy. But since Class C is lining up randomly, starting from their center, it fell apart. At the end of the line, for what it's worth, well-built students were holding the rope but...I can't shake the feeling that it's backasswards.

"Heh, for Class B to put the big ones in the front, they just don't get it".

"No, that's not always the case. When pulling the rope, it's advantageous if it's from an elevated position".

Since cooperation between the two classes is impossible, Class B is instead aiming to secure their advantage when it comes to holding the rope.

"Even so, it doesn't change the fact that we still have the high ground. Let's go, you guys!".

Sudou shouts that out and along with the signal that heralds the match's start, we each pulled on the rope.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho!".

Then, with a shout that seemed like routine, the DA coalition that has achieved basic cooperation with one another pulled on the rope with vigor. At first it seemed as though we had reached an equilibrium but after a few seconds, the flow changed to favor us in one go.

"Oraoraoraora! Easy, easy!".

Before long, along with the signal, the DA coalition's victory was conveyed.

"Alright! Did you see that!? Serves them right!".

Sudou repeatedly roars. As a result of the outcome, Class B confronts Class C with blatant discontent.

"Hey---it'll be real bad if we don't cooperate you know? Those guys are really strong".

Representing his class, Shibata calls out to Ryuuen but Ryuuen didn't even bother with him.

"Alright you lot, it's time to rearrange. Line up starting with the smallest one in front".

Ryuuen gave orders to the chaotic Class C and had them line up with the shortest student at the front and gradually adjusted it so that the heights increased. Precisely in the shape of a bow.

It appears they have no intention of taking Class B's opinion into account, only doing as they please.

After Shibata shook his head in exasperation, he encouraged his comrades in Class B and grasped the rope.

"This one's in the bag. With an arrangement like that, they can't possibly win".

"We can't say that for sure. Everyone, don't let your guard down. The next round won't go the way it did before".

Katsuragi advises the other students, including Sudou.

"Why though? It was easy. It's not like they're lining up in order of decreasing height like we are".

Ike grips the rope even as he frivolously makes light of the situation. Katsuragi tried to continue speaking, but the interval ended and preparations were underway to resume the match.

And so, the second round began.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho!".

The DA coalition tugs on the rope just as they did in the first round. However, facing a resistance that was clearly different from before, they start to lose their bearings bit by bit.

Even as they pulled and pulled, their position didn't change and feelings of anxiety began to close in.

"Hey, you lot better persevere. If we simply lose then I'll have you lynched".

Along with that carefree warning from Ryuuen, an intense force was applied to the rope and our side was dragged in.

It can't possibly be that their strength surged from just that one command alone.

It means that there's something about the bow-like shape that Ryuuen arranged them in that affects the transfer of force.

"Guuh! It hurts, it hurts!".

Screams rose up from Ike and the others who were holding the rope from the rear.

I also happen to be pulling without letting up but just as expected, the resistance is completely different from before. It was pretty much an evenly matched bout of tug-of-war.

I wonder if it was a difference in cognition that brought about the conclusion of the match.

The DA coalition, pulled in bit by bit, ended up being defeated.

Just because they dominated the first round, there were harsh words coming from students who believed that the cause of their defeat in the second round came from within.

"Why the hell is it different from before!? Is someone holding back?".

They tried to look for the offender among each other. Seeing the situation, Katsuragi immediately followed up.

"Calm down. The cause of our defeat is likely just because the other side took up the right formation. Of course, it's also a fact that there are students among us who took the second round for granted as well. They should get it now. That even if the opponent's teamwork is in tatters, they are still capable of putting up a fight. Focus, recover and along with that, please check your positions once again. Then also, when pulling on the rope, remember to do it at an angle".

Katsuragi realigns everyone again after handing out accurate advice as well as reprimands. He's doing the best he can in what little time he has. On the other hand, as for the opposing team, although they weren't able to achieve cooperation between the two classes, each class is individually united. There's Class B that's surely focusing on the tug-of-war and Class C, that's on standby behind them. But if Ryuuen gives his order, then those students will also certainly be roused.

"Al~right, you guys did pretty well yourselves. We just have to do the same thing again one more time. Let's teach those pieces of trash who think they're going to win who's the boss".

I suppose I should say it's impressive that without having any specific tug-of-war techniques conveyed to us, as a class we're still able to properly produce results.

When both sides were ready, the third and final match commenced.

The shouting resumed for the third time.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Pull!".

Just like the second round, the result wasn't decided right away. The white flag swayed at the center line without moving.

"Keep at it, you guys. We're definitely winning this tug-of-war!".

As though acting in unison from Sudou's shout from the rear, everyone worked together to pull on the rope.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho!".

No matter how strong the other side is, victory or defeat isn't decided purely by strength alone when it comes to tug-of-war. The white flag began to lean slightly towards the DA coalition's side.

"Don't let up! One more pull! Puuuullll!".

It was Sudou's all out last ditch effort. That put an end to it in an unexpected manner. It should have been a close fight but the resistance we faced up until now loosened up to an unbelievable extent and everyone's bodies fell backwards. The match ended with us being unable to stop our own momentum and falling one after another.

Not quite understanding what had happened, starting with Sudou, most of the students began to show their anger while still collapsed. Judging from the results, it's clear that the situation was caused by our opponents letting go of the rope.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you fucking around?".

Perhaps this situation was also unexpected for Class B, as a few of their students had also fallen.

Eventually, attention was directed at the class where no one had fallen.....attention

was directed towards Ryuuen and his group.

"I decided to give it a rest since I thought we couldn't win".

It appears near the end, Ryuuen and the rest of Class C all let go of the rope at once.

"Good for you, picking up such a trashy win. It was quite fun seeing you all groveling".

Even as he lost the match, Ryuuen laughed while looking like he enjoyed the match more than anyone else.

"You bastard!".

If you look at this situation alone, you wouldn't be able to tell which one's the winner here.

As Sudou, who had been at the line's rear end, stood up, he tried to charge at them since he had already been angered by the capture-the-flag incident. However Katsuragi, who had been in front of him, panickedly grabbed his arms to stop him.

"Stop it, Sudou. This is also part of Ryuuen's strategy, his aim is to provoke us and make us waste our stamina. Besides, by instigating violence, he may be aiming to win via foul play".


"Certainly, what they did was unsportsmanlike but it's not in violation of the rules".

Katsuragi is skillfully controlling the out-of-control Sudou.

So he's not in Class A for nothing. Perhaps he had judged that further provocation wouldn't yield him any results, since Ryuuen turned his back on us.

"Alright get up, you lot".

Class C got back up right away. Class B also probably wanted to complain.

"It appears we were lucky. Because we don't have to work together with Class C".

Katsuragi said so as though he were relieved and patted Sudou on his shoulder.

"We won, but I don't feel refreshed at all, shit".

I can understand the grumbling Sudou's feelings. We finally won in the team competition but due to Ryuuen's cunning trick, it put a damper on that.

Despite wanting to celebrate, a gloomy feeling hangs above us. Even though they lost, it's not like they didn't gain anything from their fall. The tug-of-war ended and we returned to our own tents.

On the way back, Katsuragi came over to Hirata and quietly whispered an apology to him.

"Sorry about earlier. It's my fault for being unable to control my class".

"You don't have to worry about it. I think we too, let our guard down during the second round. Right?".

Hirata sought the same opinion from me and so I nodded.

"Class A also surprisingly has it tough, huh?".


It seems he doesn't want to go into detail about it, since Katsuragi didn't deny it but also did not speak further on it. The only thing certain is that he appears to be in quite a difficult spot.

Meanwhile, Sudou and the others shifted their mind to the next contest.

"Next up is the obstacle course race. I'll knock out anyone who gets disappointing results".

"Ugeh. Why do we have to be hit~?".

"It's because I'm the leader. That means I need to kick the common people's asses.

It's really difficult".

I don't think anyone wants such a leader but you just can't strongly repel Sudou like that.

"I'll be asking this just in case for reference but.....up to what place would you

consider disappointing?".

"Isn't it obvious? I won't accept anything other than victory".


Part 6

"Hah, hah....I did my best and I'm still only 6th place! I-Is Ken done with his

match? Fuu".

Ike breathes heavily as he fell on his knees. He probably dreads the prospect of Sudou coming back.

"I don't reckon he'll get something like 4th place will he.......?".

It's not like I don't understand the desire to wish for something like that. If Sudou doesn't win, then surely he wouldn't punish the rest too. Sudou, whose results they're curious about, will have his turn in the final obstacle course race. "What place did you get, Ayanokouji? Is it the death penalty for you?".

"I barely scraped 3rd place".

"Geh. Seriously? Saved by the lineup---".

Going along with Sudou's farce all the the first place getting punished

seems like it'd be troublesome. I tried putting in just a little effort.

"It looks like Sudou-kun'll be going up against Shibata-kun".

"Ahh, looks like it".

Near Sudou, Shibata was waiting around while performing warm-up exercises. A formidable opponent has come forth.

"Haaaaah!? That Ken, he's up against Nomura and Suzuki again. That's unfair!". However, at the same time, Ike was vexed after seeing Sudou's opponents in the contest other than Shibata and that lucky lineup.

Certainly, it's lucky to consecutively encounter those two from Class C who are said to be unathletic. Other than those guys, the students from Class A are neither good nor bad and with this, Sudou's victory is all but assured.

I understand why he'd lament it but Shibata is something else entirely.

If it's Shibata, who's said to be the fastest runner in Class B, he's sure to put up a fight for 1st place. In the two contests leading up to this, he's taken 1st place in both.

"Which one do you think's going to win?".

I asked for Hirata's opinion, since he knew Shibata well.

"I'm not sure. I know quite well that Shibata-kun's fast so I don't think he'll be

going down easily. If it's a purely straightforward match then I have a feeling it might be Shibata-kun but...Sudou-kun was able to overcome the obstacles without much difficulty during practice after all. It's shaping up to be a really good match". From Hirata's perspective, he's unable to tell which one of them would win since he knew both of them well.

Sudou himself believes there's no way he could possibly lose. It'd be good if his pride doesn't affect his run. But leaving aside my worries, the person himself awaited the start signal.

Once the runners in front finished with their race, the curtains rose on the final race. Both Sudou and Shibata had a near simultaneous good start and they headed in the direction of the first obstacle: the balance beam. Sudou, though tall and possessing a large physique, was nevertheless able to cross over the narrow balance beam faster than anyone else could. His movement showed off his incredible sense of balance. Shibata came in at second place.

Despite his slight lateness, he also safely crossed the balance beam.

Sprinting a short distance immediately after, they crawled through the net that had been placed on the ground. Sudou, who advanced like a wild beast, only looking ahead of him. And Shibata, who seemed to be having fun chasing after him. The last obstacle was a sack, or to put it in a trendier way, it's to place both your legs in the sack and hop. Here, Sudou overcomes it once again with a nimbleness unbefitting of his physique but Shibata, hot on his tail, closes the distance between them.

"This is today's closest match".

Both seem to be evenly matched and both were trying to up their tactics. Shibata's followed him this far without either catching up or being shaken off. Sudou, who realized that existence, started to rush for the first time. He probably heard hopping sounds behind him.

However, the lead he had created at the start still remained and with a difference of about a meter, he cut the tape and took 1st place. I suppose going all out had its effect on him, since even from a distance, I could tell that Sudou was breathing hard.

Sudou and Shibata were both evenly matched when it comes to speed. No, just like Hirata said, if it comes down to speed alone then Shibata may have been the superior one. Depending on the contest and the timing, I guess Sudou isn't invincible either.

In any case, Sudou has impressively secured 1st place three times consecutively.

He's unmistakably one of our school year's best.

Sudou, who dazzlingly returned, began to act bullishly towards Ike, who shrank back.

"I was watching, Kanji, you were 6th place weren't you!?". "Y-You almost didn't get 1st place too just now, did you? We're in the same boat!". They were definitely not in the same boat at all. By saying unnecessary things like that, Ike got pinioned.

"I took 1st place. Well, that Shibata guy was pretty fast too though. I beat him".

Dropping Shibata down to 2nd place after he had secured 1st place twice in a row was a good sign for Sudou, who's aiming to be the best amongst our school year.

Part 7

We didn't even have time to rest as we had to prepare for the three-legged race. On the other hand, the obstacle course race for the girls had turned stormy from the very first round.

Horikita had endeavored earlier to compensate for the results as she separated herself from the Class C duo right away from the start.

"I've seen this earlier before".

"Looks like she's in the same group as Yajima-san and Kinoshita-san again".

Horikita possesses high potential for not just sports but also in her studies and various assorted things. However, it's no easy task to beat someone who specializes in something.

As the match started, Kinoshita darted forward. She made it to the balance beam before anyone else and forcibly created distance between herself and those following behind.

Yajima's in second place. And Horikita following them is how the match started out. Unlike the 100 meter dash or the hurdle race which purely tests only one's speed and stamina, there are various unknowns involved in the form of obstacles and so the gap did not widen as much as you'd think.

After passing the balance beam, the gap had shrunk to the point they were almost lined up beside one another.

"Looks like there's a chance for her, this time".

Nearby, Sudou's also cheering Horikita on and he grips his hands tight as he watches over her. By the time they had crossed through the net, Horikita had taken the lead at last.

However, Kinoshita is also a fast runner. Taking advantage of the distance between obstacles she closes in and shortens the gap. Then she takes second place back for herself.

Yajima's position as first place probably won't be threatened. Horikita sprints at her best to try and steal second place away. Horikita closes in on Kinoshita the moment she lost her balance slightly upon reaching the sacks.

Then, the moment she passed her, she began sprinting with all her might and shook her off.

The difference between them was 1 or 2 seconds it seems. Horikita runs at full speed for the remaining 50 meters. By the way, perhaps she was worried about Kinoshita closing in on her from behind, as she flickers her gaze back and forth repeatedly.

That might have caused her to stall as once again, Horikita and Kinoshita lined up beside one another. In the very next moment, both Horikita, who had been

attempting to outrun Kinoshita, and Kinoshita who was in pursuit, ran into each other and mutually collapsed.

"Woah!? Hey, something big's happened!".

I couldn't tell from afar which one ran into the other but it looks as though it happened as a result of their struggle.

While the two of them were getting back up, the others passed them by one after another and in one stroke, they fell to the bottom. Perhaps they weren't able to stand back up immediately, since they were both desperately tried to get back on their feet admist the clouds of dust. Although they were somehow able to continue with the contest, that incident had a resounding effect to the very end and Horikita came in at a surprising 7th place. The other one who fell, Kinoshita, ended up placing bottom due to the pain in her leg preventing her from continuing with the contest.

She must have her regrets since she ended up like this after going in expecting to place 1st.

And with this it's 1st place, 3rd place and 7th place huh? As far as this match is concerned, there's no other choice but to write it off as an unfortunate incident but.......


"What's wrong, Ayanokouji-kun?".

"If this 'coincidence' were to occur again, then I may no longer be able to write it off as a mere 'coincidence'".

I brought up the subject I didn't broach earlier on with Hirata.

"As I thought, you think so too? I think the other students are also beginning to gradually realize it too. But for this to happen means---that things are moving in a bad direction, right?".

Unfortunately, his assessment is spot on.

"If there are any students that have caught onto this, can I leave you to care for them?".

"Of course. That's my role after all. But isn't there something we can do.......?".

"It'd be great if there is".

I felt relief seeing Hirata accept the task without a hint of discontent and so I headed over to the girl who seemed dissatisfied.

Horikita had a gloomy expression on her face coming back after her obstacle course race. The situation was clear as day if you look at her walk and posture that conveyed a sense of unease.

"Does it hurt?".

".....just a bit. But not to the extent of affecting the contests. If I rest up a bit I'll be


She put on a tough act like that but from just her sitting down, it looked as though she's having a difficult time. Steeling myself against incurring her wrath, I tried touching the part where I believe the injury lies.


"This isn't going to have any effect, you say?".

"Don't touch me. And also, don't mind me. I'll just have to bear with it".

To be in a position where winning is a duty can be painful at times like this. More so for people like Horikita, who pride themselves on being able to produce results.

"Well I guess if you retire then you won't even be getting any points so I do understand your desire to hang in there".

I had thought she would have glared at me for causing her pain but Horikita began to talk about something entirely different.

"More importantly, what concerns me is that girl. It's almost like that contact was done out of malice".

".....and this means?".

"While she was running behind me, that girl called out my name many times over".

So that's why she turned back to look occasionally during the match.

"Of course I thought it was strange. But soon after I turned back to look, we collided with each other and rest went exactly as you saw it. I would have objected but if this were an ordinary collision then she shouldn't have been calling out my name".

Certainly, there's a high likelihood that this was a surprise attack.

"Honestly, I can't keep up with think we're still in the middle of all this.....".

Taking the entire school into account, Horikita would be the third person to be injured.

There was a 2nd year who fell during their race and had to withdraw due to their leg injury but in their case, there's nothing in particular to worry about since it was an isolated incident.

"Rather than worry about me, you should be more worried about yourself. Your results are worse than mine right?".

Horikita, who took 1st place, 3rd place and then 7th place now due to the collision, currently stands at 30 points. I'm standing at 27 points. Close as it may be, there's no changing the fact that I'm still losing out.

"I'll do my best. But, don't push yourself too, ok?".

"I intend on participating in the contests even if I have to crawl to do it".

Leaving behind Horikita, who said such words, I made a move to prepare for the next contest: the three-legged race.

"How's Horikita-san doing?".

Hirata, having ascertained the situation from a distance, worriedly called out to me.

"It's pretty serious. It looks like it'll affect the subsequent contests".

"That's a severe turn of events".

While we tied the string, we exchanged such little interactions.

Not too long after, the three-legged race began for the 1st year boys. They started one after another. This sports festival is thoroughly being regulated by the school and the contests progressed without any waste. It was a brilliant performance almost on par with scheduled broadcasts.

Since a three-legged race inevitably means that two people end up forming one team, the number of teams that can run at once are a measly four. Sudou, who's in the group starting ahead of us, bottled up his anger and started.

Sudou's partner is Ike.

Normally, that would be considered backassward and highly risky but through a certain method, that combination makes a turn towards victory.


Screams came pouring out of Ike in the middle of the match. Apparently from the very first step, Sudou's technique burst forth explosively. In a sense, this is the ultimate three-legged race, a surefire way of winning. Sudou, stuck halfway with having to raise Ike up, roared with all his might. In a way, it's close to foul play but just from a glance, it still passes as a three-legged race. He succeeded in securing 1st place while forcibly supporting Ike so as to not let him collapse.

"For how difficult the situation is, Sudou-kun sure is very reliable".

I feel sorry for him that Ike was chosen as his partner but he should be satisfied from having taken 1st place.

"Certainly he's reliable. But if we're talking about winning, then Sudou alone is insufficient".

If I cannot control him, he might as well be a double-edged blade that could end up hurting us.

"Let's follow Sudou-kun".

Along with those words, Hirata started. Fortunately, there were no notable people running in the same group as us.

Since we were compatible as partners as well, similarly to Sudou, we ended up with the ultimate result of 1st place. Now no one should be complaining.

"Kyaa---! Hirata-kun's so cool---!".

However, the cheers from the girls directed at Hirata are painful to listen to.....

Then the girls' three-legged race began and in the second round up, the Horikita/Kushida pair began preparing. The pair consisting of Horikita, who's learned to compromise a bit and Kushida, who's all too willing to compromise. The relationship between them is abysmal but since their interests are aligned towards winning there should be no problem.

Now's the time to demonstrate the results of their practice.

They appeared to be making preparations without so much as initiating conversation with each other. From my perspective, knowing their internal affairs, it's truly a bizarre pair but from Class D's perspective, they're a relieving, safe and capable pair.

They had a promising start as 2nd place. Not a bad start and cheers began to rise up.

"Go, Suzune!".

Sudou, who had secured 1st place, let it get to his head and in violation of their promise, called her by her first name but his voice didn't necessarily reach Horikita, he's probably safe.

However, they immediately stalled right after and their ranking fell.

Before I realized, the ones running in 1st place were girls from Class A. It was a pair led by a girl who vaguely possesses the same aura as Horikita. At that moment, the Class C pair with Yajima in it that were in 2nd place, began their pursuit.

"Something's strange".

"Ahh? What is it?".

Sudou, who's busy cheering, didn't so much as look at me before cutting in like that.

"No...I thought Horikita's movements were rigid".

" that you mention it, that's right".

Horikita had always pulled her partner along by force during practice but in the actual event, it appeared as though Kushida is taking the lead. As I suspected, the pain in her leg is affecting her.

I had considered that it's because she's paired up with Kushida but it appears she's received a considerable amount of damage from her fall during the obstacle course race.

She seemed as though she were pushing herself to up her pace but her body's simply not capable of keeping up, that's my impression. Rather than shrink, the gap between 1st place and 2nd place began to widen gradually and Class B that's running in last place began to creep up on them. The two of them appeared to have decided to outrun the others by shifting courses. Their aim is to take up positions in front of Class B to obstruct their path forward.

Class B also tried to undauntedly give them the slip but since their speeds were almost equal to one another, it didn't go well.

Shrill cheers also rose up as the intense struggle over 3rd place occurred. By being too focused on obstructing their path, Horikita and Kushida gave an opening for a moment which allowed Class B to turn the situation around.

"Uwoooooo, that's disappointing!".

They ran the best they could but they came in at last place. The victory we had expected has now grown distant.

Part 8

A 10 minute break took place, and people either headed for the toilet or rehydrated themselves. Saying she'd be heading over to the infirmary to apply a compress, Horikita headed into the school building.

Even if it's just pouring water on a hot stone, it's still better than doing nothing I suppose. I didn't go anywhere, and instead remained in our camp while observing the other classes. As far as groups go, it's possible to pick up various sorts of information on them just by observing from a distance. And it was Class A, as I suspected, that proved it.

The twisted relationship between Katsuragi and Sakayanagi was highlighted. Anyone can see with their naked eye that they're clearly divided between two factions. Perhaps neither side has any intention of getting along with the other, since there's barely any contact between them. It is by no means strange for a class to have two appointed leaders. Even in our class, while having Hirata as the primary one, there's still Karuizawa and Kushida and in this case, even Sudou is leading the class. Of course we are changing it up each time but even so, our class is still united as one. We're not fractured to the point that we'd have internal disputes.

However, I could tell that there's blatant antagonism between Class A. It's something we didn't see in the previous exams, it's something that we cannot tell just from the fluctuations in points alone.

"It's impressive they were able to keep up their internal strife up until now".

After all, the Sakayanagi faction has the greater numbers.

Not too long after, as Hirata came over to me after having returned from the restroom, I decided to call out to him.

"Hey, what kind of student is Sakayanagi?".

"I see you're also curious about her, Ayanokouji-kun".

"One would get curious if they heard that she's a leader surpassing even Katsuragi".

What I don't understand is the mindset of the girl named Sakayanagi, the way she is. During this sports festival, she did not issue a single order and continued to keep her silence yet she conspired to take disruptive action against Katsuragi. Not a conflict with the other classes but rather a conflict within Class A. It's to the extent that she seems willing to lose points as long as it allows her to take out Katsuragi. Of course, it's possible that she's instigating this conflict in order to dominate the class.

But normally considering it, the enemy of your enemy would be your friend. First of all, the sane thing to do would be to establish cooperation in order to not lose to the other classes.

"She's very polite, good with people and also mature. That's why I didn't particularly think it was strange. Students from the other classes probably feel the same way too. But, it seems like it's different within Class A. I've heard rumors that she's aggressive and cruel".

There's probably a side we aren't aware of but we can't just take the words of the ones being attacked at face value either. Because we haven't even talked to her yet.

Besides, it's also a fact that messing around is impossible in this sports festival, especially for her. Since her body prohibits her from exercise, she may have no intention of blatantly taking action either.

"I don't think there's any need to be cautious of Class A this time. We're allies after all".

"I guess so".

There's nothing to gain from pulling each other's legs. At the very least, there probably won't be any disruptive acts taken against Class D and I can say with certainty that there haven't been any such acts.

On the other hand, what about Class C? It wouldn't be strange even if they took disruptive action against us. I looked towards the opposing camp. There, as though they were serving a king, male students were clustered around Ryuuen, who was at their center. As of right now, he's the man who fights with strategies most alien.

Even in this sports festival, he's fighting with the intention of closing in on and hurting the other classes mentally and has damaged them that way.

In particular, Sudou has pronouncedly been the recipient of such influence. Besides that, there's all sorts of trickery abound.

Then finally, I wonder how Class B is doing, having to fight against a formidable enemy like Class A while having to work together with Class C, from which a betrayal is possible.

Ichinose and her group, who are always cheerful and optimistic and seek to fight fair-and-square.

At first glance, I felt there have been no deviations from that stance of theirs. From the constant smiles and gestures of various students, I could see that they were enjoying this sports festival from the bottom of their hearts.

Part 9

After the short break, the order of the contests went in reverse temporarily and the curtains rose on the girls' cavalry battle. The 1st year girls all gathered at the center of the grounds. Of course, it's still a competition between the DA coalition and the BC coalition.

The rules for the cavalry battle are the same for both boys and girls and have a time limit. It's a mechanism set up such that scores are allocated based on the number of enemy horsemen defeated and the number of allied horsemen remaining after a period of 3 minutes. Four horsemen make up one team.

From each class, four horsemen were chosen and it ended up as a 8 vs. 8 match (due to that the surplus students were kept on reserve, treated as emergency substitutes).

One horseman is worth 50 points and each class has one horseman designated as the general and the general horseman is worth 100 points. You can acquire these points even if the opponent is still standing so as long as you can steal away their headband. If we had a peerless warrior it's possible to gain as many as 400 or 500 points in one stroke. By the way, Horikita is one of those in Class D chosen to be the jockey. The ones acting as support underneath her are Ishizaki, Komiya and Kondou. As far as maneuverability goes, they're not too bad.

As for the other jockeys, Karuizawa, Kushida and Mori were chosen.

The problem here is Mori's horse, which is composed of unathletic students. If we're targeted, there is a high possibility that she'd be the first to go down.

By designating that weak horseman as the general, they've adopted the strategy of keeping it out of the fight and protecting it with the remaining three horsemen. Perhaps they're aiming for a counterattack if the enemy attacks them?

Once the start signal is given, the horsemen from Class C and Class B quietly begin to close the distance. Amongst them, as I thought, the one overflowing with motivation was Class C's Ibuki. Ibuki, who happens to be the jockey, issued orders and headed towards Horikita without hesitation. No, it's not just Ibuki.

"O-Oi oi, what the hell's happening!?".

Ike, who had been watching, cried out and beside him, I could see Sudou clench his teeth.

Class C did not attack their other enemy, Class A, at all and did not pay any attention to Class D's general nor the other horsemen either. They only surrounded Horikita's horse. Their objective was all too clear.

Four horsemen attack Horikita. Is their strategy to crush us one after another, or do they think it's fine as long as they defeat Horikita? They're both possible given that Ryuuen is in command.

Outnumbered numerically, the only thing we could count on would be backup from Class A but perhaps they intend to profit from our fight, since Class A only performed feints and showed no signs of openly participating in the fight.

"They're blatantly targeting Horikita aren't they?".

"'s probably on Ryuuen's order. That piece of trash!".

"Well, it can't be helped. Horikita is well-known as the person who's holding Class D together".

The importance of crushing the head is the same whether it's war or sports. Ryuuen's tactics aren't half bad. Seeing that situation, the first ones to act in her support were Karuizawa and the cavalry under her command. Shinohara dashed there while supporting Karuizawa, who's the center. However, the one who got in their way was Class B's general horseman, Ichinose.

Unlike Class A, Class B is properly following Class C as they take independent action.

Running into one another, it's Karuizawa vs. Ichinose.

The ones who initiated the attack were Karuizawa and the others.

I suppose that's inevitable, given that they need to settle this as quickly as possible to support the targeted Horikita. The three girls supporting Karuizawa aren't particularly athletic. At best, it's a horse built from cooperation between close friends. On the other hand, Ichinose has utilized Class B's most prominent and talented people for her horse. They weren't afraid of Karuizawa's attack and with a movement surpassing hers, they dodged her attack.

However, despite being able to make a direct attack, Ichinose's movements didn't seem as sharp. In response to her attack, Karuizawa was able to react well and return fire.

The coordination vs. maneuverability match, contrary to expectations, showed signs of dragging on.

"This is a really good match!".

As the audience's excitement soared, the situation besides the two struggling horsemen began to change. Cheers burst forth. While I was busy watching Karuizawa and the others, one of the horsemen had their headband stolen away. It was Horikita. She was attacked simultaneously by four horsemen and no longer able to avoid their persistent attacks, she was finally crushed. She fell off her horse quite flashily and is now collapsed on the ground, trying to raise her upper body back up in frustration. However, in a situation like this, not even Sudou would have stood a chance of winning.

The cause of her defeat lies in Class A, who did not rush to aid her right away.

In any case, it's no use crying over spilt milk. Horikita's defeat marked the onset of a melee. Having lost a horseman and having Class B pursue them on top of it, Class D's unity wavered in an instant. Some fell off their horses and others had their headbands stolen away, and aside from Karuizawa, the other two horsemen resisted in vain before they were defeated.

Karuizawa, who had been fighting against Ichinose, momentarily ended up in an 8 vs. 1 scenario before, at the very end, she managed to steal away the headband from a different Class B horseman through a suicidal resolve and succeeded in ending that fight with a mutual kill. Having lost a horseman, Class C and Class B attacked the remaining Class A and wiped them out. As for the opposing team, they ended up losing only two horsemen as casualties.

Biting back her frustration, Horikita returned to our camp. Sudou calls out to her immediately.

"Don't worry about it. It was hopeless anyways, it's the others' fault for being too slow with their support".

" doesn't change the fact that I lost. I was swallowed up by that momentum of theirs".

Certainly, Class C gave off the feeling of obstinately aiming to defeat Horikita.

I had thought this earlier as well but if that's the case, no horseman would have stood a chance either way.

"Leave it to me. I'll go on a rampage and make up for this as well".

Sudou coolly said that. Normally words like this wouldn't even reach Horikita, but in her weak state right now, they seem to have resonated within her.

"I'll be expecting that from you".

It was brief, but she responded like that to Sudou.

"Alright, let's go guys!".

Sudou shouts. The boys' cavalry battle begins. I served the role of the horse on the right side. Sudou stands firm in the middle and Miyake's on the left side. Hirata assumed the role of the jockey and the class's strongest horseman was formed.

A peerless warrior capable of attaining victory even if the allied horsemen were to be defeated.

"Oi Hirata. You focus only on not falling down or having your headband stolen away".

" we're using 'that' strategy, right?".

"We were thoroughly beaten during capture-the-flag after all. We're going to win without holding back".


I couldn't see his face, but I knew Sudou must have been grinning. They're probably planning on using that tactic we've practiced over and over again during our training.

"But I'd like to make a proposal of my own, would that be fine? I was watching the girls' match earlier and I've thought of a way to win. I've already told Katsuragi-kun about it as well. It'll be bad if we keep being crushed each and every time".

The horsemen of Class D followed Hirata's orders and joined up with the horsemen from Class A at the same time the starting signal for the match rang. By becoming almost indistinguishable from Class A, we'd inevitably end up forming a massive cluster. They did abandon Class D to its fate during the girls' match but surely simply losing isn't what Class A wishes for either.

Looking at the situation unfold, the one who assumed the role of Class C's general, Ryuuen, laughed daringly. If fine details like cooperation cannot be achieved, then use broad orders to direct everyone forcibly. Following Katsuragi's orders, eight horsemen from the DA coalition assault the enemy team.

"Just aim for that shitty Ryuuen's head! Raah! Send him flying!".

In an instant, as the match begins across the entire field, Hirata's horse, Sudou, dashes forward with all his strength.

But a horseman from Class B stands in the way of his rampage in the middle.


"Don't get in my way!".

Sudou, without stopping, slammed into the enemy horseman's body with all his might and threw him off balance.


The enemy, whose physique is inferior to Sudou's, could do nothing but collapse, jockey and all.

"How about that, huh!?".

He looks down at them like a wild beast and moves onto his next prey. Normally hitting the body itself would be considered foul play but the school has already confirmed that there's no problem with it rulewise.

The enemy team faltered from that strong impression they received at the very start.

It was a strategy that could not be realized without the physique and personality to go with it. But this aggressive strategy has its drawbacks. Even if we knock down a jockey, it wouldn't count as a stolen headband. Rather, it would be treated as a self-destruct. The 50 points we should have obtained would end up floating away. But even so, if we bet on stealing their headbands, we'd incur a proportionate amount of risk.

That's about right for a Sudou-like strategy. But we cannot let our guard down just yet.

In Class B, there's the manoeuvrable general horseman that Kanzaki and Shibata are a part of and in Class C, there's still the general horseman composed of physically strong power types with Ryuuen as their jockey.

The DA coalition won't stand a chance of winning unless those two are taken care of. It's also eerie how we cannot read Ryuuen's mindset.

"Sudou-kun, let's defeat the ones around us first. Leave Ryuuen-kun for last".

"Huh? Don't say something boring like that! What we should be aiming for is the general's head!".

It's not like I don't understand what Sudou's trying to say through his howls but the wall in front of Ryuuen blocking us is a thick one.

"If we get swept up by our emotions here, that's giving him exactly what he wants.

Let's do what's necessary to win in the end".


In front of us, two horsemen from Class C begin their attack. Still holding a grudge from when he was stepped on, Sudou resists his urge to attack Ryuuen.

"I get it, first all we have to do is rout these guys right!?".

To defeat these enemies, focus is needed. Hirata reined him in well.

We fell during capture-the-flag before an overwhelming power but this time, things are going differently. Three horsemen from Class B and Class C combined have already been beaten by Sudou, showing an overwhelming difference in power.

Riding that wave, Katsuragi and the other Class A students succeeded in taking down Shibata and Kanzaki's horse despite losing three of their own.

The only remaining enemy is the general, Ryuuen himself. On the other hand, both Hirata and Katsuragi's horses have survived and Class D has an additional horseman remaining, creating the ideal situation.

"Oraora, it's 3 vs. 1 now though? This one's in the bag!".

Exchanging looks, the two horsemen, Katsuragi and Hirata, surround Ryuuen. The other horseman too, while keeping a slight distance, targets Ryuuen.

From the fact that he was able to steal away a headband, I could guess at the strength of Ryuuen's horse to a certain extent but even so, he would still be overwhelmed by our numerical superiority.

However Ryuuen did not panic. He wasn't perturbed. Rather, he seemed to be enjoying this desperate situation.

There's no negligence and neither did he seem defeated. That sort of feeling. Hirata and Katsuragi, if the two of them attack simultaneously, even if in the worst case scenario that one of them goes down, the other can still steal away Ryuuen's headband.

Then our victory will be assured.

It's precisely because the situation is like this that Ryuuen is able to pierce through the chink in his enemies' hearts.

"I've remembered your name, Sudou. I stepped on you earlier. It seemed painful".

"Keep saying that. I'm going to be beating you down now".

"You sound quite high-and-mighty for a mere horse leg. It feels pretty good looking down on a horse".

"Hah. Just because you're riding on a horse doesn't mean you're all that".

"Heh.....then this is all meaningless unless we go at it one-on-one".


"No, I mean, if you're saying you can't beat me unless it's 2 vs. 1 then it can't be helped. But 'winning' basically only holds meaning if you win one-on-one. Or are you going to put on airs after beating me with a pincer attack?".

"What the hell...!".

"Don't, Sudou-kun. It's a bad idea to rise to his provocations. Let's cooperate with Katsuragi-kun".

" don't get it".

"You're the one who's not getting it, Sudou. I understand you've taken care of these guys before but back then, you must have mostly been using cowardly tactics right? The comrades I trust would never be beaten by a frontal attack".

Some of those supporting Ryuuen's body also happen to be members of the basketball club who got into trouble with Sudou.

"Don't fuck around. Those guys are trash who can't even fight well".

"You're acting rather bullish even though you have no proof of that. If you're saying that's not true then face me one-on-one. And if you can beat me then, I'll do anything, even if it's prostrating before you".

" it. Don't go forgetting those words, Ryuuen! You heard him, Katsuragi.

Don't stick your nose in this!".

"What are you talking about? It's sheer folly to let this chance go. We should use a pincer attack to make sure he goes down".

"If you stick your nose in this, I'll destroy your horse".

Apparently he took Ryuuen's cheap bait. He already has nothing in his mind except a one-on-one. He understands well the fact that Sudou always had a bullish personality and is quick to fight.

"So you're determined to do it one-on-one no matter what then, Sudou-kun?......if we're doing it then let's win".

Hirata already knows Sudou's personality and behavior well. Once he flips his switch, it won't really be turned back off that easily.

Perhaps he had judged that continuing to carelessly try and persuade him otherwise would not be beneficial, as he agreed to the one-on-one.

"Naturally. Hirata, make absolutely sure your headband doesn't get stolen!".

Along with Sudou's forceful signal, the horse proceeds forward. Katsuragi, with a bitter expression, decides to watch the battle unfold. It's because if he interfered, Sudou would attack him even if he happened to be an ally.

Sudou charges forward and performs a body slam. However, the enemy horseman stood firm without being perturbed by it. Their power was equal. At the center of the horse protecting Ryuuen is the half I've been hearing about, Yamada. His strength is amazing. Just as the rumors claim, he's robustly strong.

Sudou clicks his tongue. I wonder if that's his frustration at being unable to overcome them.

Of course, Miyake and I, who supported Hirata from his flanks, could not use as much horsepower as Sudou is using. Suppose Sudou's horsepower is a 10, then the two of us would be a 5.

On the other hand, part of Ryuuen's horse, Yamada, would be a 9 or a 10. The rest of them tough enemies consisting of 7s and 8s.

"Interesting. Hey, bring it on. Or are you going to lose to our Albert in strength?".

Provoking Hirata, Ryuuen beckoned us without even setting any traps beforehand. Up until now, as far as the matches go, Ryuuen's had good fortune with his opponents and in all the individual contests he'd participated in, he's taken 1st place. He's quite athletic.

He observes us after brilliantly dodging Hirata's extended hand.

While supporting Hirata, I looked at the battle against Ryuuen and as far as I can see, we're evenly matched.

It wouldn't be strange no matter which side wins. However, he's only aggressive vocally, as Ryuuen showed no signs of pointlessly attacking us.

He's conserving his stamina and maintaining a ratio of 1 attack for every 3 attacks from Hirata. In short, this battle is just a waypoint for him and he's saving energy for the fight later against Katsuragi and the others, who are currently standing by.

He seems to be absolutely confident that he won't lose. If so, we need to strike at that opening. If we repeatedly attack then an opportunity will present itself to Hirata.

"Not yet, Hirata?".

Sudou said that in a pained voice while receiving most of the attacks coming from the enemy horseman alone.

"Just a little bit more---!".

He extends his arm, mixing a feint into it as well. His arm then bends and finally, managed to grasp Ryuuen's headband. However, what he grasped was only a few centimeters of the tip. He tried his best to pull it further into his hands.


Hirata had indeed grabbed ahold of the headband but he didn't make it as far as stealing it away since the headband slipped out of his hands.

"What are you doing, Hirata!? Take it! I'm using up quite a bit of strength here!".

" hand's a bit slippery!".

While breathing heavily, Sudou once again aims to attack. And Ryuuen fearlessly awaits it.

Compared to Ryuuen, who has yet to launch an offensive resembling an attack, Hirata's only been on the offense so far and he's beginning to breath heavily.

"What's the matter? Is that it?"

"Kuu.....! Sorry, Sudou-kun, fall back for now!".

In accordance with Hirata's shout, we put some distance between us. There's a difference in the consumption of stamina between Ryuuen, whose side hardly moved from that spot and our side that's been performing intense movements. Ryuuen's probably focusing on the upcoming battle against Katsuragi after defeating us.

Sudou, whose knees were trembling, took up his stance again while breathing feebly.

"Make the next one....the last, Hirata. Make sure you absolutely steal it!".

".....I understand. I'll try doing it".

Hirata also calms his breathing and concentrates only on stealing Ryuuen's headband away.

"Give 'em hell!!!".

Mustering up the last of his strength, he performed a body slam on them but the horse did not collapse. Once again, a fight between the jockeys broke out. However, Hirata assumed they would not initiate an attack and defenselessly extended his arm. The results that came of it would be well worth the risk taken.

"Got it!".

Straightforwardly and boldly, he reached out. Hirata once again succeeded in grabbing ahold of the headband.

However, once again, the headband slipped out of his hands.


Ryuuen did not overlook that upset, and his hands reached out to grasp Hirata's headband while he's still in a defenseless position. That hand of his, in the form of a counter, deeply gripped the headband. And forcefully. When he pulled back, the headband fell from Hirata's head all too easily. The moment he sensed that we had lost, Sudou collapsed onto his knees and Hirata fell off the horse.

Hirata's headband was noisily hoisted up.

Immediately after, as though it came from within the field, a warning was issued from the referee.


Sudou, who was going wild, glared at Ryuuen as he stood back up. However, if he keeps standing still like that, I don't know what kind of warning he'll receive. I pushed Sudou's back and headed out.

"How regrettable".

Ryuuen, as though sneering at him, left behind those words. It's still too early to accept defeat though.

The general horseman, Katsuragi, a survivor from Class A, boldly challenged Ryuuen. Katsuragi, who had assumed the role of the horse's head, issued orders to the jockey, Yahiko, and builds up a thorough defense. Now that Sudou's withdrawn, they were able to link up with the remaining horseman from Class D and a 2 vs. 1 situation is realized.

However, just as I had thought they were able to grab ahold of the headband like Hirata did, a similar scenario unfolded where they were unable to pull it off and ultimately Yahiko's headband, along with Class D's headband, were both stolen away.

Despite only utilizing minimal movements, Ryuuen demonstrated marvelous strength and survived to the very end.

As the signal marking the match's conclusion rang out, he took off his headband and swung it around in a display of triumph. Doing that and thoroughly repeating his acts of provocation are also probably a part of his strategy.

"He's the only one I absolutely didn't want to lose to! Pull yourself together, Hirata!".

Because Ryuuen's the one person he didn't want to lose to, Sudou's frustration is at an all-time high today. It's a situation where it wouldn't be strange even if he went on a rampage and tore the place up.

"Sorry, Sudou-kun. That headband was strangely wet and so I couldn't quite pull it off. I thought it was sweat at first but that feels a bit off.....".

Hirata said that and showed us his hands. When I touched his fingertips, I realized he had some kind of clear and sticky fluid stuck on his fingertips.

"That's not sweat".

"Then that means that bastard......!".

After confirming it by touching it with his own fingers, Sudou approached Ryuuen.

"Oi, that's foul play you bastard! You slathered your headband with something!".

In response to the howling Sudou, Ryuuen fearlessly and boldly replied.

"Ahh? I don't know anything about that. Even if that's so, it's probably just the hair wax. Don't be a sore loser".

He could say it came from his hair when he put on the headband. Perhaps it's because he had been swinging it around after his victory or perhaps it's simply because he'd wiped it on the ground but rather than being drenched, the headband in Ryuuen's hand was only dirtied. It seems the evidence has been erased.

"Sudou, we'll end up causing an uproar here. For now, I think it's better if we returned to our tent".

I could tell that the referee is openly glaring at us. Even if we cause trouble here, we wouldn't be able to prove that Ryuuen had smeared it and as a matter of fact, I do believe he's used hair wax.

If not then it would be a risky move that could result in foul play, something he wouldn't do.

"I know! More importantly, Ayanokouji, you're also at fault here. You need to provide better support more".

Even after returning to our tent, Sudou showed no sign of calming down. I took my distance from him to give him some alone time to cool off.

Karuizawa called out to me and Hirata once we came back from our cavalry battle.

"Hey, Kiyotaka. Isn't this bad?".

"What is? Wait, why did you just call me by my first name?".

"Why?.....I'm calling him Yousuke-kun so I'm doing the same for you too".

Then why exactly are you calling him by his first name? Or is this not about Hirata but rather about fooling around with me? I don't even have to think deeply about's probably just that.

"More importantly, it's about Horikita-san. Isn't she having a hard time for quite a while now? Even during the cavalry battle just now, she was a mess. Even if I try and follow up for her if it's like that, it's just absurd".

"That's right".

Horikita is being tormented by the contests and not just the team competitions but as a whole, her rankings have fallen significantly. The reason for that is an obvious one. Due to her fall during the obstacle course race, her right leg has been injured. One would normally suggest withdrawing but if that were to happen, Class D as a whole would be taking a huge step backwards.

"Well, I don't intend to blame her though. Her opponents are just too much".

Like Karuizawa said, it's not like it's Horikita's fault. Each and every time she keeps running into difficult opponents. No matter what contest it may be, if she keeps having to face students who happen to be the best in their clubs, then naturally winning would prove difficult.

But this is far too biased to write off as a mere coincidence.

"It can't be helped. She's being targeted after all".

"Targeted? So you mean it's not a coincidence that she keeps running into all these amazing people?".

"I can't think of anything but that. You should also know just how athletic she is".

It's not that Horikita is bad, it's just that the opponents she's forced to compete against happen to be superior. However, by consecutively placing bottom, she couldn't help but stand out to both enemies and allies alike.

More so because people have started to take notice of Horikita in particular.

The fact that she was the first one targeted in the cavalry battle only means that they're targeting the root. And in all likelihood, the one who ordered that is---the one conducting himself like a king in the enemy camp, Ryuuen Kakeru. No one but him would do this.

He's progressively prioritizing attacking Horikita over leading Class C to victory.

"It's what you'd call harassment".

"You're saying someone's harassing Horikita-san...? But, how.....".

"By the way, it's not just Horikita. They know everyone's group numbers for the contests. They fed weak opponents to the more athletic ones like Sudou and Onodera and for the unathletic one like Sotomura, Yukimura and Ike, they had them compete against students who are capable of barely winning. Basically, what it means is that we're being toyed with".

Then there's the fact that it's all students from Class C.

"...the class's information slipped out...the list on the participation table was leaked?".

"That's right. All of this was set up in advance and the information was communicated to Ryuuen".

"That sort of thing.....if I recall, Horikita-san's opponents were always---Yajima-

san and Kinoshita-san...does this have something to do with the traitor you were talking about earlier?".

I nodded slightly. I made her understand just how bad of a situation this is.

"That sort of did you find out....? How should I put it, it would be less strange if you told me you're the traitor.....that's not it right?".

"Unfortunately enough".

Leaving aside the 'who' for now, what's important is that the class's information is being leaked.

Our order of participation in the contests that we agreed on, with Hirata being first on the list, as well as our strategies, all of it is known to Ryuuen. Based on that information, he did two things.

One is to feed weak students to the talented students like Sudou and Hirata. And then he forces unathletic students like Ike and Yamauchi to compete against students who excel in sports beyond the shadow of a doubt in order to rack up wins that way. Of course, we are also taking that into account when coming up with our combinations but since Class C knows everything, they simply wait for us to make our move. That way, there's no mistaking the fact that Class C would produce better results.

The other is his targeting of Horikita. But that has nothing to do with leading his class to victory. He himself, for the sole purpose of crushing Horikita, is sending out powerful pieces to attack and crush her.

As a matter of fact, she's already losing face. If we rank Class D, then Horikita is already sinking to the very bottom of it. These strategies indeed reveal the peculiarities of the man known as Ryuuen Kakeru.

If he truly did not wish for his strategy to be revealed, he could have made sure to switch up the students in detail. However, the fact that he didn't do so would mean that he wishes to shock us by having us catch onto his strategy, it's because his desire to scare us that way is clear.

"So you're not going to help her?".


"That's....something I don't know".

"The participation table for this sports festival has already been confirmed. There's nothing we can do about that".

"So you're saying Class D might lose like this?".

"I suppose so".

"Is there nothing we can do?".

"Rather than consult me, I think this is something you should go over with Hirata".

"That's---that's true but...somehow if it's you, I thought you'd be able to think of something.....".

This sports festival is open for public viewing. Unlike the uninhabited island, there aren't very many blind spots. Since we're being watched by a great many people, both teachers and students will find pulling something off without being noticed a difficult task.

You could say that fighting upfront like Ichinose and Katsuragi, or taking a risk and using cowardly tactics repeatedly like Ryuuen are the only methods one can utilize.

Even in Ryuuen's case, from his movements and attitude, I could tell that he committed foul play only after thorough rehearsals and practice. In short, what it means is that most of the results have already been decided from before the sports festival even began.

"What do you think of Horikita?".

"What......I don't like her. She's conceited and impertinent".

"But you're still worried about her".

"Maybe I saw her as being similar to me".

Targeted, taking concentrated fire and forced into distress. So she's projecting her old, bullied self onto her.

"Right now, Class D is last place right......? Is there any way left to win?".

"Not to worry. So far everything's going as I predicted".

"So you have been putting some thought into it after all. So? How do we win?".

"Win? I don't intend to win in particular. Right now what's truly important is that we do nothing".


Karuizawa opened her mouth agape when I answered like that.

"For this sports festival, just do what you can. By doing that, it'll prove beneficial later".

"What do you mean by---".

As I pondered over how best to escape Karuizawa's interrogation, I suddenly heard an angry bellow.

"I'm seriously going to knock the shit out of that bastard!".

Sudou, who had turned into a demon, walked forcefully towards Class C.

The continuous provocations he received during the team competitions, and Ryuuen's statements that seemed to be targeting Horikita. All of that appeared to have been for the sake of causing Sudou to go on a rampage now.

"I get what you mean, Sudou-kun. But I think we need to stay calm about this. You should know what'll happen if you attack Ryuuen-kun".

Hirata stood in his way to stop him but he forcefully shoved Hirata.

"Shut up! He's the one fucking around here! He's committing foul play!".

"I do think there's a high possibility of it being foul play. But isn't it difficult to prove that?".

The trampling he received during capture-the-flag and letting go during tug-of-war, both of those can be considered foul play but it's still in a gray area and as for the hair wax he used during the cavalry battle, since there's no evidence of it now it's nothing more than mere speculation. At the very least, drawing close to him while being controlled by his rage, Sudou wouldn't be able to solve anything. More likely, he'd have the tables turned on him instead. If he attacks the other classes this publicly, there's the possibility that it wouldn't just end with Sudou being disqualified.

"I'm the leader during the sports festival. Obey me, Hirata, let's gang up on Ryuuen together".

"I'm not denying that you're the leader. Considering this sports festival, there's no doubt that you're the leader. But I want you to look around. Just how many people right now acknowledge you as their leader?".

Sudou looks around.

Starting with Ike and the others, who cowered before his anger, most of the students kept their distance from the irritated Sudou. They're all keeping their distance so as to not incur his wrath. Horikita too, was looking at Sudou's speech and conduct with exasperated eyes.

This is the current state of Class D. It's something we need to accept and improve upon.

"I'm desperately trying for the sake of the class.....".

Sudou squeezed those words out angrily but all the other students except Hirata raised their voices.

"Is that really so? Rather than wanting the class to win, isn't it just that you want to show off? Isn't it just that you want to show us just how amazing you are? At the very least, I think so. You're just being swept along by your emotions, and you decide usefulness and uselessness based on that. You get angry. If the class can win with just that alone we wouldn't even be having trouble. If you're going to throw your weight as leader around, you need to make rational decisions and give accurate advice".

It was Yukimura who cut in like that. Despite suffering from his own results in the sports festival, he's earnestly putting in effort.

"Shut up.....".

"I feel the same way too, Sudou-kun. It's precisely because we're relying on you, Sudou-kun, that I want you to see the bigger picture. And I want you to respond to the feelings of all your comrades".

"Shut up......".

"You should be able to do that, Sudou-kun. That's why---".

"I'm telling you to shut up!".

Go~. Just as I thought a dull sound like that rang out, Hirata, who had been standing next to him, was shoved from behind and had collapsed onto the ground.

Sudou's eyes were bloodshot and he doesn't even seem to have realized the mistake he made. If someone says too much, they'll probably be the next ones to be beaten. No, he's already trying to beat Yukimura up.

However, by beating Hirata up, Sudou's already bathing in attention regardless of whether it's wanted or not and the teachers are eyeing him as well. Despite it being a class's internal affair, if violence is involved, it won't end with just a warning.

"What's going on?".

Chabashira-sensei, who is responsible for watching over the class, walks over to the collapsed Hirata. Then looking at Sudou's rage and the red mark left on Hirata's cheek from being hit it's more or less easy to grasp what's happening.

"Did you hit him?".

Not even hearing him out, Chabashira-sensei only asks for the truth. Not having felt any gratification, Sudou angrily answered without even denying it.

"....what'll you do if I did?".

Sudou affirms it but on the contrary, Hirata stood up and panickedly corrects her.

"That's not it, sensei. I just fell down on my own".

"I hardly see it that way".

"You're wrong. Because I'm saying so, there should be no problem then".

We cannot afford to have both the fact that Sudou punched and Hirata was punched come to light. Hirata made the right call. After a slight delay, Chabashira-sensei delivers her judgement.

"Certainly you're right. If the victim is saying nothing's wrong then first of all, there's no problem. However, objectively looking at it, there's the possibility that there's some kind of trouble going on between you guys. For now, keep your distance from one another. Then I'll be filing a report to my superiors. As a preventive measure".

"There's no trouble here and I don't want to cause any misunderstandings. I understand".

Thanks to Hirata's calm response, nothing came of it. Hirata took his distance to stay out of Sudou's field of vision.

On the other hand, Sudou was no longer able to suppress his rage and kicked a pipe chair near him with all his strength. Under Chabashira-sensei's watchful eye, beating up Class C is impossible to pull off.

"Do whatever you want. Go ahead and lose, you small fries. This sports festival can eat shit".

For a moment, Sudou looked at Horikita, who had been watching the whole thing but he averted his eyes. Sudou left and started walking back towards the dormitory.

"This is bad, Ayanokouji".

"This has nothing to do with me though".

Kouenji is absent due to ill health. And now Sudou's walked out on us. Rationally speaking, Class D's situation can be summed up as a shamefully terrible one.

"Are you alright, Hirata?".

"Yeah, I really got it good though".

Fortunately, it seems like only the inside of his mouth is a bit cut up and no large and visible external injuries occurred.

"But what do we do.....this is bad".